Well, some of the tables do take some getting into, demo mode often cuts off too quickly. But if you like pinball and can afford to just buy it outright like that, I agree that it sounded unnecessary.
I suppose in context its not weird, after all for compatibility reasons you should always support the latest API possible. (or risk the GPU becoming a serious bottleneck later on if an OS upgrade relies on newer functions)
There are supposed to be some new instructions in DX11 that do things...
Steam on PS3 was only used for Portal 2. If you bought it on PS3 you got the PC version free and players on either system could compete against each other.
I suspect that DirectX 9 support will be gone pretty soon in most games. (thankfully not in Pinball Arcade)
It made sense to keep it while they were effectively targeting it on consoles anyway, but once games start being PS4/Xbox One only then its going to mean a LOT more work if they continue...
I really wish they would store this information server-side so you can work towards the same goals on ALL platforms.
That said, I still need to get round to setting up a Farsight account for my PC.
For the record, its been mentioned that Pinball Arcade is developed on a GTX 660. So if you can stretch I think that is the card to go for guaranteed performance especially as you can sometimes find it as cheap as a 650 Ti.
That said, I can get it to run fine at 768p without post processing or...
Its a shame they don't automatically credit you for the normal table packs if you later upgrade to a season pack.
Then again, they can't even get the current discount to work properly so its probably asking a lot of the monkeys that are running the store.
Not sure if its in the menu but as mentioned above there is DEFINITELY a key mapped to it but I cannot remember off the top of my head. Check the keyboard mappings in the menu, it should tell you.
I have an Asus Transformer Book T100TA and it runs Pinball Arcade really well as long as you keep post processing and ball reflections off. I have paired this up with a Duo Pinball controller and my skill at the game has improved dramatically. However without the keyboard connected the UI...
Hmmm, not sure what you mean about the reflection looking bad - my specific issue is just that I am running the game on a low-end PC that cannot handle the reflections turned on.
It sounds more like what you want is custom balls, which DO exist already but you have to pay for them.
Sony would be foolish not to fix this as it will kill off the PS4 version for me too if they don't.
I have already decided I will be buying all the packs on Steam now as I'm having far more fun playing on my tablet with the Duo Pinball controller than I ever have before on a pinball game on ANY...
Could you please add an option to have a fake reflection texture mapped to the ball when reflections are turned off?
As it is now the ball texture looks pretty bad, especially on tables with captive balls which DO have pre-rendered reflections on them (unless you task switch out of the game...
As for piracy, the irony is that there was actually an Amiga game of mine that broke and I couldn't get a replacement from the publisher as their license had expired. I managed to get it years later from an originally pirated copy that was released (supposedly) legally online. In fact there is...
I think now that people are realising that backwards compatibility is not guaranteed on consoles, Steam really has a chance to pull people back over to PC. Very clever timing with the Steam machines when you think about it.
I much prefer the simplicity of console, but many games I already own...
I'm not sure that would work as each pinball game triggers the plunger at different speeds. It also would be rather counter-intuitive to be trying to judge the ideal plunger strength based on the Duo Pinball plunger position, especially for games you may have learnt to play on other platforms...
The camera views are actually something that really bugs me.
The fact the viewing angles seem to vary so much from one table to the next is frustrating, particularly as that means there is no way to set a global camera view for ALL tables.
No Good Gofers so example there is no angle I really...
The smoothing on modern TVs actually "guesstimate" every other frame, which is why they look so good when they get it right but create annoying ghosting or downright corrupt looking frames when they get it wrong.
Panasonic seem to have good tech for it, LG on the other hand seem to be all over...
As requested, this build should use return/enter instead of space for the plunger.
Just beware, I originally was going to use this mapping but switched to space as I realised its a lot more problematic if you close/crash the application with the plunger held as that means enter gets stuck in...
Indeed, I had all the tables on Pinball FX2 on 360 but bought them all again on PS3 so I would get them on Vita too. That said its not near as much fun as several people on my 360 list played it so I could compete with them for scores.
Pinball Arcade I have season 1 & 2 on PS3/Vita and No Good...
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