Bug iOS Version 1.2.3 Bugs

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Moon Jump

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 2 Current OS

Bug Description: All games start up, with no icons to pause, launch a ball etc. When you do launch a ball it goes to a sideways closeup of the DMD and the camera won't pan back. It did it on both viewing angles.

Steps To Reproduce: Re-Started the app, shut down my iPad and tried to re-install the app.

Frequency: Every game, every time I boot it up.

Additional Comments: I thought if I simply re-installed the app on my iPad it would fix it. But now I've got an even bigger problem. Every time I try to download the game it installs pack 7 and not pack 8. I've tried multiple times, from the iTunes store and off the cloud and both had the same result. Even downloading the free version, the game has the "Attack from Mars" icon and reverts back to "Star Trek TNG"

What's up?


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I'm not sure if it is a new problem, but what's keep bugging me a lot lately on my iPad 3 is that you can't pause a play and leave the app without the app crashing on bringing it back up. All the time...
This is especially cumbersome when on the move since most of the time you don't have time to complete a whole game in time.

Anyone else with the same problem?
I have to check if the problem persists on the iPhone 5 as well.


Feb 28, 2012
I'm not sure if it is a new problem, but what's keep bugging me a lot lately on my iPad 3 is that you can't pause a play and leave the app without the app crashing on bringing it back up. All the time...

It's punishing us for our lack of dedication to pinball. What else could you possibly want to be doing?

I also get this often (iPad 1, iOS 5.5.1). Sometimes happens even if I don't leave the app between pausing and unpausing.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
I have the same pause/crash issue as well...seems it's been around for many previous releases as well.

Device/OS: iPad 3, iOS 6.0.1

Bug Description: Game will crash and all progress is lost when the game is paused and the device enters screen lock. I believe I've also seen it crash even if the device has NOT entered screen lock.

Steps To Reproduce: Pause the game and allow the device to enter screen lock mode. Upon resuming after pause/screen lock, the game will crash to the Springboard.

Frequency: Uncertain but it seems like mostly in the middle of a game.

Additional Comments: Have only seen this on iPad 3, iOS v6.0.1. Have an iPhone 5 iOS v6.0.1 as well but have not seen the bug on this device since I seldom play on it.

I also get this always on the iPad 1, iOS 5.5.1. Sometimes happens even if I don't leave the app between pausing and unpausing.

I'm not sure if it is a new problem, but what's keep bugging me a lot lately on my iPad 3 is that you can't pause a play and leave the app without the app crashing on bringing it back up. All the time...
This is especially cumbersome when on the move since most of the time you don't have time to complete a whole game in time.

Anyone else with the same problem?
I have to check if the problem persists on the iPhone 5 as well.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
well, these kinds of problems are usually due to the design of the iPhone / iPad operating system. If the device is locked or if the app enters the "background" (home button is pressed) the operating system stops guaranteeing resources to the app. It doesn't seem like Pinball Arcade has a concept of saving state mid-game, so when the app is backgrounded or when the device is locked, the OS will shortly reclaim memory currently in use by it, or dump threads its using, and the app will crash. There's no way to tell the OS not to do this (well, you can request additional time from the OS to finish remaining tasks, but that's only for a few minutes of intended "cleanup time" as far as i know, and is not intended to be used to preserve a paused game). Unlike a Windows or Mac computer, which allow apps to do more or less whatever they want while minimized or in the background, the IOS operating system is extremely hostile to any background programs.
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
Unlike a Windows or Mac computer, which allow apps to do more or less whatever they want while minimized or in the background, the IOS operating system is extremely hostile to any background programs.
Be that as it may, this is the first App I believe I've ever seen ever crash after resuming it, either after a screen lock, or simply running it in the background and resuming it. Note that I also *always* close off any apps that are/were running so the crashing is not due to the lack of memory/resources. TPA is the only App running.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
Yeah I had that crash happen once when all I did was close the smart cover and open it. Really sucked as I was having a brilliant game of something and all was lost.

Here's something I don't know if specific to iOS or the table. I cannot for the life of me get the Skill Shot on Ripley's despite confirming that the arrow for it was flashing when I launched the ball and hit the scoop; instead it records the B in B-O-Z-O - it's the last standard goal I have to meet. I've hit it twice in one game and still I get denied the Skill Shot goal - that's not right!!!


