I thought it was the actual Data East machine, it's some kind of cutomized vpinball cab... thing. It's running Tesla from Pinball FX.
Hey, but speaking of the DE table, it could be a lot cheaper to acquire if they just edit out Lloyd from the table like in TAF. McFly isn't Michal J. Fox either...
Both tables are classics. Centaur's pretty great and even has a 5-ball multiball, but I like the rules, artwork and gameplay of Eight Ball Deluxe slighly more. The latter has already become one of my TPA favorites; it's just one of those tables where you start playing and can't stop.
You can remap this button on the options, it's the same button you use to activate the Magna Save in Black Knight and the third flipper in Starship Troopers.
Just wondering, were both match sequences on Frankenstein and Last Action Hero removed by default because they were deemed too violent?
But then again, Starship Troopers and was a pretty gruesome tables already (and there's DMD animations on LAH that are bloodier), so I don't really understand...
Yeah, I think you are. It's great to see footage of the table a day ahead, and you can get free copies of 'em. And I always enjoy the Bufallo Pinball stream at the end, I think they're gonna play a Dr Who machine next month.
Either Freddy or TfTC is fine by me, but I'd rather see a new Data East than another Premier; although Freddy does have an extra bit of nostalgia attached to it since I've played it IRL when I was young.
It's not really working so far, is it?
After finding someone in the queue, it says 'Game Starting', but there's no way to progress after that. Nothing's happening.
The disappearing glove glitch happened to me, but then I restarted the game and it came back. Still, it's weird.
And I gotta say, you guys really improved the UI's look, the font is larger and there are more buttons to select tables at the start. Picking tables with the controller still feel...
Not yet, it's only oficially confirmed when Farsight posts about it on Facebook. We can still discuss it!
I remember I used to play it back in my old hometown, an arcade had the table along with Operation Thunder and Popeye Saves the Earth. It was a very large place, and you could always hear...
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