Alien Tables coming


New member
Sep 13, 2015
Hallo Pinball Fans
Is there also a Backglas Video and a Table Video with Sound or the Wheel Image for this 3 sweet new Alien Tables out?

On the Server i dont find it right now..

I saw the Backglas Video from Nasam on Youtube for the Aliens VS Pinball....
But he dont upload it till today...
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New member
Jun 2, 2016
Alien Isolation is propably one of my favorites from Zen. Also AvP is pretty good. In Aliens I find the design and shots very awkward so can't get much going on in that table. Still it's a very good pack imo. The shots are pretty consistent so it doesn't feel random like some older tables. That compared with the fact that now you don't actually have to complete every mission flawlessly in order to start wizard mode makes the tables more accessible and fun to play. My problem with Zen was always that it felt more like playing Mega Man than pinball, these tables feel refreshing.


Nov 23, 2013
Any chance to get these tables into Pinball FX VR? Still only three tables for that and they are all inhouse licenses.

I would urge any pinball fan to consider like crazy getting a VR headset like the Rift or Vive. Even just the regular tables feel so much more immersive to play and the latency in these headsets is lower then regular monitors. Yes also the so called 0 ms input lag monitors I own.


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Jan 14, 2016
I've made my opinion loud and clear in that I think Aliens and Alien: Isolation are probably my favorites Zen has done. I think Force Awakens is the best Star Wars table they've done. I highly recommend Super League Football for it's unique game mechanics. I'm a fan of Wolverine and Iron Man, but in the minority on the latter for sure. Fear Itself is wonderfully deep, and Civil War is fun for the tug of war nature. Those always seem to be the tables I gravitate to, but there's a bunch more that I casually enjoy. I loathe V12, desperately wanna like Tesla but can't make any sense of it, and think Paranormal has the least ball real estate of any table.

In general, the tables Zen has released in the past year or two have been really solid, have a much better feel to them. Best bet is to pick up a pack or two to get used to Zen in general. Then wait for a sale (they do have 'em on PSN now and then) and scoop up a bunch then.

I agree on Iron Man, as well as Civil War - I had avoided these for a long time because they tend to show up at the bottom of "best table" ranking lists, but I have found both of them to be very cool for different reasons. Iron Man is probably the single most realistic feeling table, the "most like real pinball", and has lots of satisfying shots. And Civil War has some really unique features (like the ramp ball returns which change which flipper they return to based on if you are holding down the flipper on that side or not) and it really penalizes missed shots in a way that makes it feel so good when you nail the one you need.

The only table I really don't like is Archer - I just suck at it, it's super punishing with lots of "brick/drain", and has absolutely no flow. Pretty much all of the other tables have something to offer, and I would say every single one is worth $2 (I'm on mobile).


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Sep 22, 2015
...desperately wanna like Tesla but can't make any sense of it...

I haven't played Zen on anything other than WiiU recently so other platforms may be different, but I don't understand the "can't make sense of it" comment. Is there not a table guide within the game that gives you the low-down on all the tables?

From memory with Tesla, you need to get to the upper playfield with the magnetic flipper. Once all the drops are down, send the ball out the top left to start a mode, or out the top right to change the currently selected mode (the selected mode doesnt change even if you complete it). Also there's a clock-like mechanism at the back of the playfield indicating which mode is currently selected.

When you start a mode, read the DMD and hit the flashing lights ☺.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
The in game guides are a good start - I really like the quasi-official guides made by ShoryukenToTheChin

They are very comprehensive and they always improve my enjoyment (and score) on zen tables. It demystifies the sometimes complex rulesets and catches a lot of details I seem to miss -a lot of nuances on zen tables you stumble onto by accident but aren't exactly sure how it happened).


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The problem with Tesla is you HAVE to read a guide to figure anything out. The on table insert lights to very little to guide you, especially since half the time they are obscured. As for reading the DMD, Zen has never learned to pause the ball from release so you can actually read the thing. Insta drain for looking up sucks.

