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  1. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    I've also started the 26 token safe cracker goal. That's a ****ty goal as well. Not only is it massively random but the game ****s you over due to the bug where it only saves your progress atm if you get a highscore. As such I sometimes forget to go set an easy one in another table and close the...
  2. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    That's been my plan. I never have 10+ tho. I usually have about 8. 3-5 from new ball skill shots, 1-2 from bar fly, 1-2 from jump rope, 2 from lock ball restarts. Then I use 3 to ko opponents 3-5 to make it harder to bug out UC. Doesn't help though. Even trying to avoid the bug yesterday a...
  3. P

    Safe cracker tokens

    Ah ok. At least I'm not going blind. :)
  4. P

    Safe cracker tokens

    Hey. Anyone know how to view them? I can't seem to find the menu option the instructions talk about. Cheers Pod
  5. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    1k on one ball on CP isn't anywhere near as hard as some of the others. You'll do it eventually even with minimal nudging (I did it on an iphone 4). I've now crossed off - 5 planet nuke on Starship troopers (then drained before I could start klandathu!!!), 3 EB/Specials on El Dorado and all 3...
  6. P

    help? for HH wizard goal - Light Double Bonus for all 3 Levels

    Finally did this. Never going to play this table again. Wasn't on my main platform so wizard goals weren't active but f that. I'm crossing this one off. :)
  7. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    Just in case you didn't know. The save file is protected by a checksum and a cross ref with other file(s). Unless you know what you're doing any tampering will reset everything. I've also been unable to follow the backup and restore instructions on the forum (I'm assuming they're out of date and...
  8. P

    Table with Easiest and Hardest Wizard Goals?

    Genie 3m, fuel and tcp's UC for me so far. But I'm only half way through season 4 atm. Dracula 300m coffin and poto 5x might also join that list. Fuel I have done but it didn't register so I just hacked it into the save instead. Can't be arsed to spend ages doing it again just to get around...
  9. P

    Goin Nuts strategy thread

    At least I might have done if extra balls worked correctly. Got 10.05M in the end. Will never play this table again :D
  10. P

    Goin Nuts strategy thread

    OMG. Spent so many hours trying the 360 secs and 500 bonus on mobile. Did it on my second attempt on pc. I actually got to 430 but deliberately drained to ensure the bonus goal. That back hand is actually quite easy. I honestly think I could play forever. Currently on ball 1 with 4.5m.will get...
  11. P

    Goin Nuts strategy thread

    Bummer. Does your wording mean it's still feasible on pc then? I keep my pc as my main record of goals anyway so doing it there means less save hacking anyway (albeit it less chance to play) Pod
  12. P

    Goin Nuts strategy thread

    Are these even possible on android. Ive failed every attempt. Pod
  13. P

    [GUIDE] High Score and Goals backup and restore in TPA (Steam)

    Does this still work? I just tried it on a second PC and it zeroed my scores and goals. I might have made a mistake tho
  14. P

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Another bug Plunger Lane fails to plunge unless ball is completely stopped. If you try to plunge while it's moving, even a slight horizontal roll, then nothing happens Happens to me on HRC but is probably on all tables.
  15. P

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Ah. The steam thread implies there is but that steam overwrites them. It's still rubbish though. It should cloud sync :(
  16. P

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    Cross post from the steam forums. I'll post exclusivly here from now on PC spec - Steam/Win10/All bugs in DX11 version 1.64.17 ---------------------------------------------- Table - Dracula but may occur on other tables Bug - High score entry box persists after high score entry. Repro -...
  17. P

    Phof total and leaderboards?

    Been away for a few years and I see that now we have phof on pc. I can see each tables phof score when you select the table in the table list but there doesn't appear to be a way to see your phof total? Am I missing something? I also can't find a leaderboard for phof? Is there one? Pod P.s...
  18. P

    When are we supposed to be getting Ghostbusters?

    There was a 1.7 gig patch yesterday on pc. Same size as the xo patch. Good chance the fix was in that including the gb table and we're now just waiting for them to flick the switch that enables it. If anyone has star trek then let those of us on the fence know if it's fixed :) Pod
  19. P

    Missed Opportunity?

    Cheers guys. Edited. Must have got munched when I c&p from the other thread
  20. P

    Missed Opportunity?

    Yeah, I made one based on retro games. Its on the same site. Called arcade mayhem. They take 80-100 hours to make though so I won't get to make any more. I got married and now have a baby :) (a real one, thats not a metaphor for a pinball table :)) Pod

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