i hate to be "that guy" but i am unable to restrain myself from pointing out that the phrase "broke the mold" refers to the practice of destroying the tool you used to create a thing in order to insure its uniqueness -- the phrase is meant to express that there will never be another one like it...
that's an interesting take. i can see that. it takes the game from simply hitting as many targets as possible before draining to making progress on varied goals (hitting targets or rollovers to light locks 1 through 3), with an eventual end reward (multiball).
it's a similar evolution early...
similar thing happened to me twice before -- a few months ago when i was over 9000 (consistently top 10 overall), and then again last week after i'd worked my way back up over 6000. it's extraordinarily frustrating and has made it difficult to face playing the game at all anymore. it's absurd...
well, i think each person has to get a feel for it individually, but there is definitely skill involved, and i've gotten much better over time. personally, i find it easier to defeat the power with the right magnet than the left:
as the ball enters the playfield, it usually falls at a...
TNG -- Patrick Stewart proclaiming "ALL HANDS PREPARE FOR MULTIBALL!" it's great in and of itself, but it's also a sweet reminder of the greatest cold-open in television history: Cause and Effect, where the Enterprise blows up before the opening credits :D
nah, there's plenty of strategy to be had. the trick is to keep control of the ball. i wish someone would make a tips and strategies thread.
this is the wrong place for this, but here's my first and best tip: i find it most advantageous to start with the "Warp 4" launch shot instead of going...
why did this happen and how can i prevent it from happening again? this is the second time it has happened. first time i was over 9000, this time i had worked my way back over 6000. this is really discouraging. i have tried the save / restore buttons in the options menu to no avail. is...
This happened to me once so far, so it may just be a weird fluke, but i think i should report it in case others have seen it too.
this is a different issue from the occasional long pause after LITZ.
this occured during what was by farrrr my best game ever, so it was very frustrating! :eek:
changing difficulty in that manner is not feasible. coming up with multiple physics models for even one table would be a huge, expensive, and buggy undertaking. my advice is enjoy the tables as they are -- some are hard, some are easy, and (aside from TZ and imo funhouse) they are reasonably...
Twilight Zone becomes "too easy" once you master the left ramp / right ramp / piano shot, and become disciplined about avoiding certain risky shots. at that point, games turn into a marathon.
you know, just shrinking it a bit would solve my main issue -- that when a ball is underneath it, i can't see what's going on to determine whether i need to nudge or not. it's covering up a pretty important spot!
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