I've been playing Zen since before TPA. The 4 pack of Tesla, V12, Shaman, and that one that isn't Shaman, those were the first I owned. Never figured out a single one.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
The problem with Tesla is you HAVE to read a guide to figure anything out. The on table insert lights to very little to guide you, especially since half the time they are obscured. As for reading the DMD, Zen has never learned to pause the ball from release so you can actually read the thing. Insta drain for looking up sucks.

I've been playing Zen since before TPA. The 4 pack of Tesla, V12, Shaman, and that one that isn't Shaman, those were the first I owned. Never figured out a single one.

Eldorado = non Shaman.

Those tables were cryptic. I strongly disliked V12 til I read Chin's guide. You had no idea what was going on or what you were supposed to do. After finally understanding the rules it is a pretty deep table that requires marathon play for some modes. Those tables were also brutal - Shaman has some near impossible timed shots that I still can't make.

So I agree with you - early zen tables were confusing and not very user friendly. They have been improving on the "usability" of their tables ever since - the star wars rebels table practically held your hand all the way to wizard mode - granted that table targeted a younger audience.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So I agree with you - early zen tables were confusing and not very user friendly. They have been improving on the "usability" of their tables ever since - the star wars rebels table practically held your hand all the way to wizard mode - granted that table targeted a younger audience.

I think that's why I liked Iron Man so much, because it made sense like a regular pin does. Zen still makes tables that can be cryptic, but Force Awakens and Aliens were prime examples of doing it right.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Warning: this will be a rant post!

# My thoughts about Aliens Table pack

# Aliens

Wow, real quotes from the movie, nice touch. And well implemented in the course of a game.

Hey... What's happening? OMG, a Zen table that has finally a good flow! I can play randomly, just keeping the ball alive, and things happen. Missions, multiballs, I don't aim specifically for these, but it starts. Oh boy, like a pinball table!

For one f*cking simple reason that Zen Studios finally understood: it's not a chore to start a mission! The mission saucer is right in the middle of the table and only requires 3 shots to activate a mission... Wait... like a f*cking classic pinball table! Let's say Attack from Mars!

Oh, and the missions are actually fun to play! No more that bullsh*t "shoot-this-same-ramp-5-times-in-a-row-and-you-have-only-10-seconds-to-do-it-s*cker"!

The mission timer is generally 60 seconds, shoot different ramps, resist to an alien raid, and so on. Yeah, this table rocks!

BUT... Oh no... What's the f*ck?!!! Even if you fail the mission, the mission is auto-completed! Noooooo!

I can undertstand this on Force Awakens because there are 12 (TWELVE) missions to complete before the wizard mode, but hey, here, there's only 5 missions (which are doable).

For god's sake, is it possible that Zen Studios does something right one time in their life? Mission auto-completion simply kills the table play value, as it's now just a matter of playing the wizard mode again and again to get a good score.


# Aliens vs Predator

OK, how do I start a mission... Mmmmmh... shoot 3 times the alien with the upper right flipper. Ok, it doesn't seem like a chore and the timing is quite permissive, so it sounds ok.

How do I access the upper right flipper? Only by a shot on the left orbit... and guess what?

Yeah, as it is f*cking Zen Studios, shoot the left orbit on the fly is just a PITA. Like with all their other crappy table designs, you have to trap the ball on the right flipper, then flip at the tip to shoot the left orbit, then shoot the alien with the upper right flipper. Rinse and repeat 3 times just to start a goddamn mission.

No need to say that if you don't do that purposely, you NEVER start a mission.

Goddammit, do you know what a pinball table is, Zen Studios? A pinball table is pure Fun, just shoot wildly at things, keeping the ball alive, light & sound show, and rock'n'roll. Not a f*cking chore of chaining shots several times to just start a mission, shots that you can't even do on the fly!

And Oh, who's the hell at Zen Studios has had the wonderful idea to turn off an already lit inlane if the ball rolls over a lit inlane?

Guys, it just NEGATES DECADES of pinball design. A lit inlane stays lit, until all lanes are lit. And on AVP, there's 6 lanes. If I start a multiball, I'm punished, because the balls turn off the lit inlanes. What were you thinking!??!! (Same on Aliens table with NEWT)

No, no, no. Just no.

