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  1. T

    Android - Bug Observed Bugs in Twilight Zone (v1.7.0 BETA)

    Yes personally i prefer the darker ball, but a lighter ball isnt exactly a dissaster. I would be nice if both versions were availible in ball skins.
  2. T

    Best camera angle to score?

    I use either 1 or 2 depending on the table
  3. T

    Want free access to Beta like Android!

    Android always get the betas, it would probably cost fs some money to setup some type of beta system for playstation.
  4. T

    Android - Bug Observed Bugs in Twilight Zone (v1.7.0 BETA)

    yeah the previous build felt alot better, i get slowdowns all the time with this build. and the old ball looked much better, it should be awailable in ballskins
  5. T

    Jersey Jack's Next Game Will Be....

    Yeah rolling stones suck, but the two most recent stern games acdc and x men is actually very good in my opinion, so they are on the right track (mostly)
  6. T

    Bug Android Version 1.7.0 Bugs And Feedback

    i just had a pretty weird glitch in twilight zone. i had a good first ball and got to litz on the first ball, but with all the balls on the screen i got some serious slowdowns so i paused the game and shut down all the stuff that was running in the background. when i got back in to the game all...
  7. T

    What are your 3 biggest concerns for TPA?

    The launch ball button is used for troll bombs on MM
  8. T

    Jersey Jack's Next Game Will Be....

    if the hobbit is going to be jjp´s next game i doubt that they will wait untill the third movie is out. why wouldnt they be able to release the game before the last movie?
  9. T

    What are your 3 biggest concerns for TPA?

    my biggest concern is how much easier the tpa tables are compared to the real ones. that is partially due to the physics but also because of the extreme amount of extra balls it is possible to get on alot of the tables. the play time on most tables is way to long, i had a 2 hour scared stiff...
  10. T

    Bug Android Version 1.7.0 Bugs And Feedback

    it happened to me to with camera angle 2
  11. T

    Lets Talk DMD

    the dmd animations for sterns x men table is pretty good imo, but that table doesnt use video dots
  12. T

    My predictions for the release dates of the next 2 table oacks!

    Released on what platform? Tz will probably be released any day on android since the beta version seems to play pretty good.
  13. T

    Bug Android Version 1.7.0 Bugs And Feedback

    i cant download any of the improved versions of the tables, after about 10% the app closes.
  14. T

    Transformer Prime issues or??

    I have a tf300tg and have not had this problem.
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    Farsight comes clean on issues with 360 platform

    There would still be bugs on a disc aswell, it doesnt matter if its a disc or a downloadable game when it comes to bugs.
  16. T

    DLC Release Date

    Will it be reset for all tables? Hopefully only for monster bash because of the glitch .
  17. T

    Ball drains quickly right after start...

    I almost always soft plunge so the ball dont reach the bumpers on this table.
  18. T

    Reset the leader boards?

    Every time they fix a table and it becomes harder they should reset it imo.
  19. T

    Bug Android Version 1.5.0 Bugs and Feedback

    That ripley bug is not new it happened to me months ago for the first time.
  20. T

    Medieval Madness - video mode

    For some reason i get video mode once every game i play from merlins saucer, but i have only completed it once.

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