Abbreviations for Pinball Tables in The Pinball Arcade -TPA


New member
Dec 19, 2012
It makes me happy Gord that you are okay with what I did. When I saw Squid's post this morning with the link to Jeff's great list, I thought I might have stepped on some toes.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
It makes me happy Gord that you are okay with what I did. When I saw Squid's post this morning with the link to Jeff's great list, I thought I might have stepped on some toes.

Definitely not. My list was buried and mostly forgotten about, so as Gord said, I'm glad you made this thread. Plus your list looks nicer :)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Hm I suppose it'll take some getting used to, but first impression is that I dislike this auto-highlighting of abbreviations in my own posts. I was trying to write about the size in megabytes of the latest PS3 update, for instance, and it came out as 276 "Monster Bashes." And even just having something like "TPA" come out bright green and linky after I've posted it is kind of icky and probably likely to drive me to using some other abbreviation that won't trigger the highlight. While I'm at it I may as well throw in that I hate it that we can't turn off smilies in our own posts, too. : P

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I've changed the green text to be a very dark grey (and made it regular, not bold), that way it doesn't stand out as much, but is still noticeable. The MB for megabyte and Monster Bash is an unfortunate one. Not sure of an easy way around it.

As for disabling smilies, that's easy. Just click on "Go Advanced" when replying, and you can disable them in a post there.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
As for disabling smilies, that's easy. Just click on "Go Advanced" when replying, and you can disable them in a post there.

Ah I see, the "Disable Smilies" checkbox isn't there when using the "Basic" posting interface setting for some reason, even in the "Advanced" screen. Probably wouldn't bother with the "Go Advanced" business anyway, guess I'll just keep living with the smilies. Thanks for the info, though!


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Actually, your forum thread was what prompted me to do the highlight-tool tip thing, so I'm glad you made it ;)

I'm assuming this is why TPA, MM, etc have a dotted blue line underneath them. I don't understand what the links are that people are talking about.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
If you're on a computer you can move your mouse over the abbreviations and a tool tip will appear with the full name of the table.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Thanks Gord for all your hard work and the way you've made the list much more functional by making the abbreviation a tool tip for users on the computer. I can't think of a good work around between Monster Bash's initial and megabyte either. My only thought is to change Monster Bash's initial to MSB, one letter for each syllable, but that goes against the standard abbreviation for the table.

Again, thanks Gord for the work and thanks to all those for their support.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
OK, I might as well add the rest of the abbreviations through September.

Centaur - CEN
Champion Pub - CHAMP
Whirlwind - WW
Flight 2000 - F2K
Goin' Nuts - GN
Terminator 2: Judgement Day - T2
Tee'd Off - TEO
Haunted House - HH
Class of 1812 - CO1812
Victory- VIC

The Addams Family - TAF ;)

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