no version of the ipad has enough raw processing power to encode video while playing pinball. your best bet is a video out and recording off of that target device?
Creature From The Black Lagoon
i was in the middle of a GREAT game (for me, anyway). 3.5 billion on my first ball (more than double my previous high score total!) and during muiltiball, one of the balls disappeared. i don't know where it went. it might have flown off the table to the right...
actually, yes, i do happen to own that. it was a gift from the mother in law many christmases ago. not a bad little budget game. i mean it is no "PHOF: the williams collection", but it's no "action 52" either. :)
ahaha yeah that is true, it is more than a little notorious! oh well, i still love these guys.
cheetahmen. ooof.
(warning: extremely colorful language)
okay. finally got 1000 HOF points on this table today (over 5 million). played it for several hours. there was one recurring bug that was pretty annoying -- it happened about 4 times in 3 hours. on the lower playfield, i shoot a ball in the general direction of the captive hole. it hits...
last night i had 90,000 on my "first" ball (including one extra ball) and at the end of the game my score was 97,000. which i mean, ok, fairly average final score, but to haave my final four balls total 7,000 ... so sadface.
when i had this problem, i rebooted my iPad (full power off and back on) and then when it cam back up i logged out of gamecenter and logged back in. this solved it for me, obviously your mileage may vary.
That's a silly thing to complain about. Every other TPA machine does this, too, and the reasoning is sound. It makes sense to reward the player for getting the special, and obviously a "free game" would be meaningless.
i find i am losing a LOT of balls when i try to catch. i get a lot of lame flops right down the middle on shots where i thought i'd be able to stop it. i actually do better when i simply try to slap it in the right direction, instead of trying to calm it down. this is in contrast to almost...
update: i rebooted my ipad, logged out of gamecenter and back in, and it's recording HOF points now. not sure if the rebooting or the relogging did it.
it has to do with the 8 ball, which i think is intended to let you carry over your progress to the next ball, but since the ball lights go out, it merely makes the table unclearable on that ball.
well, the way collision detection works .. basically, when the ball is in motion, it must move a certain amount per frame rendered. the number of frames calculated per second depends on the processing power of the device (on ipad it seems about 60 frames per second, but i don't know). i also...
games are too short with 5 balls. can we up it to 10?
this thing makes Jive Time seem forgiving. what a monster. a good third of my balls drain without touching a flipper. it'd be a little less frustrating if nudge on ios weren't 99% ineffective, at least it'd feel like i had a chance. I...
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