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  1. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Dang, for me the link says that the site can't be reached.
  2. dmil666

    Williams Pinball App Discussion

    Yeah, me neither. Just pre-monsters parts.
  3. dmil666

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 impressions

    Yeah, I've had the genie do that to me too, kinda gets up your nose.
  4. dmil666

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 impressions

    I've been playing the android versions a lot ever since I figured out that I could plug an Xbox controller into my phone and use it instead of the screen (derp). I'm old, gimme a break. I like the new tables a lot, especially the appearance, although the camera 2 view on CV is a real wrench...
  5. dmil666

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 guesses

    I wasn't necessarily referring to TPA's Roadshow as "quality", just as my only other reference to the machine. I've never seen an actual Roadshow pin in the wild, much less played one. It's interesting what you point out that Farsight did to get their emulations to work, and explains some of the...
  6. dmil666

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 guesses

    The left ramp on Roadshow is tricky on the PC as the ball wants to roll back downhill on a less than full power shot. It's kinda hard to describe exactly, but it's much harder than the TPA version. It's pretty much like that for me with either Zen or arcade physics. Disclaimer: I'm not very...
  7. dmil666

    Well This Is Interesting For Zen's Licensing Future...

    That sounds too good to be true - I hope it happens.
  8. dmil666

    Satisfied with price of digital pinballs? Willing to pay more? Less?

    That's a good policy, and something that I didn't consider.
  9. dmil666

    Satisfied with price of digital pinballs? Willing to pay more? Less?

    I think that the prices are good, in fact a bargain. I'd be willing to pay more for some of the licensed tables, depending on the table & $$.
  10. dmil666

    Williams' Collection Volume 5 guesses

    I like CFTBL too, even though its multiball vexes me. I'd love to see Zen give it the treatment when and if they can.
  11. dmil666

    Williams: getting my arse kicked

    Excellent advice. I try to practice like this, it can be hard to stick with (It can get frustrating) but it really seems to help. I need to do it more often, but my butt gets sore from being kicked so much. I don't know if I could hack it for a week straight on one table.
  12. dmil666

    Williams Volume 4 *OFFICIAL* Game play thread

    I bought the pack this morning and have only had time to play each table a couple of times. The tables are absolutely gorgeous, a real treat for the eyes. The table lights are a big improvement from the TPA tables, nice and contrasty. The play? Lively, really, really lively. I've been playing...
  13. dmil666

    Comment by 'dmil666' in article 'Zen Pinball FX3 Williams Volume 4'

    Moved to proper thread.
  14. dmil666

    List any Zaccaria Pinball bugs/issues you still run into on PC

    If I can find the forum I'll post it. I'm not brilliant on Steam.... Done. Posted in Zaccaria technical support.
  15. dmil666

    List any Zaccaria Pinball bugs/issues you still run into on PC

    I just picked up the retro table pack (for $.99 - such a deal) and I'm having lots of program crashes. I'm playing in cabinet mode with two screens, Windows 10 ver. 1809. Specifically, If I play one table, go back to the main menu and select another table and play it, then go back and select a...
  16. dmil666

    First alphanumeric table speculation...

    Cool! Thanks for the extra details. It's nice to know what people are talking about.
  17. dmil666

    First alphanumeric table speculation...

    Thanks for the answer. That was simpler than I expected. The more you know....
  18. dmil666

    First alphanumeric table speculation...

    Wow, so many machines that I've never seen or heard of. I suppose that I should get out more. Can I ask a dumb question? What's the difference between a numeric and alphanumeric pinball machine, other than numbers or numbers and letters? I could look it up, but with having so much expertise at...
  19. dmil666

    Williams Pinball Vol. 4 – May 28 – White Water! Hurricane! Red and Ted's Road Show!

    I like all three TPA tables, but I'll admit that they were an acquired taste. Getting the rule sets right took me a long time on WW and Roadshow, and WW still gets up my nose for being a brick-fest when my play isn't spot-on. Hurricane can be fun when it's not being an evil bastard.
  20. dmil666

    First Licensed FX3 Williams Speculation

    Yeah, Monster Bash and Creature ftBL sound like shoo-ins for a Universal Monsters release.

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