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Jan 27, 2013
Device/OS: iPhone 4S IOS 6.1

Bug Description: "Attack From Mars" Pro Menu Table Exploration mode is frozen on the front of the table, (The Place where you put the coins in.) That stops me from viewing the actual Playfield

Steps To Reproduce: Bug Happens Every-time I Select Table Exploration from the Pro Menu

Frequency: Every-time

Additional Comments: Bug only happens on attack from mars. Not on any other pro table I own.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Device/OS: iPad 4 with iOs 6.0.1

Bug Description:in Attack from Mars, when the ball is coming down to the flippers from the right loop it suddenly deviates toward the center of the table, sometimes draining in the centar without chance of rescue.

Steps To Reproduce:normal playing, ball coming down from right loop

Frequency:happens frequently during normal play

Additional Comments:not sure if its a bug, just looked like an abnormal behaviour of the ball for me.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 5 / iOS 6.1

Bug Description: Attack From Mars Pro Menu/Table Exploration is stuck at the coin door view and will only pan left/right. Front/back panning does not work.

Steps To Reproduce: Select Pro Menu/Table Exploration feature

Frequency: Always

Additional Comments:
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
EDIT: Likely fixed with the Attack From Mars (1.2.3) update.

Device/OS: iPad 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 5 / iOS 6.1

Bug Description: Twilight Zone Power Ball looks exactly like a standard silver ball. It should be a whitish/grey color with no reflection. If you select a different ball "skin" under Table Menu/Extras/Custom Ball, the Powerball's appearance is correct.

Steps To Reproduce: Start Twilight Zone

Frequency: Always
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 5 / iOS 6.1

Bug Description: Twilight Zone Power Ball looks exactly like a standard silver ball. It should be a whitish/grey color with no reflection. If you select a different ball "skin" under Table Menu/Extras/Custom Ball, the Powerball's appearance is correct.

Steps To Reproduce: Start Twilight Zone

Frequency: Always

I thought this was fixed? it is for me on my ipad 3, I assumed the fix came along with AFM. I'll post a screengrab when I get home.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
iPad 3 When playing Circus Voltaire before multi ball starts it looks for the 3rd ball for awhile. When it doesn't find it it then starts multi ball....


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I thought this was fixed? it is for me on my ipad 3, I assumed the fix came along with AFM. I'll post a screengrab when I get home.

You may be correct...looks as if it has been fixed, at least on my iPhone 5 using Table Exploration and under the table flyover & gameplay. I don't have access to my iPad 3 until later so I can't verify it on that device until then. I distinctly remember it still being "broken" even though I read reports of it being fixed. Maybe it corrects itself after re-selecting the standard ball skin after using a different ball skin. I was using one to make the Power Ball visible...weird.

I've verified on my iPad 3 that the Power Ball ceramic "skin" is indeed working now.
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New member
Aug 8, 2012
It has to do with the amount of transparent surface area. No Good Gofers in addition to the ramps has the big transparent upper playfield. If both the ramps and the upper playfield were transparent, I assume it would be too much for older devices.

I still wish they would cut transparent "holes" in the ramps above the outlane entrances and upper flipper so we could see what was going on, though.

Take a look at creature from the black lagoon, it's full of transparent ramps + awesome hologram. No performance issues, I don't buy that explanation from FS (or should it be BS)
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Take a look at creature from the black lagoon, it's full of transparent ramps + awesome hologram. No performance issues, I don't buy that explanation from FS (or should it be BS)
That hologram is not actually transparent; that's just a texture change when the Creature is displayed. The ball never goes underneath the playfield, so there is no need for actual transparency.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
That hologram is not actually transparent; that's just a texture change when the Creature is displayed. The ball never goes underneath the playfield, so there is no need for actual transparency.

Regardless there are transparent ramps everywhere on that table. Also other tables have more going on that NGG, Totan, tom etc, way more detailed too.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Regardless there are transparent ramps everywhere on that table. Also other tables have more going on that NGG, Totan, tom etc, way more detailed too.
I don't think the ball can actually get under the Theatre's ramps, and a good fraction of TOTAN's ramp is over areas where the ball does not get underneath. So all of those areas, while they make look transparent, don't actually have to be transparent.

On NGG, the entire upper playfield is transparent, and obviously the ball is capable of reaching the vast majority of the space underneath it. So that playfield has to be actually transparent (and it is), but adding transparent ramps on top of that apparently was too much.

And before this gets any further out of hand: Yes, I wish the ramps were transparent too. I don't play NGG on my iPad because I can't see the upper flipper or the outlanes.
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