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  1. Shaneus

    Request Suggestion: Something like *this* for table selection screens?

    I was having a look at the TPA website just now, and whilst the first thing that hits me is the overall layout (and why we haven't seen a similar presentation format applied to the interface itself) I was kind of wowed by this: Is there a reason we don't have that as our table select screen...
  2. Shaneus

    Request Improvement in mechanical sound effects on TPA?

    I've known for a while, but it's really only been hammered home to me since owning my own machine... the mechanical sounds in TPA are quite weak. Are there any plans to have them sounding a little less video-gamey and more realistic? I'm thinking ball rolling, flippers, bumpers... they could all...
  3. Shaneus

    Bug Flipper rubbers too "bouncy"

    I've only been able to see this on iOS (no other device I have can play it) but the T2 flipper rubbers seem to have far more bounce than they should. For example, when doing a dead-pass to the opposite flipper, rather than the ball reflecting from one onto the other and rolling up a short way...
  4. Shaneus

    Suggestion: The PC Beta forum area needs better organisation

    I'm just noticing we're seeing some double-ups of similar issues getting new threads, as well as the occasional one of exactly the same issue on the same table. Might I suggest either per-table or per-category issues? Categories being: Crash, Art, Display, Performance, Physics, or General (as...
  5. Shaneus

    Bug Display - Taxi/AfM: Flashing texture problem on Taxi playfield/AfM plastic

    OS Version: Windows 7 Pro x64 Graphics Card: ATI 5850+5970 Ram: 16GB Version #: 0.007 Display Mode: Full Screen Display Resolution: 1920x1080 Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time Expected Result: Plastic/playfield item is evenly lit/shadowed when flashing Actual Result: Texture is "lit"...
  6. Shaneus

    Bug Art: Inconsistent lighting across all tables

    Title Bug: Inconsistent lighting across all tables OS Version: Windows 7 Pro x64 Graphics Card: ATI HD5850+5970 Ram: 16GB Version # .007 Display Mode: Full Screen Display Resolution: 1920x1080 Frequency of Occurrence: 100% Expected Result: All tables have similar/same lighting across the...
  7. Shaneus

    360 - Bug Bug maybe... MB speech *too* good sounding?

    After a decent session with MM, fired up MB and found that the sound samples used seemed like they're played at too good a bitrate or something... is that because MB is DCS and MM is something else (although I'm sure they're the same), or is that just how they are stored in the ROM? I don't...
  8. Shaneus

    Request Colour DMD

    I'm not sure how good it looks in motion or what's involved in the installation (whether it's just a DMD and integrated circuit or if it involves a new ROM) but having a quick look at this page, the next cab off the rank for colour DMDs (after AFM) is Medieval Madness. What would be the chances...
  9. Shaneus

    Bug ? Slight lag with sound/controls on 360 ver w/ latest update

    Hey all, Just fired up PA on 360 for the first time in a while, installed all the updates and opened TotAN, but it seems like it's a little laggy. I don't know if it's as bad as the PS3 one (never tried it) but unless my eyes and ears and fingers are deceiving me, there's a definite delay in...
  10. Shaneus

    This will sound weird... are the physics different b/w portrait and landscape?

    I've only just noticed now after being pretty-much glued to landscape camera 4 (the closest to the table) and I don't know if it's just the perspective or whether there's something else, but I could *swear* that everything feels a little more livelier when playing in portrait mode, at least, on...
  11. Shaneus

    How does Phantom Flip work? (General MB question)

    Hey guys, I'm not at all familiar with the MB table IRL so forgive me if it's a little more obvious, but I have no idea how to enable PF in MB. From what I can tell it's enabled via the left inlane, but does it take several shots for you? Does it only take one? Can you tell when it's...
  12. Shaneus

    Bug iOS VER 1.1.3 Bugs

    (copying exactly what I'd posted from another forum) Fantastic... already found ANOTHER camera bug, this time with Monster Bash. Despite having it *locked* on camera 4, for some reason, during the multiball mode the camera zoomed up on the top 1/4 of the screen... and didn't move until all balls...
  13. Shaneus

    Tacky IP/Great Machines

    I think we need a place to discuss games that you'd definitely think *should* be crappy but actually turned out alright. Not necessarily obvious *big* ones (a la Addams Family) but relatively unknown ones that are far better than they have every right to be. What brings this up is that there's...

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