So I was playing last night and I felt something was off with the game in terms the play was really fast in terms of the ball /flippers etc. So I checked whether I was logged in as I wanted to see where ny online score was in the rankings. It came back telling me I was not logged in so I did...
So I have had this happen multiple times now and nearly panic'd the first time and most recently on my 3 Billion point game.
So you get to the end of a LIZ and then the balls are sent back tot he Gumball and then the game just sits there in that view and nothing happens until several minutes...
Don't know how but lost my local high scores and the game set me back to Standard goals. Argh... Seen this on other tables as well, very frustrating.
Ipad3 ios6
We go through the effort to record it but it is not saved after the game and resets to the default... Seen this several times. Would be nice to see it in the high scores list as well.
iOS6 iPad 3
Ok after a long weekend with TZ there is a subtle difference in the powerball color on iOS but very slight. The ball does play slightly different but not as pronounced as the real deal. Check how a powerball bounces off the right flipper from the slot... It bounces higher. Still would want...
Relating to the stalled camera view I had this happen in TZ as well during a multiball during a good game... I was really pissed and then magically a ball kicked out and restored the view after about 2 minutes and game continued. Have not repro'd that one.
Please put this in the forthcoming TZ forum area.
Portrait mode e gumball view got stuck on a ball 3 and thus I lost the ball. Tis was on a power ball as well. Next ball cleared the view.
iPad iOS 6
For starters it locked up when e free mode expired and asking if I want to purchase.... that will put a damper on sales! Hope it is not as buggy as Harley Davidson.
Gotta love it.. Yet again.., Ball 3 during speedometer multi all... GAME OVER at 560 million., sigh... Argh! Might have come close to my PB at 666 million.
I just love it when the Electro Post just stops working in the middle of a game this time during Harley Multi ball,,... Hmmm did a solenoid burn out? Once again observed this bug.
Once again another bug.. Why do I keep ounishing myself I will never know!
In Speedometer multi ball during a 450+ million game the display went from two int plunger mode and disables the right flipper!!!!!!! Arghhh lost all balls due to this! Tried switching views and pausing frantically...
Seen this several times. Was at Dallas and just after a simultaneous 2 ball, 1 ball drain I en hit the stop light for Video mode but it was also the conditions for a patch for Dallas. The collect patch stayed up and video mode stayed going in the background leaving me to drive blind...
Was on ball 3 with two balls left. Simultaneously one drained and one went not Super Harley Jackpot. It gave me the audio recognition but the. I thought the game was over and did not return my Super Harley Jackpot ball... Arghhh 550million and on my way to beat my PB with 12 cities done.
They need to build into the code there can never be a state where no ball is not on the table and it is in game mode and you are not holding a ball with a flipper and nothing has happened for a minute or two.
Arghhh!! Just happened again with red light multi ball and call attendant said it was not stuck... GAME OVER on first ball with 250million and an extra ball. I would give up on is game but I am trying to ache piece the Milwaukie Multi-ball.
In Red Light multi ball I got down to one ball and it still thought I was in multi-ball so any normal jackpot shot still scored. When the ball drained it then could not do end of ball bonus as it trout one was in play still. Did the Call Attendant and a plunger ball showed up and I then...
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