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  1. Kaibun

    This isn't a Gottlieb.

    Yeah, I agree, it's technically not a Gottlieb. But maybe they just didn't feel like making yet another forum division.
  2. Kaibun

    Table Pack #61 Speculation

    Can we just get Pinball Magic or Big Bang Bar already? Geez, just when I thought we were finally getting a Capcom this happens.
  3. Kaibun

    Table Pack #60 Speculation Thread

    Eh, a bit of a disappointing season, wasn't it? Aside from the Bally tables, there was nothing truly amazing this time. Stern PA's release totally eclipsed it. I hope we'll get a good season ender this time, at least.
  4. Kaibun

    Table Pack #60 Speculation Thread

    Did they forget to send the newsletter again? Aw well, this just gets me even more curious about the next one.
  5. Kaibun

    Table Pack #60 Speculation Thread

    Aren't both BBB and Kingpin unfinished games? That's the only thing that gets me worried. Meanwhile in an alternate universe, the newsletter comes at the same time the table is out!
  6. Kaibun

    Table Pack #60 Speculation Thread

    When it comes to Gottliebs, I like Wipe Out a lot, myself. Weird layout, but fun table.
  7. Kaibun

    Table Pack #60 Speculation Thread

    It's gonna be out first Capcom! At least I hope so...
  8. Kaibun

    [Star Trek] Tips and Strategies

    Oh sure, if getting the Wizard Goal is the only thing you want, you technically could. But where's the fun in that? Why not get a high score while at it? :D
  9. Kaibun

    [Star Trek] Tips and Strategies

    That's a terrible idea. You get a lot more points the more medals you get when you reach one of the 3 Wizard Modes, so the best strategy is always going for a Gold Medal. Stacking modes with multiballs really does help completing them; they can be quite difficult when you get to Tier 3 before...
  10. Kaibun

    My two requests, Blackout and Roller Games 👍

    Just tell them to renew their Williams license already. I'd like to see at least one last table before the season is over.
  11. Kaibun

    Stern Pinball Arcade first impressions

    I don't know if it's the game or my PC, it just keeps freezing and then crashing on me way too often. And it was right during a really good run on Star Trek too, this makes me sad.
  12. Kaibun

    Table Pack #59 Speculation

    I had a pretty good garage band, if I do say so myself. Well, 4 or so, and they all disbanded some time later. Anyways, 'sides the disappointing audio, I can't say anything else about this table since I've never played it before, but Mystery Castle was cool!
  13. Kaibun

    Stern Pinball Arcade first impressions

    And bring Kiss and Guns n' Roses along with 'em! Crank it up to 11!
  14. Kaibun

    Stern Pinball Arcade first impressions

    They've dropped a few hints for Metallica already, it was in a promotional image for SPA, and the artist who worked on the table artwork has a couple paintings hanging in the game's walls. It's probably coming somewhere down the line this year. I hope.
  15. Kaibun

    Krakow Pinball Museum

    Pretty cool selection of tables, but what really caught my eye is how I expected to see Space Ace in the arcade machine, but turns out it was Metal Slug X. Must be one of those multi-game cabinets...
  16. Kaibun

    Stern PBA Update - You can enter your initials now... YAY!

    You can? Oh, I didn't notice. It's just that inputting initials always uses the flippers, so I never thought about using the d-pad. Still, it feels weird.
  17. Kaibun

    Aerosmith pin announced from Stern

    Looks cool so far, but are they totally done with DMD's now? I wonder how this will affect Stern PA. So Borg designed this table. Crossing my fingers for another movie-based table by Steve Ritchie later this year.
  18. Kaibun

    Table Pack #59 Speculation

    The music is a tad disappointing for a table about a garage band. Eh, whatever happened to the Capcom tables anyways? Not to mention I really miss Williams...
  19. Kaibun

    Stern PBA Update - You can enter your initials now... YAY!

    You can't enter initials with a gamepad on PC if you change the controls. Can you fix this please?
  20. Kaibun

    hidden/new/buggy table? + funny bug

    Shame we can't see the table behind that wall of text. Still, it sounds really promising.

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