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  1. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    Genie done. Thats s1-3 done. Safe cracker and phantom next. I had 19 tokens on mobile for SC but I dropped it in the toilet and lost my save.
  2. P

    3,000,000 Wizard Goal Too Challenging?

    I'm also now wizard complete up to Phantom of the opera!
  3. P

    3,000,000 Wizard Goal Too Challenging?

    Woo! Finally got 3M today. I've had 3 decent periods of playing this table since it came out to do this and finally I managed it today. Before this 3rd period I had only managed 1.7m. Last week I beat that with a 2.75 (both 5 balls) Today I Warmed up with a 2.1(5 balls) but since time was tight...
  4. P

    SPA VR for Oculus Rift

    I'm going to assume there's no cross buy or discounts if we already own them on pc?
  5. P

    Can I purchase the new Stern tables individually, I already own the old Stern tables

    Nah that can't be true. The pack with only one of the new 3 is £14. The table on its own is £9.50. If anything the price for the pack is simply too low. It's assumed that it's 5 tables that would normally cost £4.50ish. That's £22 over all. Minus 40% bundle discount and you get roughly £14. Pod
  6. P

    Ten specials wizard goal

    Did anyone try doing this with 4 players? Does that disable goals? Might be a cheasy way of doing it if not.
  7. P

    Can I purchase the new Stern tables individually, I already own the old Stern tables

    Steam allows this afaik. I've seen bundles that have been reduced in price because I've half owned the content in them. From what Ive been told Farsight dont want to announce anything until its ready so while this shouldn't count as an 'announcement' they might be holding off clarifying whats...
  8. P

    Can I purchase the new Stern tables individually, I already own the old Stern tables

    I'm holding off until the packs are available in steam instead of in game. BTW. The pack with 2 of the new tables in is £14 in game for me. That's £5 cheaper than buying them in spa via steam. But again. That's in game only so no deal for me atm.
  9. P

    Making the big investment before June 30....Steam or IOS?

    While having them on the go is great. Pc is the better game. Looks better. Better controls. Both versions have minor niggles. But pc wins out for me
  10. P

    PHOF points?

    Just tried Android. Got 14 points for 210k. So looks like an incorrect value on pc.
  11. P

    Banzai Run

    must have tried this 100 times on PC tonight. Managed to get it to fall in naturally a grand total of 1 times. Managed a couple by lucky bounces/nudges. No way the real table is that brutal and its a ****ty goal to have if it actually is (Which begs the question, Whats the f**king point of...
  12. P

    PHOF points?

    Hey, It would seem that on PC 1000 PHOF points is 3,000,000,000!! That seems like it might be an incorrectly entered value and would probably make it the stingiest table in the whole game by a factor of 10! I'm currently on 2 PHOF points for this table and have over 100 on every other single...
  13. P

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Historically, goals do pop achievements if they didn't to begin with. Highscore achievements however do not.
  14. P

    Pistol Poker - First Impressions

    Fair enough. I've only got the super jackpot goal to go. If I manage that I won't be paying this table again for a long while :)
  15. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    I'm not going to go into detail I'm afraid. It's quite technical and As far as I know scores and goals entered my way can't make it onto the online leaderboards but I might be wrong and I don't want to suddenly find I'm banned for sharing a hack. In a purely selfish reason. There's also a high...
  16. P

    Reliable way to hit the joker hole?

    Yeah. I found this too with a few more tries. Still no where near the goal though. I've moved onto other tables for a bit. Will come back to this one.
  17. P

    300M Coffin Jackpot

    Finally managed this. So stoked! I did get close last week. Needed left ramp to activate the 3rd multiball with the coffin jackpot needing one shot and as I launched the ball from the right flipper a second ball was coming down and got flipped into the coffin at the same time the original ball...
  18. P

    Reliable way to hit the joker hole?

    Nope. Still almost impossible. Got it about 1 in 20. Skill shot also seems like it's 1 pixel accuracy too. Is the real table tuned thus way?
  19. P

    Reliable way to hit the joker hole?

    Heh. I've only edited the save to collate progress and scores from other versions (including play on a second pc) or to award a goal that is bugged but I have completed. That said, You don't know how tempted I am to just give myself the safe cracker 26 coin goal. I was on 19 when I dropped my...
  20. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    Spanish eyes is hard but no way is the hardest. I did that the month it came out yet I've still got 3 frankenstien wizard goals to get!

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