To be honest, with all the shenanigans going on with certain folks, I'm just glad it's probably going to get funded. Stretch goals aren't really going to do much, because I highly doubt we'd manage to make $3k more than the target, let alone $10k+
Just relax and wait it out, I'm guessing...
Off the top of my head, it was just a complete disaster that somehow managed to get funded.
They didn't even announce the Kickstarter until the second day.
The Xbox 360 situation was still fairly ambiguous, and even today nobody's sure who was telling the truth about all that.
I can't remember...
That's a little disappointing, I'm so used to having all the tables in one place that having another app to launch just one table sounds a little fiddly :/ Unless it's done in the same way the Star Wars Zen tables were, with a standalone app but the data could be accessed in the regular Zen app...
Try being a fan of pro wrestling :p after a while you get used to the constant ribbing because let's face it, we all have our own weird quirks and that's what makes us human.
Stretch goals are absolutely stupid, and all that's going to happen is that once people are aware that TSPP has no chance of getting funded as a stretch goal they'll pull out and it'll cause havoc with the original Kickstarter, we saw what happened with Twilight Zone.
Besides, why should I up...
The target should have been around $60k with about 20 days to go, so far it's $68k with 21 days to go, and even if $7k of it is fraudulent then it's still way ahead of predictions.
It's really strange to feel optimistic about things after the whole T2 saga.
Lets face it folks, the facebook reps aren't exactly going to go "oh yes, that's confirmed, in fact here's a list of all the tables we've got planned for Season 4"
Don't take anything too seriously, they're just trying to do a job.
I'm pleasantly surprised how it's gone so far, by now I'd have expected it to drop down to less than $2000 per day, but the more we seem to do, the less we need per day to get it finished.
Apparently we only need $1900 per day or something like that now, and with it obviously getting extras...
I'm just glad to hear that everyone else is suffering as much as me, I haven't broken 400m yet but keep hearing of 2+billion scores and wondering how they do it.
Last night I played it in a mood and ended up getting more annoyed by the table than whatever it was I was annoyed at, so at least...
To be fair, that was mostly because Season 1 and two were completely stacked full of Lawlors, and with them spending a fair amount of time trying to get TAF it's understandable why they'd lay off him for a while.
There's only maybe one or two other than TAF that could be used in TPA: Family...
I'm guessing Farsight probably have some stretch goals planned for if it goes above and beyond a regular kickstarter, but I'm getting the feeling that they just want this to just hit the target so they can stop clenching and start relaxing.
I'm fully expecting it to hit the target, but only just.
I meant POTO, I'm terrible at remembering names these days D:
And I have no idea why Fireball wouldn't be on their radar, it was one of the best selling pins of all time.
I'm going to guess something like Bad Cats or Fireball Classic.
IF MSF is the next table then I doubt they'd launch another big name right off the bat.
It is actually smart business, considering that plenty of pinball fans felt a little ripped off with Pro Tables after the Twilight Zone Kickstarter situation. They advertised the idea that you may NEVER be able to buy Pro versions of tables, and yet in the first week of release, there was the...
I really need to stop obsessively checking the kickstarter amount.
I've done my bit, I'm thinking of blocking the page until the last few days and then see if there's anything else that needs doing.
I've been playing this for a few weeks with the android beta and now the PC, so here's what I think of it.
I can't think of a game quite like it, I either have a game where I get 8 million or a game where I'll get 100+ million, there's almost no middle ground
Oh man, is it hard to trap the...
It might not be possible but I want to believe.
I have a feeling we'll make more than $10k in the first 24 hours alone, before it starts to trail off a lot.
To be honest, I'm more curious about the hints for the first table of S4, considering last season gave us three names right off the bat.
That + Dracula + Kickstarter info would make it the best newsletter so far :o
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