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  1. dagwood

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    If it means better physics and overall performance then I vote for flat corroded steel, if I want to play clinically sterile tables then I run TPA ;)
  2. dagwood

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    I love the way the audio on this new table has that limited bandwidth with added ambient room reverb FX, giving it a much more realistic vintage sound. Congrats to your sound designer! Looking forward to the release of "Clown" - that was a very colourful table!
  3. dagwood

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    Hey guys, I don't know if you've been keeping up with global news, but Hungary (where ASK is) has been under a declared state of emergency due to serious flooding. Perhaps this is why we haven't heard from them in days...?
  4. dagwood

    Zaccaria Pinball - Update v1.3

    Yeah I'm really hanging for this update too! The silence in this thread over the last 7 days is deafenning! :p
  5. dagwood

    Zen & iCade compatibility?

    Good to hear that there is some support for it on Android, hopefully iOS support isn't too far awy...
  6. dagwood

    Pinball HD collection - IOS

    I agree with this, the worst offender for me is Funhouse, when all the play-field lights are flashing the ball just gets lost. What TPA need to do is have a ball trail like Zen tables do. My favourite Pinball HD tables are ACDC & Arcade :)
  7. dagwood

    Zen & iCade compatibility?

    Hi peeps, I own 8 of Zen tables and would to play them on my iCade. Does anyone know if Zen are likely to add compatibility for iCade owners?
  8. dagwood

    Modded iCade Core with side buttons

    Got my iCade today too! :) I'm impressed with it's size & solid build. My only disappointment is that I can't play some of he retro Atari games like Lunar Lander in portrait mode, other than that, the wooden cabinet and rubber feet offer good stability even when playing rough, though I do need...
  9. dagwood

    Inverse Poll: What Table Would You Not Play If it Was On Free Play

    Oh yeah that Spy Hunter is a real dog - that repetitive music gets on my nerves. I must say I do enjoy playing South Park at my local arcade, but then I'm a big fan of the show ;) Based on machines I've played IRL, I nominate two Gottlieb tables with awesome backglass artwork but are total...
  10. dagwood

    Modded iCade Core with side buttons

    Thanks for the link Codeena :) I'm thinking of just keeping the cab in it's original upright position and adding the buttons to the sides. Though I'm just guessing at this stage because I don't actually have it in my hands (only ordered it last Thursday). I also have a spare full size pinball...
  11. dagwood

    Pinbot score and HOF points not updating

    On my iPad 3 with iOS 6.12, Pinbot does not save any scores even on-line. Once I exit TPA and restart, the high scores are all back to default :(
  12. dagwood

    Modded iCade Core with side buttons

    Has anyone tried these side button mods with ION's larger wooden upright iCade unit? I'm guessing this one would have much more room to accommodate side buttons?
  13. dagwood

    Williams and Bally: the "next 30" unofficial poll.

    There must be some HD Motorcycle fanboy in the FS hierarchy, otherwise releasing HD Pinball in front of so many other more deserving tables makes no logical sense...
  14. dagwood

    Any physics changes with latest update?

    I find turning tilt off as a the only reward for completing all the wizard goals on any pinball is a bit of a non event. How about a 5 ball play option instead? Now that is real reward!
  15. dagwood

    Android - Bug Gravity too low?

    FS need to seriously look at implementing something like what ASK Homework have done with their Zaccaria table releases. By including the addition of a physics menu where the user can adjust: table angle, ball friction, rubber bounce, flipper & slingshot force etc... ;)
  16. dagwood

    Centaur vs Pin*Bot (which is better?)

    Never played Centaur in real life but definitely dumped a couple of hundred $$ into PinBot at the local bowling alley. The TPA version of PB is definitely easier to play, but I'm really loving Centaur's commanding sound and gameplay. FS needs to definitely pump/compress the audio out from PB...
  17. dagwood

    Table Pack #15 Guesses

    How about none of the above :p Less DMD multi level ramp-fests and more retro classics like: Mata Hari, Flash, Sinbad, Harlem Globe Trotters and Joker Poker ;)
  18. dagwood

    Atari pins

    I played Hercules a handful of times in 1979, it was definitely a bit of a fad machine, but Superman on the other hand was an awesome table. I agree with night, ASK Homework definitely need to take on this licence, their work on the ZZZ tables of late is simply breathtaking!
  19. dagwood

    Table Pack #15 Guesses

    Damn you Gottlieb! This like comparing "The Blues Brothers" to "The Blues Brothers 2000" :p

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