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  1. dmil666

    Williams Pinball Volume 6

    Has anyone made backglass images for the new tables? Shutyertrap? Chris? Anyone?
  2. dmil666

    XBOX One Controller Issue on Android

    Yes the Xbox one, elite series one and Scuff premier controllers all worked perfectly on android 9 in addition to the elite series 2. After the update to android 10, they all showed the same behaviour that you describe, save for the elite series 2. It's not much fun trying to play pinball with...
  3. dmil666

    XBOX One Controller Issue on Android

    Yep I had the same problem when my Note 9 updated to android 10. The Elite series 2 controller is the only Xbox controller that works properly with the Zen Williams pinball app on android 10. I asked Zen customer support about it and they basically blew me off, saying that the Xbox controllers...
  4. dmil666

    86833d 16h till a new challenge?

    Aaannd after 5 days they're back! The challenge and league play icons have changed places though, which maybe explains it. Moving is always a hassle, especially if you don't have a a truck to haul all of your crap, and there's always so much more crap compared to the last move....
  5. dmil666

    86833d 16h till a new challenge?

    No need to brag....
  6. dmil666

    86833d 16h till a new challenge?

    ah, that made me laugh..... still counting down, now at 86830d 13h. I'm beginning to think that Zen doesn't want me to play challenges anymore.
  7. dmil666

    86833d 16h till a new challenge?

    Hmm, probably around 18 to 20 hours prior to my posting above. There should have been at least the first two challenges available. I just checked and the timer is counting down, it's only 86833d and 9h until a new challenge. Oh boy! I figured that it was just Zen working on their servers, but...
  8. dmil666

    86833d 16h till a new challenge?

    I just fired up the Williams Android app to grind a bit, and there were no challenges. Instead, I was informed that there will be a new challenge in 86833d 16h. Which is around 238 years. Which strikes me as a bit long for a new challenge, unless it's a real doozy of a challenge for some of my...
  9. dmil666

    Not Zen at all

    Ditto for me, usually. I'll sometimes play Safe Cracker or Hurricane challenges if I'm feeling froggy, but never Champion Pub, I just don't like the table. I don't play Circus Voltaire much either, due to having to use view #5 because Zen screwed up view #2 on that table, and view #5 does that...
  10. dmil666

    Not Zen at all

    I just had a recent experience with Zen on these 3 points only on Android. My Note 9 just upgraded to Android 10 which I figured was a good thing, until I went to play Zen Williams pinball on my phone. I always use an Xbox controller because I'm an old (just turned 65) and I have problems with...
  11. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Yep, you have to remember that these things were originally made to make money first and to entertain the marks second (or maybe third or fourth even). If the tables played exactly the same way every time you played them, they'd get boring pretty quickly. For me, anyway. Having said that, there...
  12. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug....
  13. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Jeesh, such a tiny picture, I nearly strained my eyes trying to make it out....
  14. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    The Zen version of the Hurricane table is quite lively, as you've probably noticed. The trick that I've found for extending play time is to let the ball bounce around and lose energy before trying to make a shot or catch the ball. Trying to play the ball every time it comes whizzing by the...
  15. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    I got the 150 Zenbucks and I'm on Android. Maybe your work as a beta tester disqualifies you? Maybe a vast Zen conspiracy against Apple users? I'll just see myself out.....
  16. dmil666

    FX3 backglass images

    Well, then thank you Chris for your hard work too. My reading skills need some work....
  17. dmil666

    FX3 backglass images

    Very Cool! I had gathered and made backglass images myself, but they were all different in relation to where the DMD window was or even if there was a DMD window, among other things. With these new, standardized images, everything lines up on all of the tables. Soooo much nicer. Thanks for your...
  18. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    I did not know the thing about killing Polly, but it works! I just killed the boid.... I also find the Black Rose challenges fairly easy, just dial in the broadside shot and hammer it.
  19. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    I got a box, said it was for my one-year anniversary.
  20. dmil666

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 impressions

    I've gotten a hole in one exactly once on android. A very tough shot.

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