# Alien Isolation

Ok, start a mission requires only two shots, good... wait... tadaaa, Zen Studios strikes again... the Mission Hangar is buried on the far left of the table, a location that you almost never shoot randomly. Then again, you have to trap the ball on the right flipper, flip at the tip.

But this time, as Zen wants their tables to be even more fun, this mandatory shot can be punitive! If you miss the hangar, there's a high chance that the ball goes straight to the left outlane or SDTM.

Oh, oh, oh, how fun it is, I have to nudge each time I shoot for this f*cking hangar, and with this so good designed nudging system, I have 50% chance to tilt.

Hey, wait, there's a big saucer in the middle of table, easy to shoot, and its only purpose is to start a crappy scoring multiball... after 7 (SEVEN) shots. Yay.

Oh, and when you complete a mission (well... auto-complete), you have 10 seconds to lock a ball in the Emergency hole. OK, another PITA.

If you miss the hole and takes the left orbit, the ball goes in the bumpers and the timer doesn't even stop! (unlike all the Pinball Tables of the Creation, on which timers pause when the ball goes in the bumpers). You're f*cked.

If you miss the hole and take the left ramp, the ball goes back on your left flipper. But in Zen Pinball, Hold Pass doesn't work, Post Pass and Alley/Tip Pass are very inconsistent. So you're only choice is to use a Nudge Pass to the right flipper, but then again, with 50% chance to tilt.

Oh boy.


As always, Zen f*cked up, after ~100 tables, they still aren't able to design carefully a table and its rules.

Too bad, because they really nailed it with table presentations and sound designs (really gorgeous).

So, for me, Zen is still a "half-an-hour" game and a one-time high score. Still too much flaws to be a long term (and even short term) entertaining pinball game, as can (could) be TPA.
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Apr 13, 2012
Great post, Tann! You nailed the "keeping the ball alive but unable to progress" phenomenon. I remember being stuck like that when I played the Mars table where the ball rarely drains.

I have no idea why reaching the wizard mode on ZEN tables is either ultra hard, a chore or both. It requires a lot of dedication to master the tables.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Tann, allow me to retort:

I've gone on record as saying I think the Aliens table is one of the best Zen has ever done. Your only gripe was about the auto complete mission aspect, but if I'm not mistaken it is only like that the first time through. After the wizard mode, you actually have to complete the missions. I'd also like to point out this used to be an aspect on many pinball machines, look at ST:TNG as a prime example.

I agree AvP is the weakest of the batch here, as to me it is standard Zen fare with truly horrendous voice acting. The saving grace? I dig the thermal cam mode, and having the table flip upside down is kinda fun in a weird "why can't my brain compensate for this" sort of way. And yes, valid point with the lane lights getting turned off.

As far as Alien: Isolation goes, I think Zen really captured a mood here. It's not meant to be a flip about and hope something happens table, as instead it is really trying to ratchet up the tension as you play. Each shot you take is significant, meant to be deliberate. I'm not saying it's everyone's cup of tea, as pinball is not it's primary goal, but Zen has been trying this for years and this is the first time I was engaged by this style of table. They further explored this with their Skyrim table, showing a true grasp of telling a story.

To sum it up, Aliens is the best 'pinball' table they've done to date, Isolation is the first time they nailed telling a story with pinball, and AvP is run of the mill Zen as they've done for years. That being said, I'd rather play run of the mill than another goddamn Gottlieb Premiere.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I've gone on record as saying I think the Aliens table is one of the best Zen has ever done.

And you're totally right, as Aliens table feels and plays almost like a pinball table, i.e. it could be easily a "real" table (flow, layout, rules, design).

Your only gripe was about the auto complete mission aspect, but if I'm not mistaken it is only like that the first time through. After the wizard mode, you actually have to complete the missions.

