I agree with Night about keeping Zaccaria on iOS, even though I also own Android tabs and PCs, I don't think it is a good idea for such a small company like ASK Homework to spread it self so thin developing for other platforms.
Yeah I did the same, I backed up both iPads to itunes before going iOS 7 just in case there were problems afterwards. So far I'm loving iOS 7. The only thing I really miss after loosing my jailbreaks is the Cydia, iFile app, iFunbox is not as cool on a jailled device :(
These are great titles, however I find Watts' writing style peculiarly verbose and at times difficult to follow. Try and get your hands on his audio lectures, really good stuff!
Unless your iPad is JB'd then I recommend the update to iOS 7. It works great on both my iPads 3 & 4 and there are no probs with TPA, Zaccaria Pinball or Zen :)
Yes same problem here. After having a readof the Italian user manual (not my first language) I could not see anything that mentions bonus time after the 5th ball, so I'm guessing this is a scripting oversight and should be removed on the next update. Overall however this is a great table to play...
Great work Zsolt! Love the new table, it has a real classic late 70s layout. Unfortunately I have the same issue with game ending on the 5th ball and not giving any bonus time :(
Also there needs to be a way to turn off this touch nudging because it wrecks my game play. I really hate it.
Oh come on folks, it's nothing like the constant background rhythmic nattering of Goin' Nuts. The music and sound effects of this table are classic for that time and full of nostalgia for those now in their 40's who grew up playing these tables.
Nuts grates my nerves, bought it and only played it once, that was enough.
No, you're not dreaming :) Over the last 30 years, I've owned several late 70's early 80's Gottlieb tables and you could definitely switch between 2 different styles of sound.
Now with regard to the sound of Genie &...
I would love it if ASK included the Italian speech in the Soccer Kings table. Right now it sounds somewhat UK English lol!!
I agree with the others, this is a very dark table, almost impossible to see much in night mode. I'm sure it will get fixed in the next update.
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