I doubt that.
History isn't on their side as there are other similar goals on other tables that had the same issue of not awarding 100% but still occasionally awarded. It's also only a standard goal. It's not meant to be tricky
If it was deliberate it should say so in the goal.
I will try the...
Latest os
2 out of 2
Extra ball standard goal doesn't award when getting 6m replay score.
Can't remember a release where all the goals awarded correctly :(
I've been trying the lightening stack for ages but I usually end up timing out or draining in the skeletons. That or I miss the lamp and start battle by accident before I start lightening.
I managed it once. Accidentally lost battle and then hit the missing ball bug anyway :(
Stupid table!!
So I've been trying to get this for a while as a way to reach 1000phof points and have gotten close a few times. Usually I accidentally hit the ramp while trying to complete harem during rocs.
However today I managed to start tocs last and already had a wish lit and 'hare'.
I hit the left...
Performance seems to be dropping gradually but personally I suspect it's the OS update more than PA as I've seen poor performance across the board.
Very temped to upgrade my iPhone 4 when the next edition is released.
iPhone 4
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Free ver
Stuck at end of battle the genie
I took lightning lamp into BTG mode and after a long while notice I only had 3 balls. I lost the mode (whoops) and then the game sat forever at te please wait screen as it waited for all the balls to drain.
I left it ages...
No. As I mentioned earlier. Put both an iPad and an android device next to each other (I used a nexus) and trap the ball on the right flipper. Release both at the same time and watch as the iOS ball drains twice as fast.
Also observe the speed of the slot machine display.
They're both mobile...
Still nothing from the devs?
Common guys takes 5 mins to reply. We paid for this table and it was (unless we're all mistaken) released with this glaring issue.
We're not asking for te moon on a stick. Just an eta and an acknowledgement of the issue would be nice
Black knight
Ball hit into lower gobble hole as multiball ends was not ejected. Call attendant responded no balls stuck
Table doesn't have any kind of switch cycling so game stuck forever. Tilt also useless.
Latest os
Black knight
Third ball lock at top lock often doesn't enter correctly and sits there colliding against the other balls. Call attendant fixes but not ideal as have to relock and potentially happen again.
On one occasion ball went completely through lock and came out on...
iPhone 4
Latest iOS
Scared stiff
Ejects from the dagger hole almost always end up back in the dagger hole at least once. Either due to not enough force to escape or from a rebound of the opposite wall
Seems far too often to be like that on a real table?
iPhone 4
Latest iOS
Scared stiff
Shooting 2 balls into the crate in quick succession can cause them to continually collide together and award multiple jackpots
Could be true on a real table?
Latest iOS
This might happen on a real table but a non 100% plunge will often make the ball collide with something just above the open steps hole. This stops the ball quite drastically resulting in it dropping back.and into the hole
As such the skill shot is extremely hard...
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