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  1. M

    Chrome OS support?

    Hello, It has now been verified that the Google Play store is coming to Chrome OS devices, and in theory most Android apps should work without much modification. So it sounds like Pinball Arcade can be easily ported to a whole new platform - maybe just needing support for keyboard controls (not...
  2. M

    Android - Bug TOTAN displays advert after game

    I've bought all the seasons so far (and a few balls). That's more money than I ever expected to spend on an Android game, so... eta - I think FarSight are going to have a few grumpy emails on Monday. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you shouldn't upload a new version of your game just...
  3. M

    Android - Bug Since 2 / 5 / 15, doesn't seem to be possible to play without signing into GPG

    (in inverted portrait, Samsung P-900, Android 4.4.2) I'm stuck in a loop. When I launch the game, I hit 'Cancel' twice to Google Play Games, and it normally lets me in. Now it asks me to sign in again when I enter a table, and hitting cancel gets me to the table menu. When I try to actually...
  4. M

    Battle of the *Bots

    So, which Pin*Bot table wins for you? For me it's still Pin*Bot. I don't rate Bride at all to be honest, so I was pleasantly surprised by Jack*Bot in that it keeps most of what makes Pin*Bot great (they're all new to me, so I had no idea it was so similar). But I prefer the focused simplicity...
  5. M

    Favourite Zac EM? What do you like about it?

    I can't decide... Though I'm leaning towards Circus. But I think there are enough now to get a good discussion going. Any thoughts?
  6. M

    Request: significant increase to maximum camera movement speed

    Hello A.S.K, The progress you're making is really amazing - particularly happy to see improvements to the camera menus and flipper physics. One remaining issue with the cameras is that basically 50% of the FOV slider is useless. You can't play zoomed in if the camera doesn't track the ball...
  7. M

    Android - sound recently got worse?

    I haven't played TPA in a while, but just fired BSD up and it sounds a lot scratchier than it did, like it's been compressed more aggressively than I'd like. And then there's Starship Troopers... Any hope of a 'download larger assets' option, or something?
  8. M

    Post passing?

    Anyone pulled it off? I might suck at pinball (well... alright, I do suck at pinball), but I'm not convinced it's possible in Zacc. Hoping it's on the roadmap - other things like drop catches look amazing, and would be the cherry on the cake for a true simulator, but post passes seem fairly...
  9. M

    Balls rolling back through spinners deflecting unnaturally?

    On Space Shuttle and possibly other tables (Circus looks like a contender, though I can't find any videos of gameplay to confirm), if the ball rolls slowly back through a spinner it takes a deflection that doesn't look natural. Looking at this video posted by night, I think it ought to roll...
  10. M

    Camera issues

    Hi Zsolt et al, Loving the game - thanks! Bought a gold subscription within 5 minutes of installing it. I realise you've been working hard to get it out of the door, but here are a couple of problems I'm having. 1) Views 5, 6, and 7 clip the bottom of the flippers, even with the ball resting...
  11. M

    Pinball eras: mixed preferences poll

    One more, then I'll stop spamming you with polls ;) [but I know you secretly love polls...] eta - gah. I'm not sure what the difference between 'no preference' and 'EM, SS, AN and DMD' would be. But I can't edit it. Ho hum... eta2 - in case anyone's baffled by the initialisms: EM =...
  12. M

    Has TPA changed your preferred pinball era?

    Mixed preference for me - mostly between SS and alphanum. But I'm just curious as to whether many people have found their preferences shifting, being exposed to all these great tables that we wouldn't normally get to play (I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a real pinball table here...
  13. M

    Do you play for score or modes?

  14. M

    Worst game?

    I managed about 6.5 million last night, which I was fairly impressed with. I had a game after that which was almost more horrific: I'd built up the castle lock, and was going for the coffin lock, when, as often happens, I hit the castle lock prematurely by mistake. Never mind, says I...
  15. M

    Android - Bug Tilt warning launches ball

    (Not a bug - operator error :) ) Tilt warning launches ball Not sure if that's a ROM bug (or even deliberate...) but I can't find mention of it online. Anyway, on my 2012 Nexus 7: start game, shake tablet, ball launches. Also works during a game - it seems you have to shake it enough to...
  16. M

    Android tablet - launch button in HUD vs. launch 'direct from table'

    Just a curiosity really. On Attack From Mars, for example, when the viewpoint 'steps back' to launch the ball, the fire button disappears from the HUD and tapping anywhere launches. On BSD, the HUD button persists, and is the only way to launch. This seems slightly suboptimal for a few...
  17. M

    A revelation

    Wow. This table is amazing. I really didn't like it at first - you all know exactly what I'm going to say, it's that bloody outlane. I played Bride a bit too, and didn't think too much of it. I don't personally care too much about scores, so the billion point thing didn't bother me. But the...
  18. M

    Are you sure you're on the right table?

    There are occasional things that leap out as inappropriate when I'm playing TPA... Not as in; "Elvira! Wash your mouth out, you hussy!" inappropriate, just incongruous, somehow jarring with their surroundings. Some look or sound like they belong to another table, or like they simply have no...
  19. M

    3 balls or 5 for points?

    Haven't decided yet... The main scoring isn't that different - just ups the pop bumper to 1000 from 100. But the 2x and 3x bonus are available on your second and third ball respectively - averages out to 2x per ball. On a 5 ball game you're only getting 1.6x per ball on average. Since I seem...
  20. M

    Was nudging always considered part of the game?

    Just curious as to whether nudging was considered 'foul play' once upon a time, or was always considered a legitimate technique? How early were tilt sensors added to machines? Thanks.

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