I'm loving it too, so glad SoF is finally in the game. Finishing the season with a Williams feels great after all those disappointing tables lately.
Man, the music is so good in this one, isn't it? Those arcade synths are pure bliss.
Did they announce Big Buck Hunter for reals or are they joking again? I can never tell...
Anyways, I remember them saying they had a surprise for SPA coming very soon on yesterday's stream. Metallica perhaps? I'm pumped!
I'd rather just wait until this nasty rank bug gets fixed to play again. I've already dropped from Silver to Bronze in the middle of a tourney before, and my friend Pinwiz got dropped twice from Gold to Silver.Totally ruins it for me.
Also, they could at least add some kind of option to change...
Well, everyone thought the same, but then Farsight ended up almost needing a Kickstarter for AC/DC. We're gonna have to wait and see, so many things are up in the air.
Pinball Magic? I've got this feeling BBB will end up being a season ender.
I really do want Congo or the Shadow too, but lately licensing has been a big problem. They can hardly even get the licensing for those Stern tables, stuff like Tron or Game of Thrones could end up being a pipe dream...
I don't know how someone can be disappointed after such a less than stellar season full of Gottliebs.
Less complaining, more LIONMAN!
Btw, is my pic hinting at something that's coming for Season 7? Maybe...
I don't get why there's a dancer in the hint either, but I'm glad we're finally getting Swords of Fury!
Hopefully we get stuff like Banzai Run or Congo in season 7.
They fixed it now on PC. Much better.
Anyways, it's not a terrible table like Bone Busters, to say the least; it's kinda fun to shoot the drop targets and I like the dancing cacti.However, those sounds and music are quite annoying, and get stuck on your head after you play it. I think I'll just...
I'm having some kind of problem in the PC version, the new table isn't launching no matter how much you click on it. It's weird.
Nothing wrong went with the download, strangely enough.
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