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  1. P

    Exactly how are TPA tables easier than the real thing?

    pffff we wish! :) apparently not an iPad player, eh?
  2. P

    Big Shot 250K goal finally accomplished.

    get a rope.
  3. P

    How Do FarSight Calculate Each Table's HOF Conversion Value?

    it'd be interesting to hear farsight's thoughts on what the number means to them. i assume the idea is to have the score represent acheiving the upper limit of skill on a table. it seems like reaching 1000 HOF points is getting harder and harder on their newer releases. games like Bride of...
  4. P

    Bug Machine keeps launching two balls after LITZ

    i've had this happen too. really sucks. i think i was at about 6 billion on my first ball.
  5. P

    Tournament Ended Early?

    well crap! that is unexpected. it distinctly said on the intro screen that it would end at midnight tonight! oh well -- can't be too disappointed with 3rd place :D :D :D
  6. P

    Wesley Crusher.

    haha, that is great. say what you will about Wesley, but Wil Wheaton rocks.
  7. P

    ELVIRA and CFTBL scores roll over in Tournament

    yeah, definite bug. it's one thing for the machines to roll over, but the tournament needs to record the proper score, like the leaderboards do.
  8. P

    Any TPA Tables You Regret Buying?

    every table, even the less-well-done ones, are a total bargain. none of them cost more than a lunch.
  9. P

    extra ball question?

    it's working as designed.
  10. P

    Leaderboard Problem?

    back on PHoF for the Wii, I once got the ball stuck on this table. it got stuck bouncing in a triangle pattern between the right bumper and a pair of posts over on that side of the table. the ball repeated this pattern for over an hour without any input from me, until i finally nudged the...
  11. P

    CFTBL: Tactics and Strategies

    i haven't spent much time on this table, but i'm pretty good at it (usually rack up multiple big super jackpots and games are longgggg) several tips: - trying to trap on the right is a little more interesting now (ios) but it's still pretty easy. from the kickout, it's about 50/50, and even...
  12. P

    No hope for planet earth (iOS PBA user reviews)

    amazing what people feel entitled to for a buck these days.
  13. P

    Request Please improve "Call Attendant" logic-- it ruins games (suggestion included)

    which is understandable, because that could always be exploitable.
  14. P

    Request Please improve "Call Attendant" logic-- it ruins games (suggestion included)

    but that gives me an idea -- if you call an attendant AFTER tilting, maybe it could reset the ball no matter what without any ill effects?
  15. P

    Request Please improve "Call Attendant" logic-- it ruins games (suggestion included)

    that's because it's waiting for the active ball to drain, which isn't happening.
  16. P

    PHOF re-releases. For how long?

    Pin*bot solar in PHOF has to be the toughest achievement across all incarnations of these tables. That thing just drains to the left wayyyyyyyt too often. I really like the table ... I just wish it liked me back :). When it does come, I hope farsight tames that outline just a tad.
  17. P

    What a challenge!

    oh mannnnnnn i had my worst TNG moment ever! i am slowwwly getting better at this table, but it's a struggle. last night, i managed to hit the Gamma Quadrant in the "Search the Galaxy" mission, and I aced a bunch of other missions too, resulting in me having eight, count em, EIGHT artifacts...
  18. P

    machines that broke the mold

    yeah, what a weird machine that was! no outlanes. every ball starts with an automatic 3-ball multiball. hardly anything to do other than hit drop targets ... over and over and over and over. there are 5 sets of 3 drop targets, and if you drop all 5 sets 5 times each (so that's 3x5x5 = 75...
  19. P

    Bug iOS Version 1.2.3 Bugs

    well, these kinds of problems are usually due to the design of the iPhone / iPad operating system. If the device is locked or if the app enters the "background" (home button is pressed) the operating system stops guaranteeing resources to the app. It doesn't seem like Pinball Arcade has a...

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