(An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores


New member
Apr 4, 2015
I got lucky with my 997 billion ST TNG score. I have scored over a trillion a few times, even on the Xbox One.

It seems your trillion on Star Trek, Xbox 1 wasnt saved on the leaderboards mate...you might have to put another 6+ hours in, im afraid ;) 10 trillion and more is by no means impossible if one has the time and talent, though keeping track of the score gets a bit difficult after a few hours....
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New member
Jun 11, 2012
It seems to your trillion on Star Trek, Xbox 1 wasnt saved on the leaderboards mate...you might have to put in other 6+ hours in, im afraid ;) 10 trillion and more is by no means impossible if one has the time and talent, though keeping track of the score gets a bit difficult after a few hours....

Mark and quite a few other people here have gone way past a trillion. The problem isn't getting there, it's that the score resets back to 0 after hitting a trillion instead of continuing over, so there's no leaderboard proof of the fact.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
Ahhhh...Fair enough, makes sense...disappointing it does that, if thats the case..a bit silly doing that on tables with large, progressive jackpots..


New member
May 4, 2012
It looks like they deleted a lot of "iffy" scores.
It's obvious, but no mention so far, so: they're still in the game, at least on Gorgar which is where I noticed. So not deleted, just blocked from showing on the website.


New member
Apr 4, 2015
It's obvious, but no mention so far, so: they're still in the game, at least on Gorgar which is where I noticed. So not deleted, just blocked from showing on the website.

For what its worth, the Xbox1 high scores table seems legit from what Ive seen..but the console is only 5 minutes old..Time will tell if it holds up....
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Active member
Mar 14, 2013
It's frustrating.


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013

I have received official permission to make the top 2000 or so scores for each table available for public or semi-public download. I have no hard ETA on this, but hopefully in the next week or two. The format will be comma delimited CSVs, one per table, bundled into one zip download if possible. The update schedule for refreshing the data is still TBD, although we are thinking weekly. If you have any particular wishes on the format of this let me know, I am planning on the username, the score, and the platform, ordered by score high to low. It could all be piled into one csv with an extra table-name column which would be easier for scripts to use, but it seems more organizationally sound to keep them in separate files. Either way.

The website leaderboard "Filter Scores" option indeed only hides/shows the obvious hacks (I am not in charge of actually cleaning them, although I got special permission to fix RBION android). For example on Black Hole under All-Time, checking and unchecking it shows and hides Rudzge's score.


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
when I click on "Personalized" scores it gives you "neighborhood" scores for your top score, but listed as #1-#10. It would be better if these were listed with their actual rank.

That's actually the way we had it originally, but eeeee...... yikes is that depressing when you're 50 pages back :\ We thought it might be better to make it relative to the user rather than to the entire user base. Since there is also the ability to track specific users, perhaps the wise thing would be to have 2 personalized options, one for the 'neighborhood' with actual ranks, and one for the 'friends' with relative ranks.

Spreckinzawich, we're tossing around the idea of making it possible to have custom public leaderboards, where for example you might invite X users on X number of tables, with X number of days before scoring stops - rather like a a mini-tournament, kinda iffy though as it would be web only and reliant on the existing leaderboard mechanisms, and we're not sure how many people would actually find it useful when you have to go online to check the rankings. It is however not a huge extension of the existing framework, and may be a soft nudge to the powers that be for some such ability in-game.


New member
May 4, 2012
If you have any particular wishes on the format of this let me know, I am planning on the username, the score, and the platform, ordered by score high to low. It could all be piled into one csv with an extra table-name column which would be easier for scripts to use, but it seems more organizationally sound to keep them in separate files. Either way.
I would personally prefer a single (zipped) CSV. I also prefer as much data as possible. :)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
That's actually the way we had it originally, but eeeee...... yikes is that depressing when you're 50 pages back :\ We thought it might be better to make it relative to the user rather than to the entire user base. Since there is also the ability to track specific users, perhaps the wise thing would be to have 2 personalized options, one for the 'neighborhood' with actual ranks, and one for the 'friends' with relative ranks.

Hmm. The option to have both the overall rank#, and the relative rank#, displayed would be nice. Especially if you've got a list of friends you're comparing with. That way the lists might look like:

Neighborhood ranking:
1. <person1> 123,456,780 (#50 overall)
2. <person2> 123,456,770 (#51)
3. <person3> 123,456,760 (#52)
4. <person4> 123,456,750 (#53)
5. EldarOfSuburbia 123,456,740 (#54)
6. <person5> 123,456,730 (#55)
7. <person6> 123,456,720 (#56)
8. <person7> 123,456,710 (#57)
9. <person8> 123,456,700 (#58)
10. <person9> 123,456,690 (#59)

And friends might be:
1. <friend1> 1,234,567,890 (#1 overall)
2. <friend2> 1,000,000,000 (#5)
3. <friend3> 765,432,100 (#25)
4. EldarOfSuburbia 654,321,000 (#36)
5. <friend4> 567,898,760 (#50)
6. <friend5> 99,999,990 (#175)

Personally I think that would look great.

Otherwise, as I said before, great job so far. Massive, massive, improvement.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
The website leaderboard "Filter Scores" option indeed only hides/shows the obvious hacks [...]

Nice improvement of the online leaderboards. Is this planned to have the same thing in the game itself, and not only on the official website? :p

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
invitro, why are you giving credence to the Phantom... top score? The guy also has a well iffy Gorgar score that you recognise.


New member
May 4, 2012
Due to the Farsight webpage change, I had to change my program that grabs data. I took the opportunity to revise all my TPA programs and database tables. I have the data, but I didn't revise my ranking program until yesterday and I'm being slow with it. A new Top 100 was due yesterday, but I'm still working on it. I should have it tonight. I'm going to play TZ now though so maybe not :).


New member
Feb 28, 2014
Take your time, work in progress here (season 3 revisited) ^^

PS: by the way it seems u're back on the floor with a new account and serious ambitions, isnt it?

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