Ÿour LEAST favorite tables?


Jul 29, 2013
For me, I think my least favourite 5 are:

No Good Gophers

Harley Davidson

Scared Stiff

Goin' Nuts


Basically, I just don't find the themes very inspiring. It's all about the vibes, man ;)


New member
Oct 6, 2012
But you're supposed to get screwed in pinball. Its like any other arcade game its meant to be a quarter muncher.

I get SDTM drains in tables like CC, AFM, MM CPUB, and Dr Dude all the time and I still keep coming back

So it isn't a show of talent, it is who isn't getting screwed by the programming? If I make a bad shot or get an unlucky kick off a post, fine. But if the flippers don't work, the balls don't react to something how they should or a phantom dust particle makes the ball do something it doesn't do 99% of the time, it is ok? I can expect that in real life, but not where the surface stays constant in virtual. I get all those SDTM as well, that is fine. But I remember there was an issue with I believe Dr Dude when it came out, and CPub is acting the same way as DD previously did IMO.


The problem with Dr Dude's SDTM drains, when it was first released, was due to the improperly functioning pop bumpers above the reflex targets. That caused the ball to lose velocity and that would channel to a SDTM drain.

The only time I get really bad SDTM drains on Champ Pub is when I am going for jab combos and I don't pay attention to the centre plug. Otherwise there aren't, imo, any real channels to form SDTM drains, even off the bag/fighter.

Maybe we just have different play styles. :/


Sep 12, 2012
Honestly I like all of them except for Black Knight and HD. I would've preferred BK2000, but I am grateful to have the tables we have. I am not big on EMs because of my age. I am only 41 so the time I was old enough to aprreciate and play pinball SS pins ruled the arcades. I honestly would have liked to play Bally's Harley Davidson over Sega's.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
The problem with Dr Dude's SDTM drains, when it was first released, was due to the improperly functioning pop bumpers above the reflex targets. That caused the ball to lose velocity and that would channel to a SDTM drain.

The only time I get really bad SDTM drains on Champ Pub is when I am going for jab combos and I don't pay attention to the centre plug. Otherwise there aren't, imo, any real channels to form SDTM drains, even off the bag/fighter.

Maybe we just have different play styles. :/

Sorry, I misrepped the comparison with Dr Dude, I meant the ball collision during multiball, not the SDTM. I don't have trouble with SDTM in CPub either, unless I hit the left post near the scoop, but that is just a bad shot on my part.

Edit: Yep, still think CPub is the worst. I bought the Pro Mode to see if I could practice a bit, even with 10 balls could barely get to Pub Champion match (once in 4 tries). I then deleted and reinstalled the table thinking it was a bad download, but still acts the same. Floaty, poor control, weird bumper bounces unlike other tables and half the time the jump rope doesn't jump and the bag just falls out the middle without getting into the gloves. As soon as I win a fight or get a fight lit, the ball drains. Might be poor play on my part, but just not worth being frustrated over. Just don't remember the table acting like this when it released IMO, I was actually able to get to cash fights once in awhile.
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New member
Sep 14, 2013
Regarding popularity on the leaderboard BH is the least one played.

Other tables not liked are FH, DD and HD. GN is relatively liked, more than e.g. Centaur.

Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Honestly I like all of them except for Black Knight and HD. I would've preferred BK2000, but I am grateful to have the tables we have. I am not big on EMs because of my age. I am only 41 so the time I was old enough to aprreciate and play pinball SS pins ruled the arcades. I honestly would have liked to play Bally's Harley Davidson over Sega's.

I don't see what age has to do with anything. You're "only" 41, but I'm 24 and absolutely love EM and early SS games. I also prefer BK over BK2K.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I don't see what age has to do with anything. You're "only" 41, but I'm 24 and absolutely love EM and early SS games. I also prefer BK over BK2K.

I agree that age has nothing to do with it. My daughter is 19 and her favorite pinball machine is Firepower. Her second favorite is Medieval Madness. The era that the table comes from doesn't matter to her just how much fun it is.


