Yeah that's the one.
I've gotten a little better. I realized I was being a bit wild so I toned it down and I get slightly more good balls now.
Best go yet this morning. Got 1m on first ball (with extra balls) but finished on 1.46 after I tilted on the second ball (had saved an X drain and then...
I'm getting more and more annoyed with this table. I just don't seem to be improving at all. My best is 1.2M of which 850k was one ball.
Typically a good ball is about 250 and a great one is 250-850. But for each great/good ball there's probably 3 duffs that end up down an outline or the...
Device/OS: iPhone4
Bug Description: Tee'd off - Lighting storm - Balls trapped in plunger lane
Steps To Reproduce: During Lightning storm, delay launching the ball from the plunger. (or launch too quickly to get a 4th ball!). Camera returns to game and flippers start working and plunger...
Device/OS: iPhone4
Bug Description: El Dorado - The as clockwork new release "wizard goals dont register" bug. Score 1 million on one ball award doesnt work
Steps To Reproduce: I scored 1M+ on one ball. This was from a combination of points plus bonus. (might be by design but all other...
Device/OS: iPhone4
Bug Description: Twilight zone - Balls get stuck in top part of gumball machine. Eventually gumball is empty with all balls stuck at the top.
Steps To Reproduce: lock ball in gumball
Frequency: 2%
Device/OS: iPhone4
Bug Description: Twilight Zone - Ball gets stuck behind camera target. Looks like it ends up in the gum ball release lane. Ball returns to slot machine holl but no camera hole award is given
Steps To Reproduce: Hit it towards the camera target
Frequency: 10%
I managed 157 on rbion by scoring tons of jackpots in normal multiball. Was getting 5m each near the end and also started frog multiball as well. Naturally ran out of time on that, TO, TZ and CC.
I'd love this too. IOS can crash/run out of memory just because it went into sleep mode. Makes every extended pause a gamble :(
But I doubt theyd add it because of the potential for backing up saves and cheating your way to silly high scores.
Back on topic,
I've rushed through two litz but only managed 1.6b. My best so far is 1.8 which only contained 1 litz but did double a 250m bonus via the camera.
I suspect the top scores have just managed to double bigger bonuses (I had a 600m one once which would mean I'd have scored over 2b
I noticed today that I went up 25 points on rbion but my overall score only rose by 20.
So I added up all my points and found it doesn't match (its out by 2 so its not far wrong).
I assume its not just a delayed update as it was such a big jump.
Is that a bug? Or is there more to the...
I've still got the Ultimate Challenge one to go as well. Gave up after it bugged out on me twice. (It just ended the mode despite me having plenty of health and 2-3 balls left)
I'm losing the will power to keep chasing these goals these days. If they're not silly(genie 3m) they're bugged...
Device/OS: IPhone 4
Bug Description: Victory Plunger cam stuck
Steps To Reproduce: I shot a very weak shot that just escaped the plunger lane and trickled into the right inlane
Frequency: Once, Not tried it again, was an accident the first time.
Device/OS: IPhone 4
Bug Description: Victory table Doesnt register FUEL Special Wizard goal
Steps To Reproduce: Complete FUEL while special light is flashing (7 second window)
Frequency: Only done it once as its a tricky goal. I defo managed it within the time limit as I was fast/lucky and...
Finally did this today after days of trying on the train on an Iphone4. Was the 5th time I made it to BftK.
Managed to get the second to last hit on the castle gate after the countdown had gone past 0 too (was at least -1 imo).
I was shaking so much when I hit the final shot into the castle, I...
I've had use bombs when I've hit the flippers. At first I thought it was because it was launching a ball at the same time and it was confusing the right flipper for the launch button but I had it happen again during Royal Madness.
I've also had plenty of games where I nudge and it doesnt use...
Device/OS: Iphone 4 (latest firmware)
Bug Description: Ultimate fight - Got to the 4th fighter. Drained down to one ball. The mode ended mid fight and none of the modes/training/shots relit. I think the game thought I had lost all the balls. Perhaps due to a center drain round to outlane loop...
Device/OS: Iphone 4 (latest firmware)
Bug Description: Achievement for Winning cash fight doesnt award correctly
teps To Reproduce: Win a cash fight
Frequency: 4 out of 5 times.
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