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  1. Kaibun

    Stern Pinball Arcade first impressions

    Do the tables even come with goals like PA? It wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me, but pretty disapponting if there aren't any.
  2. Kaibun

    cant launch DX11 version of TPA

    Even after launching it, game runs all slow and weird for me, something definitely is wrong.
  3. Kaibun

    Table Pack #57 Speculation

    Eh, I actually requested Gladiators once too. It's a pretty decent table, as far as Premieres go. But I can't help but feel disappointed after 4 Gottlieb tables i na row.
  4. Kaibun

    Any Black Friday deals coming?

    Besides the Steam one I doubt it, we're lucky to get a discount on most seasons this time, Farsight just isn't a fan of doing sales.
  5. Kaibun

    Zen Pinball Table Designers

    Given those designers, this is gonna be so good. I'm looking forward to it more now!
  6. Kaibun

    Stern Pinball Arcade Release Dates

    They said on today's live stream console will come before PC. There's still no fixed release date for the latter yet. We don't even know if it's this year. Oh well, I can wait.
  7. Kaibun

    Table Pack #57 Speculation

    Just gimme Banzai Run already.
  8. Kaibun

    First Impressions

    Rescue 911 was a bit of a weird case. I still have no idea why the heck people even requested it. But there's no accounting for taste I guess. Thankfully the other tables people have been requesting, like Banzai Run or Mousin' Around are loads better.
  9. Kaibun

    First Impressions

    This table stinks. Hopefully they'll see how poorly received it was, and will starting thinking thorougly about their next releases. Asking people what they want would be nice too, y'know. Such as taking polls into consideration more often.
  10. Kaibun

    Table Pack #56 Speculation

    One thing's for sure, one of the tables is poker-themed. And possibly has dogs in it.
  11. Kaibun

    Table Pack #56 Speculation

    Newsletter is in, hint is out! So.. it's Centigrade 37? Plus one with 'Jacks' in the title. Jacks to Open? A double pack.
  12. Kaibun

    First Impressions

    I'm not talking about the bugs here. I'm talking about how the gameplay in this table just plain sucks. It's just really poorly-designed and no amount of updates will ever fix that. Not to mention it's not much fun either. This is the first PA table I'm skipping on buying.
  13. Kaibun

    A Disabled Tilt mode with separate Off/Online Scoreboards?

    What we need is a mode with a leaderboard that disables extra balls. Some tables really give you too many, without breaking a sweat.
  14. Kaibun

    First Impressions

    This table is just dreadful, surely there must've been some better Halloween-themed ones available. Not sure what they were thinking when they picked it.
  15. Kaibun

    Table Pack #56 Speculation

    Man, I didn't even buy Bone Busters yet, that table is absolutely terrible in every way. I'd take anything for the next table at this point. It really can't get any worse.
  16. Kaibun

    Table Pack #56 Speculation

    Well that's a relief. I'm crossing my fingers for our first Capcom or something unexpected. Now where's that newsletter?
  17. Kaibun

    CONTEST: Predict Season 6!

    There's gonna be A.G. Soccer and two more Capcom tables, so that only leaves room for 3 more. One of them's gonna be Banzai Run for sure, but I'm not too sure if Farsight can afford Congo or The Shadow, here's hoping. Two Gottliebs per season is already a bit too much. Season 4 was one of the...
  18. Kaibun

    Option th change username - does it exist and if so, where?

    Same thing happened to me, can't they change them back, or at least let us do so by adding some kind of option like that?
  19. Kaibun

    Black Flaggers (Pinball Wicked)

    I love it already, the table looks amazing and I'm a sucker for anything with a pirate theme. I Just hope you'll add a lot of depth to it like the Pro Pinball tables. You guys need a lot more exposure for that Kickstarter, because I want it to succeed.
  20. Kaibun

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    Interesting, so it looks like 'Regenerated' was only a placeholder name after all. Shame I have absolutely no idea who those characters are, I really need to watch more Doctor Who.

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