Oh, didn't know about that. The first time, I succeeded 4 missions about 6, cleared the wizard mode, then I succeeded 2 missions and I lost my last ball during a mission (I play with the "select mission" option). And then I thought: "Hey, why I take risks to complete a mission (especially the risky ones with alien raids) for "only" 20 millions points? Why not wait the timer ends and go straight to the wizard mode?". But I didn't try and come here to rant about Zen. ^^

Well, if you have actually to complete the missions on the 2nd and following runs to wizard mode, so I was a little bit wrong about the table.

I will check tonight!

Note: ShoryukenToTheChin mentions it only for Alien:Isolation, not for Aliens and AVP:

Wizard Mode – “Final Encounter” *4 Ball Multiball*

This Wizard Mode will be available to start, once you have at least started up all 6 of the Main Missions. 

*Note – Once you have activated the Wizard Mode once without completing all of the Main Missions. The 
next time will require you to complete them all to gain access to the Wizard Mode (in the same game). *

I'd also like to point out this used to be an aspect on many pinball machines, look at ST:TNG as a prime example.

At the main difference that completing a mission on ST:TNG grants you an artefact (didn't remember exactly the name), which changes drastically how much points you win per ramp in Final Frontier (the more you succeed missions, the more you have artefacts, the more you score during Final Frontier).

But succeed a mission on Aliens doesn't give more points during wizard mode. :(

On the other side, it's possible to raise the point value for a mission success by shooting RIPLEY letters in the upper playfield, then after that, raise the wizard mode jackpot value by shooting the 2 ramps in a row in this same upper playfield ... but guess what... it's a chore to do.

Hey Zen guys, grant all of this by actually succeed a mission would have been wayyyy more fun, mainly because of the better flow.

I agree AvP is the weakest of the batch here, as to me it is standard Zen fare with truly horrendous voice acting.

Yeah, as the quote can be very repetitive too:
"Oh, he's losing...
- Mayybeeeee it's a good thing?
- Oh, you can't be serious!"

And my favorite: "Once again, he is NOT my friend!" -_-

But on the other side, the guy voice sounds like Nolan North, so I hear Nathan Drake speaking. ^^

As far as Alien: Isolation goes, I think Zen really captured a mood here. It's not meant to be a flip about and hope something happens table, as instead it is really trying to ratchet up the tension as you play. Each shot you take is significant, meant to be deliberate. I'm not saying it's everyone's cup of tea, as pinball is not it's primary goal, but Zen has been trying this for years and this is the first time I was engaged by this style of table.

I'm not against the fact that each shot has to be deliberate (like on most of Zen tables), but I hate these tables when the most important deliberate shot (in Alien:Isolation, the Mission Hangar) are a PITA to achieve:

- 1. It can't be done on the fly (god knows I hate that on Video Pinball), i.e. you have to trap the ball each time you want to shoot that specific target.
- 2. The target is in a weird and hard-to-shoot place of the table (buried on the far left in AI... why??? It is the most important target of the table, goddamit!)
- 3. This mandatory shot (so after a trap shot) is actually punitive (outlane or SDTM if missed)

And there's a LOT of tables that have these flaws in Zen.

Hey, in pinball tables, the target which triggers a mission/mode is always in the middle of the table and easy to shoot, because if you fail this mission/mode, you can directly and easily retry.

On most of Zen tables, it's just a chore to simply start or restart a mission... it's not fun. NOT FUN.

To sum it up, Aliens is the best 'pinball' table they've done to date

Agreed with that.

Isolation is the first time they nailed telling a story with pinball

Yes and no. At first, I find very cool the upgrade weapon/ammo system... but in fact, it tends to be totally useless. As the timer is quite permissive (I'm not against that, oh no!), it's better to trap the ball, wait opponents turn, and kill them stealthy (and moreover, it gives more points than a shotgun blast in the face).

I didn't dig the table rules yet (nor the modes), so once again, maybe I'm wrong (maybe in some modes, targets don't turn so it is not possible to kill them stealthly, so better have a powerful weapon).

and AvP is run of the mill Zen as they've done for years

Sadly, yes. Too bad, as amongst the three, Predator surely is the most kick-ass dude. ^^

That being said, I'd rather play run of the mill than another goddamn Gottlieb Premiere.

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