I jumped on it after seeing Dr Dude, assuming it was the Party Zone.
I didn't realise the clue was much deeper than usual, I guess after the bunch of easy guesses it made sense it'd probably be that.
As far as I'm concerned, it's too little too late.
They had their chance to capitalise on Digital copies of their physical tables multiple times over the past few years but they always seemed to get cold feet when it came to actually doing anything. We've had only a handful of Sterns compared...
Weren't both Wii U and 360 both platforms available to people in the T2 kickstarter?
Because if so, they should probably focus on getting those out first before another one.
Tbh I agree with ZenTron a little here.
I'm sure we could have all have waited a week for a build B or C with HRC, but given the impatience of some of us here it's forced some people to just release the first Beta, which helps nobody given that the bulk of the bugs were reported in the first...
What's the deal with everyone on here being such ***holes when it comes to table leaks?
Farsight slipped up with the PC files with an update and instead of keeping it secret and hush hush, knowing that they're not set in concrete, lots of people have plastered it all over the internet and...
I thought one of the guys who visited Farsight's studio mentioned that they had a working Wii U version there with the DMD on the gamepad?
Something doesn't add up about all of this, and I'm inclined to believe it's been dropped until it's considered profitable to port to the Wii U. The delays...
I think the bigger problem is that now he's dead it'll be his estate that decides what to do about Macho Man, he was patching things up with Vince but it wasn't far enough to agree to a Hall of Fame deal or a Legends contract.
We could very well end up with a Raul Julia situation where his...
Rollercoaster Tycoon or Rocky and Bullwinkel, I haven't heard those names being tossed about for a while.
Also, when do you think the halloween tables will start coming? Normally they'd be September/October but I think that this season runs out before then, with plenty of big names like...
So what are the odds that EU gets shafted again tomorrow? For all the talk about Europeans being impatient, I'd like to see what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot and Europe had patches/DLC first and the US was forced to wait for an undisclosed amount of time.
Just as expected, my first few games playing HS today resulted in some absolutely pathetic early drains compared to the wonder game yesterday.
Then I slowed down, stopped panicking and started aiming based on 'feeling' rather than looking at the trajectories and completely destroyed the high...
It's a lot easier than I expected, which either means that I'm getting much better at virtual pinball or it's an easily tuned machine.
Then again, it could just be the pinball gods being cruel to me because I only had a short amount of time to play it and had to drain balls 2 and 3, I have a...
I'd like it to be Bad Cats, with a small percentage going to the Pyton Anghelo to help with his cancer treatment.
Even though I'm certain we will never see it in TPA :(
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