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  1. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    Is that one still going to happen? I thought they said it was impossible with the current rating, but who knows.
  2. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    Here are my predictions for this season: 1:Phantom of the Opera 2:Party Zone 3:Earthshaker 4:Starship Troopers 5:Addams Family 6:The Getaway 7: F-14 Tomcat 8: Jack*Bot 9: Road Show (or if they can't get this, a Gottlieb table that doesn't suck, such as Wipe Out, Gladiators or Operation Thunder)...
  3. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    Season 5? Don't do this dude, I don't wait so long for F-14. Let's try to be a bit more positive, at least.
  4. Kaibun

    Table pack #36 speculation.

    It's probably High Speed 2, but what I really want is F-14 Tomcat.
  5. Kaibun

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    Why not just make a two-pack? Everybody wins!
  6. Kaibun

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    I really like the sounds in Xenon, but Paragon has some really cool artwork. It's definitely a hard choice.
  7. Kaibun

    Top 3 Showdown: Farsight's Official Pre-1980 Poll

    Darn it, it's a tie. We need one more vote. Whichever table wins is fine by me, even though I voted for Paragon.
  8. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    I remember coming across this one quite a few times, pretty much every arcade had at least one Sega table. So how's the third flipper going to work?
  9. Kaibun

    Starship Troopers Thread

    Aside from the placeholder flippers, the table is looking great so far. I hope they keep the Sega logo with Sonic, at least. They really should get rights for the company names. Sure DE and Sega were basically Stern at different times, but they should keep 'em for historical reasons.
  10. Kaibun

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    I don't think we can be sure at this point. We know a few tables, but everything else is all up in the air.
  11. Kaibun

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Season 5 is still too far away. Hopefully both will show up on 4.
  12. Kaibun

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    I'd love to see F-14 too, is there a chance it might show up this season? Jack*Bot would be nice too, to complete the trilogy.
  13. Kaibun

    Bug: hole in one challenge

    I'm getting the same bug here, but on the PC version. It's definitely quite annoying when it happens, and completely messes up your multiball.
  14. Kaibun

    Where is this thing?

    it just came out. I'm really enjoying it so far, didn't get to play this one as much as the other Lawlor tables. Love that shaker motor.
  15. Kaibun

    The Party Zone

    Oh man, I love Party Zone! It's one of the tables I fondly remember playing in the 90's, at a seaside arcade. I enjoy every bit of it, especially that rocket and the dancing crash dummies.

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