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  1. P

    Why I stopped buying tables

    Hi guys. Sorry for the title but unfortunately It is true. I have been a big supporter of TPA since the first day, given many money for each Kickstarter , but today I dont play anymore. I did not buy any of the season 5 table I think It is mainly because tables dont evolve graphically. Tables...
  2. P

    TAF is up

    Like all the kickstarter tables I pledged In fact... Even with log out log in.
  3. P

    TAF is up

    I chose to restore my purchases but apparently I have to pay the table. I pledged 50$ during kickstarter. What did I miss?
  4. P

    Post processing

    So I wonder who from farsight replied this to me :rolleyes:
  5. P

    Post processing

    Farsight recently answered me on facebook about post processing. I asked them to use the extra power of iPad Air to have a descent lightning management and they told me that it is not possible for them. And then they indicated me to use the post processing option... Hum... If I remember well it...
  6. P

    Request Stop selling two tables at the same time please

    I don't think so. I don't see why it could be so difficult to give various offers to the customers. Splitting the tables in 2 can't be so difficult for poeple who create nice pinballs on 8 platforms, precisely. It is nothing compared to programming such 3d models. If it is a business decision...
  7. P

    Request Stop selling two tables at the same time please

    You forget that each table can be tested. If the guy falls in love with centaur, then he can buy it.
  8. P

    El Dorado - first impressions / tips and stretegies?

    Sorry but it is a strange answer. Or a "not so smart" answer. If poeple are free to play the table they want, at this time they are not free to buy the table they want, that is the main problem, nothing else. I have launched a thread on this because I read this often. And I think more and more...
  9. P

    Request Stop selling two tables at the same time please

    First I want to say that I appreciate the farsight work. But I really don't like the old tables released with modern ones. Before it was possible to choose but now I must buy two tables at 4.49€ to play only one. The older is usually uninteresting (for me). I don't want especially to launch a...
  10. P

    will lighting and ball reflection be upgraded for the new air and mini retina

    It is the bad news of the month... What is the interest of having more power if we don't use it. Now I play on PC too and when I come back on my ipad I don't want to launch the game. Sure we can't have the same quality but lighting could be better I think
  11. P

    Where are people buying iPad Air?

    I have had ipad 3, 4 and now air. I don't regret my purchase. Light weight, extra power. Just great.
  12. P

    Bug iOS Version 2.10.0 Bugs

    Same on ipad air. For me post processing doesn't work at all.
  13. P

    TPA on ipad air

    I don't know what happens with me but post processing doesn't work for me. And if it is the same as before, I think it would need to be revisited because the result was not good concerning colors.
  14. P

    TPA on ipad air

    Hi guys. Ipad air at home since few days. The only think i hope is that Farsight will use the extra power to add a beautiful post processing mod to the game. The lack of a good enlightment is now the only thing missing.
  15. P

    First impression

    Multiball is really buggy. I had a ball ingame with multiball on and the game ended... How can this pass the beta testing???
  16. P

    First impression

    I have a bug with multiball. I don't have time to launch the ball, the game goes on the "playing camera" view too fast. Second ball can't be launched...
  17. P

    Pro Pinball

    The Ipad demo is still impressive to see. For me it is 10 time better than TPA in term of lightning. Perhaps PC will do more but an ipad it is simply excellent.
  18. P

    iOS Version 1.2.9 Discussion And Feedback

    A small question, perhaps at the wrong place, but when will Circus Voltaire be debugged? I have stopped playing it (When the master ejects the ball in the lock ramp, you know that the game is over...)

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