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  1. Kaibun

    Table of the Week Club...week 3: ATTACK FROM MARS

    I love AFM, it's definitely my favorite table. I'm glad it's the first that shows up on the table menu. Currently working on those Wizard Goals, I once got really close to Ruling the Universe. And I'm no good at that video mode, played it on real life several times but never finished it.
  2. Kaibun

    F-14 Tomcat before Cyclone ?

    F-14 might come this season. I fail to see what's so great about Cyclone, why not Hurricane instead?
  3. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    It's a bit more noticeable than Party Zone, I don't remember the audio being so weird like this.
  4. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    I'm really enjoying it so far, but it just me or the audio on the table feels kind of muffled?
  5. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    Sorry about that pun, I just couldn't resist. I'm just glad we're finally getting the table today. They used to come earlier, didn't they?
  6. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    Farsight needs to double-check this one before release. We all know it's gonna come with plenty of bugs in it. :D Also, is this table coming today?
  7. Kaibun

    Twitchstream General Discussion

    That's not really true, Johnny Mnemonic wasn't that great of a movie, but it's a well-regarded table, just Like The Shadow. The latter was an Universal movie, unfortunately. All the good movie licenses went to DE and Sega; Williams and Bally were stuck with crappy ones. But they made some great...
  8. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    Whirlwind is superior to Earthshaker in every way, IMO. It feels like Lawlor was still learning the ropes with the latter.
  9. Kaibun

    Pinball FLYERS

    I couldn't agree more. This table is the definition of awesome.
  10. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    But they still have to pay for that one country singer, right? Whatever it takes, I just want my Road Show. Shouldn't be that expensive.
  11. Kaibun

    There will be no EM this season

    We're never going to get Ace High, are we? They should have released that one instead of Central Park.
  12. Kaibun

    Stern's next game...Wrestlemania

    Man, the Legends edition looks awesome. I remember playing the Data East version years ago, it was pretty cool. Though honestly, I'd rather have a wrestling ring with regular flippers and drop targets than those bouncy flipper-things.
  13. Kaibun

    Stern's next game...Wrestlemania

    I haven't watched this in years, but whatever happened to the Undertaker? He's nowhere to be seen in this table. Did he completely disappear from existence after he lost in Wrestlemania? BTW, I'd totally buy a Game of Thrones table. Since they've already done one an HBO series like The...
  14. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    Purple Haze and Come Fly With Me, i think. They're nowhere to be found. Road Show has some country singer featured in it, called Carlene Carter. Not only she voices Red, but has a picture of her on the backglass, and a song of hers plays during multiball. That's probably the reason why it...
  15. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    Wasn't it usually on the 16th every month, or something? Eh, I can wait some more.
  16. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    They've removed some music from Party Zone, so I hope they'll get rid of that multiball song from Road Show too. Man, I hate country, the table would be so much better without that singer in it. And they could replace that pic of her in the backglass with Lawlor's face or something. And...
  17. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    So when is it coming, again? I always forget when table release dates are. I can hardly wait here.
  18. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    That's because TAF hasn't showed up yet.
  19. Kaibun

    Pinball FLYERS

    Oh, so that's where the idea for that lower playfield from the Congo table came from.
  20. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    TX-Sector is definitely a neat table, you don't see it getting mentioned very often. There's also another one I like called Gladiators, which is underrated as hell but still quite good.

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