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  1. P

    Bug Already finding issues

    I doubled the #1 high score, got 1.3 billion. Took maybe 30 minutes (although I admit I don't know the optimal strategies yet) i was awarded exactly one HOF point. so basically my game would have to last approximately 400 hours to score the full 1000 HOF points?
  2. P

    2016-Aug-26 20-minute tournament: EBD, PZone, Diner, LCA, JY, FT, CBW, EDCoG

    This really doesn't help since the website is wonky on the iPad, and only shows the upper 1% of contestants anyway.
  3. P

    2016-Aug-26 20-minute tournament: EBD, PZone, Diner, LCA, JY, FT, CBW, EDCoG

    Seriously this goddamn absurd. Does anyone actually boot up the app before releasing it?
  4. P

    Big hurt release - bug list

    Wow this is a really awful, embarassing release. The game is completely unplayable on iOS. So many bugs! ive encountered all the ones already listed, and I encountered them immediately. There is no way this game was play tested at all. Disgraceful. one thing I didn't see mentioned -- the...
  5. P

    Totally different table in the tourney

    the tables play exactly the same in tournament mode. they only seem more floaty because recent tables are tuned much much faster, and your brain has forgotten how slow previous season offerings were. programming the game to somehow detect how long it's been since you played a table, and then...
  6. P

    new layout/update

    Hello! Yeah I'm still around. :) ok, so a tournament just started, and I can't for the life of me find the overall tournament standings. I found the high scores for each game, but that's it.
  7. P

    What separates the best players here from the rest?

    i don't want to make this into a real vs. sim post, but being the best at TPA is pretty different than being the best at real life pinball. since there is little to no randomization or wear or heating or anything like that, shots react the exact same every time they happen, to the point that on...
  8. P

    new layout/update

    What happened to the Hall of Fame points? They don't seem to be displayed anywhere.
  9. P

    What do you feel is the most overrated table in Pinball Arcade?

    the Yakov kicker doesn't go STDM (at least not in my experience). it always ricochets off a flipper. it does send the ball out of control at ludicrous speed, though.
  10. P

    Funhouse Tactics and Strategies

    yup, gotta hit rudy to re-light the mirror. there is a white insert just below the mirror hole that indicates whether it's lit or not.
  11. P

    Strategy (aka how to pwn)

    man, this table didn't take long to railroad, did it? :( my first 5 or 6 games i got obliterated. like not even close to a million. but after i figured out a few of the tricks (some outlined above) i could play just about as long as i wanted. it's a shame, because this table is SO FAST it...
  12. P

    Bug Funhouse - Not so fun sometimes. But it could be!

    hey, awesome! glad i could be of service. :) well, if you're trying to hit the first slot for a quick frenzy, you might plunge it somewhat lightly over and over until it finally dribbles in. without the risk of it bouncing back into play, it basically gives you as many retries as you want...
  13. P

    Bug Funhouse - Not so fun sometimes. But it could be!

    first of all, cool post! :) disagree with this one. i own a Funhouse, and i can tell you that the kick out *IS* different and somewhat random, especially when there is more than one ball in there. also, no, balls do not come out exactly the same way every time in real life. that would be...
  14. P

    Top 5-10 Pinballs every made - Pro talk

    glad to see STTNG getting some love. couldn't agree more with PET3R -- it is very tough, but it is a game that rewards accuracy above all else. you don't lose your ball if you make your shot. this is something TPA gets right about the game. if we're talking strictly gameplay and strategy...
  15. P

    Can't raise shields during Borg multi-ball.

    well, Q's challenge never times out during multiball no matter what. for this reason, trying to start multiball right after starting Q's challenge is a known strategy for big points. same is true of Maximum Acceleration mode if i recall correctly.
  16. P

    If you score over 10 billion . . .

    The real STTNG has multiple issues with high scores. For one thing, scores over ten billion are well within the realm of possibility, but the score when shown in game doesn't show the ten-billions digit, so players may think their score has reset. the game DOES keep track of the score...
  17. P

    Can't play Party Zone on Ipad

    before deleting the app, try logging out and back in through the TPA interface. that has fixed weird bugs for me when closing the app or restarting the device didn't.
  18. P

    Party Zone first impressions

    got 460 million and i think that's about all i can stand on this stinker. so obnoxious and annoying. i can't believe they made Dr. Dude and then said "hey let's do another one like that!
  19. P

    Party Zone first impressions

    Ugh. As ugly and unfun as Dr. Dude. New contender for worst table. Also unrealistically fast, like haunted house. That kind of basic physics problem should be high on their priority list to fix. I wonder if the problem was maxed by the frame rate / stuttering problems they used to have.

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