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  1. Kolchak357

    Stern Spider-Man Vault Edition

    I see Stern has announced there will be a vault edition of Spider-Man. A very good modern Stern pin in my opinion. Is anyone going to lay out the coin to get one? MSRP $7,595 I'm guessing this might also mean Spider-Man might make an appearance on the new Stern Pinball Arcade app. More info...
  2. Kolchak357

    HSII out on PS3 yet?

    Is HSII out on the PS3 yet? A friend said he saw on Wikipedia that it was out, but he could find it when he went to download it. If it's not out yet, do we have an anticipated release date on it?
  3. Kolchak357

    Your favorite Halloween (or horror) movies?

    I love this time of year here in the states. I get to see some of my all time favorite movies. I'm a very big Vincent Price fan. Watching The Tingler right now and House of Wax follows in about an hour. A more current favorite of mine is Trick 'r Treat from 2008. So, what are some of your...
  4. Kolchak357

    HP Sauce?

    Ok, I need some help from my friends out there, especially those from Britain. I was in the dollar store today and they had bottles of HP Sauce for $1. So I picked up a bottle, but I'm not sure what to put it on. Do I treat it like steak sauce? What do you like it on? Thanks
  5. Kolchak357

    Name That Song Game

    Ok just for fun here folks. I know there are many music fans here. Here's how it works. I have posted some song lyrics below. You name the song. If you get it correct, then you get to post some song lyrics for everyone else to guess and so on. Here is the first one... Whoa thought it...
  6. Kolchak357

    Black Friday Sales / Deals

    It's just what you think it is. Share your deal/sale finds with all our forum friends. Doesn't have to be pinball related. I'll start it off.... This morning I found a new iPad Air 2 64gb at for $100 off with free shipping. So my wife will be upgrading from an ipad 2 for...
  7. Kolchak357

    Real Pinball Videos

    I just wanted to start a thread of real pinball videos. I often find myself watching these things during my lunch break or late at night when nothing is on TV. There are a few video threads for a specific pin but I wanted one where you can post a vid of any pin. Your favorite, one you hate...
  8. Kolchak357

    The Walking Dead

    Here is a link to Pinside where someone posted a bunch of pictures of the upcoming Walking Dead pin from Stern. I'm not a fan of the show, but the playfield looks very cool!
  9. Kolchak357

    My favorite Zaccaria Pin so far is...

    Enough Zaccaria pins have been released that I think it would be fun to pick our favorite machine so far. I'll start it off. This is pretty tough. There are a lot of these pins that I really get a kick out of playing and the last five or so released have been home runs to me. My favorite two...
  10. Kolchak357

    Underrated Pins Thread (videos)

    Deep down inside don't we all have a soft spot for the underdog? Well that is what this thread is for. Share a video of an underdog pin. A pin that maybe wasnt produced in large numbers, had a theme that made it unpopular, has been forgotten by time, or maybe just a guilty pleasure pin of...
  11. Kolchak357

    York Pinball Show 2013

    I attended the White Rose York Pinball show yesterday. The weather was horrible. The rain poured down all day an totally washed out the outdoor flea market. Inside the pins and video games were pretty crowded. I went with my wife and a friend from work. We were there for about six hours and...
  12. Kolchak357

    Stern Star Trek is officially on the way.

    Hard to see much but here you go...
  13. Kolchak357

    Centaur vs Pin*Bot (which is better?)

    I keep going back and fourth about this table pack. Which of the 2 pins is the better of table pack 14? I hadn't played Centaur in well over twenty years and I love it. But Pin*Bot looks and plays so good. I'm having trouble deciding which is better. I simply love playing both of them...
  14. Kolchak357

    Zaccaria Pinball Currently Free!

    The Zaccaria Pinball app is on sale right now. It's free. It comes with one table, Time Machine. More tables and night mode available as in app purchases.
  15. Kolchak357

    Farsight hint for May DLC

    For Table Pack 14, we've got two greats for you; a Bally and a Williams. Back in the 80s, this Williams table outsold the Bally table by over 4 to 1 according to But... don't discount this Bally classic, there's a good reason why it was a fan favorite. They stumped me on this...
  16. Kolchak357

    Pinfest 2013 Allentown

    The Spring Pinfest dates have been announced for 2013. It will be at the same Allentown location as last year and will be May 3rd and 4th. I plan on going at least one of the days. I know it's a little to start talking about it, but I just wanted to throw it out...
  17. Kolchak357

    Poll: Time spent playing TPA

    I'm sure people on this forum spend more time playing TPA than the casual gamer, but I'm still curious. So how much time do you spend per day playing The Pinball Arcade? I actually spend more time on this forum than I do playing the actual game. I play less than an hour a day. Edit -...
  18. Kolchak357

    Terminator 2 kickstarter to start in 2Q of 2013

    Since the cat is out of the bag (thanks Pin Wiz), I thought I would start a thread for T2. What do you think of T2 as the next kickstarter? Is this a pin you will back? Have you played the real table? What do you think of the layout and artwork? Here is a link to a T2 vid from YouTube to...
  19. Kolchak357

    iTunes $100 gift card for $80

    Best Buy has iTunes gift cards on sale for Black Friday. $100 gift cards are on sale for $80. A pretty nice deal if you can afford it. It would buy a lot of DLC. I'm not a big fan of Best Buy, but thought I'd share this deal in case anyone was looking for an iTunes gift card. (Link below)...
  20. Kolchak357

    Request Gottlieb - Haunted House

    I was just listening to The Pinball Podcast (Ep. 13, link below), and they were discussing Haunted House from Gottlieb. They also briefly discussed The Pinball Arcade. The show reminded me how much I need that pin. My favorite backglass of all time, great music, three levels of action! I...

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