Request Add the table to favs


New member
Mar 1, 2014
This simple feature would make a lot of people happy.

For those who buy many tables it takes time to browse the entire list of tables.

Why not to make it possible to add a table to favorites or even better, allow to make customized folders with different tables.


New member
Jul 22, 2013
I dont think FS has any intentions of doing such a feature just yet. Perhaps until TPA has at least 100 tables, the "Favorites" option may be put on hold.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I dont think FS has any intentions of doing such a feature just yet. Perhaps until TPA has at least 100 tables, the "Favorites" option may be put on hold.

They are working on their new UI. The mockups show you can rate tables out of five stars, so I'm assuming you will be able to sort your tables based on that. So your favourites will appear at the top.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yep, one more reason to wish the new UI would come into existence. Sorting (of some sort) is indeed supposed to be a feature.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Yeah, that scrolling interface that worked fine for six tables in season one is a wee bit clunky with 40+ tables now. A stopgap could be to allow typing a letter to jump to that letter in the list, which would be much less work than a whole favorites subsystem.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Yeah, that scrolling interface that worked fine for six tables in season one is a wee bit clunky with 40+ tables now. A stopgap could be to allow typing a letter to jump to that letter in the list, which would be much less work than a whole favorites subsystem.

Coming from a PC guy this makes perfect sense.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Coming from a PC guy this makes perfect sense.

Actually it could make sense on any platform.
Of course on PC you would just have to type a letter on the keyboard.

On iOS/Android, they could add the alphabetical tiles on the side like they do for the contacts list where if you slide down the alphabet with your fingers it skips to the first contact with a name starting with a corresponding number.

On a console, they could use one of the bumpers to snap the cursor to a letter bar to do the same, or simply use the bumpers as a page up/down type thing.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I wouldn't mind if they made the table select layout similar to Zen pinball with small icons and one tap to check your high scores per table. I get a little impatient waiting to see what my scores are per table. I have actually selected the wrong table to play and played it anyway with the current set up. I also find myself scrolling through the list at different speed rates depending on how crappy the theme music is on each table. I think the real icing on the cake would be a new soundtrack at the start of the app and correct table music when downloading new tables.

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