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  1. Baron Rubik

    Android - Bug (Season 4 - T03) Earthshaker bugs

    Only played one game but... 1 Getting regular - 'Pinball Arcade is not responding' messages , on attempting to start the app. Also app starts but no buttons respond. Don't know if this is Google Play related. Device - SGS4 GT-I9505 KK4.4.2 stock OS GPU Adreno 320 2 look at far right...
  2. Baron Rubik

    Android puzzle game - "Fruit Threes".

    If you enjoy a puzzle game occasionally when not pinballing, an excellent free app is available here on the Android Play Store... "Fruit Threes". The apps own description best sums it up... It's written by a very...
  3. Baron Rubik

    Android - Bug Very Intermittent Input lag?

    Some are sensitive to lag, others less so, I'm normally very sensitive to it, so at first thought I was being paranoid, but I definitely think there is an intermittent input ignore or lag in the Android version. It's so intermittent that input feels normal and crisp every flip, but...
  4. Baron Rubik

    Zen Studios 1/2 price table sale this week on XBox360.

    As the subject title really, all Xbox360 tables are allegedly 1/2 price this week. (can't confirm it as I have a full set already). Good time to snap up any your missing.
  5. Baron Rubik

    Android Version 1.25 feedback and discussion

    Post your Android version 1.25 feedback here! If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, use Android Version 1.25 bugs. Please follow the guidelines in the first post for format.
  6. Baron Rubik

    Android Version 1.25 bugs

    This thread is for posting bugs for Android version 1.25 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, use Android Version 1.25 feedback and discussion Anything...
  7. Baron Rubik

    Pinball Backglass Clock Widget's for Android.

    I've been knocking up some Backglass Widget's for Android recently, and thought I'd share the files if anyone wants to try them out. Started with Haunted House, then Black Knight, and High Speed in eager anticipation. All widget's have a hidden TPA start button. For Black Knight and...
  8. Baron Rubik

    Castlestorm from Zen Studios free beta

    Castlestorm from Zen Studios is available for free Android beta test, from this link here... Welcome to CastleStorm - Free to Siege, Beta! (Android) #StormingCastlesIsSoMuchFun The clouds bring rumors of war…...
  9. Baron Rubik

    Android version 1.22 feedback and discussion:-

    Post your Android version 1.22 feedback here! If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use Android version 1.22 bugs:- and follow the guidelines in the first post.
  10. Baron Rubik

    Android - Bug Android version 1.22 bugs:-

    This thread is for posting bugs for Android version 1.22 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use Android version 1.22 feedback and discussion:-...
  11. Baron Rubik

    Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas - coming to mobile in Dec '13

    Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas - coming to mobile in Dec '13. I'm more excited about this than getting GTA V for Xmas on the ol' 360. Tenpenny is gonna get it again....
  12. Baron Rubik

    Moga Ace Power now available for ios 7.
  13. Baron Rubik

    Will Android get the PC physics tweaks?

    Same as a lot of people, i've spent the last 2 evening's playing the steam PC version, and although probably predictable, i've got to ask... Ryan, will Android ever get whatever physics tweaks the PC version has across all tables (especially the older ones)? I'm not sure what the exact...
  14. Baron Rubik

    Samsung S4 - ZeroLemon 7500mAh super battery

    I spotted this on Amazon... ZeroLemon 3x stock capacity S4 battery. First thought was, yeah I could...
  15. Baron Rubik

    Holy Cr@p - what a great app!

    Figured it would be good if people, as and when they discover a useful app, post up and share. Always good to swap notes on this, as generally some of the really great apps pass us by. --- I'll start the ball rolling with this one I've just come across. GMD hide soft keys * Root (Root is...
  16. Baron Rubik

    Video - streaming performance is lousy.

    Decided to treat myself to one of the new videos available within TPA app. Despite the trailer working, having purchased the full video, it will only run for approx 1min then stop or break up. I've tried several high performance devices, several browsers, checked my download performance (which...
  17. Baron Rubik

    (Android) Ripleys RBION - playfield lights indistinguishable

    Gotten into RBION recently, and playing on 2 Android devices, a 2012 Nexus 7 tablet, and an SGS4 phone. Having a lot of trouble on this table distinguishing which lamps are lit/flashing or not. This is on both device's. The worst culprits (for visibility) in order are... Outlane specials...
  18. Baron Rubik

    The Word Link Game!

    Instructions - post a word, then the next person posts a word that is linked to it....and so on.......a totally unique idea!!! Eg.post1 - Sling post2 - Shot post3 - Gun Etc.... First word - PINBALL
  19. Baron Rubik

    Android - Request Relocate 'SAVED_DATA' to a non-protected folder location

    Ryan - The 'SAVED_DATA' file which holds the local hi-scores and goals is normally located at... /DATA/DATA/COM.FARSIGHT.ANDROIDPINBALL.JAVAPROJECT/FILES/SAVED_DATA With '/DATA/DATA/' being a protected location, this can only be accessed easily by rooted users. Is it possible to change this...
  20. Baron Rubik

    Zen (Android) - now has nudge up!

    Nudge up (both shake and touch) has been added to Zen pinball HD for Android. I can Zen Nudge Pass on the move now :D Really hoping TPA for Android gets the extra nudge options ios got soon - Come on Farsight!

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