i thiiiiink that's Q saying good luck. also, who is it saying "faantastic." and "beyond belief." it sounds like Brent Spiner doing his Patrick Stewart impression.
Eh don't sweat it, you can barely get a crappy lunch at McDonald's $5.
Farsight must feel like it can't win. They make the game easy and everyone whines. They make the game (realistically) hard and they still get complaints. Personally, I love the tuning of TNG ... It feels a more fair than...
i am like ... the worst starfleet officer in history. my probes routinely find jack ****. i am constantly ramming the ship into asteroids. i inevitably fail at battle simulations. And i can't count how many times i must have gotten my crew assimilated by the Borg.
on IOS, I recently started using my Farsight login, which means i have to re-do high scores on all my tables. i have been revisiting tables i haven't played in a while and i'm sort of shocked how much my skill has improved since i first "mastered" them. for example, i haven't played Creature...
that's where i flip from!
what about the bottom middle? to operate the trigger on the real table, you move your right hand from the right flipper to the left a bit to hold the trigger. it'd be a similar motion, sort of.
it's perfect for me -- my thumb does not hit it on accident, yet only requires a slight readjustment to hit it.
apparently, though, people hold their devices in many different ways. an easy way to fix this would be to make the trigger position configurable.
i am LOVING this table so far...
the thing is, it gives out so many extra balls, that once you learn and get good at the safe shots, there's no reason a person couldn't go on basically indefinitely. unlike Funhouse's mirror, you can repeat the LITZ buildup multiple times on a single ball and keep your stack of extras maxed out...
i agree TZ is currently too easy.
i also agree that Pin*Bot is a tough, punishing machine. But i've played real Pin*Bots, and they weren't as absurd as Pin*Bot on PHOF (wii version). that game sent the ball down the left outlane immediately off the plunger a good third of the time, with no...
fascinating, matt! holding the flipper doubles the width of the lane at least. that image is super helpful -- the actual structure of the bumpers / camera / pinball machine / hitchhiker area is really tough to figure simply from playing TPA. i mean i figured out which shots will trigger what...
Twilight Zone: obvious choice, needs no explanation.
Creature from the Black Lagoon: just a tremendously well balanced table that requires a wide variety of shots, and some creative juggling for the highest scores.
Big Shot: heartless, cruel, and unfair, but i cannot stop coming back!
i also had a very weird thing happen -- during the draining of the balls at the end of LITZ, when the flippers went dead, one ball got stuck underneather the upper-right flipper. after a moderate delay, the machine gave up looking for that ball and finally loaded the plunger, which resulted in...
when i bought a new TV a few years back, my Wii PHOF scores instantly went through the roof. i was flabbergasted. i didn't realize i had been playing with significant tv-induced lag. i didn't modify the setup or any of the cables. the only difference was the new tv had a "game" mode that...
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