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  1. Kaibun

    Who doesn't own every table?

    I own every table so far on PC... except for Bone Busters. Sorry, I don't think I'm ever getting that one. I did wait for Steam sales on seasons 1-3, and bought full price on Season 4. But starting with 5, it just became much more affordable to me buying table packs standalone.
  2. Kaibun

    World Champion Soccer Twitchstream........

    Geez, not even the trophy? They better allow people to do some modding on this. It's starting to sound more like a knockoff than the actual table. Sorry, but as a brazilian here, I can't help but feel disappointed.
  3. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    Coincidentally enough, the japanese version is actually called World Cup Soccer :eek:
  4. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    Well, it would be totally weird if they didn't, the mascot is all over the table and in the DMD animations, so it's no doubt still in. Too bad we're gonna have to pretend this is a WC '94 table, with all references to it erased, but I can live with it. FIFA license is still expensive as hell...
  5. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    I think they got the 'World Cup' part wrong. Other than that, it's all good...I think.
  6. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    Yep, it's gonna be awesome. I haven't been this excited for a table... since TAF on season 4 I think. Compared to to No Fear there are no famous sports people, or even brand names for them to remove this time, so I think the table will be fine. Besides, it wouldn't be the same to me if it...
  7. Kaibun

    Pinball FX3 announced!!!

    Yep, I just gotta agree with the part about the lack of theme songs; I'm fine with the actor soundalikes, but why do they get a license but don't bother getting the music from the films? I was going to comment about how this pack is missing a Jurassic Park table, but it just won't be the same...
  8. Kaibun

    Pinball FX3 announced!!!

    I thought the same when I saw the giant floating ball like the moon in the sky.Immediately brought the bike scene to mind, but I never imagined they'd ever make an E.T. pinball table before.
  9. Kaibun

    Pinball at Hersheypark

    Hey, speaking of which, they turned that park into a pinball game once. I still love this one.
  10. Kaibun

    Table pack #66 speculation thread

    Banzai Run. Always Banzai Run. It just bothers me how Banzai Run is the only table referenced during Fast Lock in TZ that isn't available in the game yet.
  11. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    Huh, how did that person know all of this, do we have another leak in our hands? What thread is that from?
  12. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    The spinning thing does make sense tho, unless there's something spinning-related in World Challenge Soccer I'm not aware of. I hope they're not going to crush our dreams again.
  13. Kaibun

    Table Pack #65 Speculation

    Huh, I didn't get the newsletter. Can you guys post the hint, please? Man, if it's really World Cup Soccer, it's gonna be seriously awesome! I'm excited.
  14. Kaibun

    1930s - 1950s Pinball Tables for Season 8 and onwards

    Ace High was a pretty good EM, tho. They shoulda went with that one instead of Central Park and its huge drain.
  15. Kaibun

    Firepower II is up on Steam

    It was up since yesterday. It's weird how in the stream they said it was coming on friday today, but it went live right after the broadcast.
  16. Kaibun

    1930s - 1950s Pinball Tables for Season 8 and onwards

    I doubt we're seeing any of those, sorry. They're interesting historically, but obviously not very fun for too long.
  17. Kaibun

    Table Pack #64 Speculation

    Never played this one. It's Firepower and it has ramps... that means it's good right? I really like 80's Williams tables, myself.
  18. Kaibun

    Request "Super Mario Bros" and "Super Mario Bros Mushroom World" Minus the Nintendo License

    Why would you replace Mario, that's just a terrible idea. It's never happening sorry, not only is the Nintendo license incredible expensive, it would only ever come out for the Wii U... or the Switch when Farsight gets around to it.
  19. Kaibun

    sooooo, it's on sale, but is it good now?

    Mustang works fine since its release, but they probably haven't fixed Star Trek yet. I didn't see a patch for Stern PA, sadly.
  20. Kaibun

    Table Pack #63 Speculation

    With the hints turned off by default, I hope. It gets annoying to hear 'SHOOT THE PYRAMID!' over and over.

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