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  1. T

    [Unofficial] Community poll for next TPA Kickstarter

    the emulation for bbb is already working fine with pinmame so they could probably get it to work. does anybody know what farsight is using to emulate the tables? are they using some version of pinmame?
  2. T

    May Android BETA

    anybody know when we can expect the beta?
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    Ten (Real) Machines to Play Before You Die

    The do or die hurry up is not the hardest wizard mode on iron man. There is a do or die multiball you get by completing the "modes" so all the inserts flash instead of being lit solid.
  4. T

    [OLD] AC/DC LE Ruleset Explanation and Basic Strategies

    you dont need to hold the flipper during the plunge, only when the ball is in the jukebox scoop. it is pretty awkvard to plunge while holding the right flipper, altleast to me.
  5. T

    [OLD] AC/DC LE Ruleset Explanation and Basic Strategies

    i own a acdc premium and its a great game, but i prefer fast point driven games over mode based games like lotr. get acdc if u like me want a fast flowing point driven game, and lotr if u want a deep mode based game with multiple wizard modes.
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    [OLD] AC/DC LE Ruleset Explanation and Basic Strategies

    all of the multiballs do have super jackpots, it just takes alot of regular jackpots to light them up.
  7. T

    Pinball machine owners list

    Spiderman AC/DC Premium Tron Pro
  8. T

    Is this table worth the money?

    Highspeed 2 for 5000 is way too expensive. But 800 for hs1 sounds like a fair price assuming there is no mayor problems with it
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    Request F-14 Tomcat

    Yes, great table.
  10. T

    A VERY dangerous thread!

    1. I would like a mode without extra balls that has its own seperate leader board. 2. remove the extra balls from the tournament mode. 3. improved ball and flipper physics. 4. update the physics of the older tables. 5. change all the replay and special settings to the factory settings
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    Can't get the night lighting version

    when did the xbox get night lighting? do you mean the update that came several months ago? the update just changed the lighting but it didnt get any night lighting settings
  12. T

    Beta (1.10.0 )

    I cant press the left flipper while plunging on afm so i cant get the super skill shot, and the hud on big shot is still all messed up in portrait, it is always blocking something important in all the angles
  13. T

    Thinking about getting a Star Trek: TNG Pinball Machine

    Yes and its rumoured to be a steve ritchie game, so it will probably have a fast and fun layout.
  14. T

    Thinking about getting a Star Trek: TNG Pinball Machine

    warranty period? will you actually get a warranty period on a pinball machine from the 90s? and sttng is known for being a pretty difficult machine to keep in i 100% working condition.
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    Android 1.8.0 and Tournament: Bugs

    Im also being forced into upside down landscape view on all the tables Edit: im using a asus tf300tg by the way
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    GOLDENEYE is mine!!! (It's all your fault SKILL_SHOT)

    no it is probably not the weight, some balls are not supposed to be used on games with magnets, you prabably just got thoose. i use "Carbon Steel Pinball 1-1/16" in my x men and that game got some magnets.
  17. T

    Android 1.8.0 and Tournament: Bugs

    is there any plans to scale down the hud on big shot in portrait mode? the hud is really huge for me, the lover hud block the left flipper an all views, and the upper hud blocks the lanes at the top.
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    GOLDENEYE is mine!!! (It's all your fault SKILL_SHOT)

    6 with me got a NIB x men pro and got a lotr on the way.
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    Finally.... 2 hours later and 8 billion in change...

    All the tables are way to easy, not just TZ
  20. T

    Android 1.8.0 and Tournament: Bugs

    i got a TF300TG and the flippers is working fine for me.

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