Aug 31, 2013
I truly don't get all the hate for "Dr. Dude"? It's not a great table, but compared to "Centaur" and "Gorgar", it's a damn masterpiece!


New member
Sep 27, 2012
I truly don't get all the hate for "Dr. Dude"? It's not a great table, but compared to "Centaur" and "Gorgar", it's a damn masterpiece!
i was a dr. dude hater before the tournament. now i kinda like it. i actually think both centaur and gorgar are masterpieces.


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May 16, 2012
Bad move, human. Gorgar's feelings hurt. :(

Apart from the obvious choice GN, I barely play ToM. Man, do I hate the magican's voice...


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Apr 28, 2013
Goin Nuts, Central Park, Big Shot, Gorgar...Centaur makes the list as well not for gameplay but I just don't like the color scheme.


New member
Oct 13, 2013
Wow....am I alone in loving Goin' Nuts? I feel shunned. LOL

Sound off. Who loves Goin' Nuts....anyone?

I think it's pretty cool. It's a fresh approach which could probably offer a little more in its execution, but then again it never made it past prototype. And I think having the ability to play prototype tables is VERY cool, even if technically unfinished.

I noticed that the backglass display (on the iPad version at least) never updates though, which I guess is annoying only because it looks like farsight never finished their port.

As for my least favourite, I find White Water pretty dull. There are no bumpers or holes ... Just a bunch of tunnels - shoot the ball in here and it comes out there. Maybe it's better in real life.
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New member
Apr 17, 2012
I think my least favorites are not because I don't enjoy them so much, but I want to but playing on an iphone and not getting any younger makes the ball hard to see. Examples include, No good gofers, whirlwind.


I noticed that the backglass display (on the iPad version at least) never updates though, which I guess is annoying only because it looks like farsight never finished their port.

You'll notice all the backglass plasma Alphanumeric/Numeric displays don't update. It is too processor intensive for mobile platforms and causes too much of a performance hit if they did.


New member
Oct 15, 2013
I'm new here. I've been reading you for a couple of month and finally, in reading this tread, I've decided I had to put my input :)

I'm a big fan of older table like EM and early SS. I like table that have simple rule, it can be hard to play but it as to be easy to understand. So my least favorite table would be, without hesitation, Dr. Dude and Funhouse. Plus, I don't really care for HD and BoPB, too boring.
F2000, Genie and Big Shot are my favorite.

I don't have anything bad to say about GN except that if it was not for that annoying sound, I would play it more often. ;)


New member
Apr 4, 2012
I love Dr. Dude with all my heart.

This made me laugh. I also like Dr. Dude. When I was a kid (mid 30's now) of all the remnants of the 80's this table seemed pretty dumb, but now looking back on it, I have more of an appreciation for it. I'm also a fan of that late 80's vibe and look at it in the same vein as like Revenge of the Nerds, or Better off Dead. I would always pass over it on my way to BK2K in the arcade I went to, but now I'm glad it's in TPA and I can see more of it without committing a ton of quarters to do so!

I agree about Harley Davidson. This table seems like it failed miserably to convey the cool factor that's supposed to go with Harleys. Not a fan of Motorcyles myself, but I hate the voiceovers (green light! red light! 1st gear!) and the table just looks really uncool to me. I think they could have made a much cooler table where you are playing some kind of bad-ass and getting chased by the cops or something, bar fights, etc. Maybe that stuff happens! I will never know because I would rather not play it. :)

Black Hole: I used to think this was awesome because of the reverse playfield, but after playing it extensively in PHOF I can say I just don't enjoy it. It's very unforgiving and the music drone drives me crazy. I think I would have more patience playing it if not for the drone. Space Shuttle is an alright table but for similar reasons, the sound, I find it it difficult to play for a long time.

I wasn't impressed with Flight 2000 either, reminded me of Black Hole. I admit I've only played the demo for it so far.

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