+1 to this one... I play on a train in the morning with no wifi but I hold out until the last ball so I can pause and get back into wi-fi and then play the last ball if it is a good game.
+1 to Cristobal. The game loses its staying power when scores are reset / lost which I experienced in the last update. Related is that high scores locally do not sync with the online leaderboards when you are playing offline and then comeback to online later. I hope something can be done here.
I've found myself several times where the electro post just stops working. It even stopped working for the successive games. I ended up quitting the app altogether by killing it and then when I restarted then it started working but also lost all my high scores.
Anyone else seen this issue...
Upgrade to an iPad 3? lol...
Off topic - Seeing you are from San Jose did you go to the recent Pinball Expo? There was a Taxi there but I never got to play it. I'm in the Bay area as well.
Hopefully somebody has seen this but basically I have seen it happen on two tables now, latest is Taxi, but it likely has nothing to do with the table.
So go set your personal best on a table, then go to leaderboards and it seems like if there is some kind of network failure at the time it will...
iOS6 / iPad 3
One thing that I have noticed is the plunger and Spinout physics are too predictable. Basically pull the plunger back all the way and you are guaranteed the 100K x the multiplier every time. While that is good for scoring it is not realistic in terms of the real machine where...
Been playing and enjoying the new Taxi game. I found one thing that I think is a bug.. IOS6 / iPad 3
1. First you need to get a score that is in the top 4 so you can put your initials.
2. Because of the long delay for when you are allowed to use the left and right arrow buttons to select...
Here's one I don't know whether it has been brought up. On the Farsight Leaderboards can we get a symbol for the platform that the score was achieved on? My suspicion is some platforms are dominating the high score lists for whatever region... Optionally keep separate platform high score lists...
What platform are you on? On the iOS and iPad 3 the predictability of roll down the eject hole is generally different every second or third time so it is hard to count on it.
Here's one that has happened twice on IOS iPad 3.. at the end of the game the the ball drained and the bonus sound just sat there and repeated and it never went to start the game over. You have to Quit the table in order for it to continue.
Anyone seen that one?
Very odd... I killed the game as it got stuck and came back to Black Knight and found the swipe Tilt is working now on the right side. Oveall it is much more generous than Gorgar it seems. So I'll have to see if something triggers the lack of a good swipe on the right side as that is my...
+1 on your observations as a current and long time BK owner.
#1 bothers me the most not seeing the upper left flipper in portrait mode on the iPad3 which is my realm. I put it in Camera mode #3 which gives you a little edge of the flipper which helps but then in this camera mode the HUD score...
Just got the table and enjoy the authenticity of most of the play. It's a bit gracious in the upper playfield for getting malls in the multiball but I am ok with that. I am a BK Pinball owner so I am very jaded.
I play in portrait mode on an iPad 3 and have been playing Gorgar a lot, used...
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