(An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores


New member
May 4, 2012
Rankings for 2014-05-16

Hi, here are the rankings for 2014-05-16. The last ranking was 2014-04-18. I've settled on a schedule of doing this every four weeks, so the next will be on June 13.

There are several big increases and debuts this month. Which is great! There also appear to be several cases of hacked scores (or glitched scores, how to tell the difference?). I have removed six usernames, one of which I was pointed to by this forum.

I still plan to alter the scoring formula from the exponential decline, which I think is too severe, to something "midway between" that and a linear decline. If anyone wants to give me an explicit formula that they think will be good, please do. Here is the current exp formula:
POINTS = 100 * exp(-0.0465 * (RANK - 1))
and here is the linear formula:

The requirements are:
- RANK = 1 must give POINTS = 100,
- RANK = 100 must give POINTS = 1.

Happy TPAing.

Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
1 (2) +1AntonR298428 (17)45 (44)45#1 on NGG, #1 on SpSh, #1 on Centaur, #1 on ElDor
2 (1) -1vikingerik292827 (29)39 (38)40#1 on MB, #1 on Taxi, #1 on AFM, #1 on T2
3 (3) 0Tarek Oberdieck182619 (18)20 (19)21#1 on BH, #1 on FH, #1 on Genie, #1 on DrDude
4 (4) 0Sir_Moovenstein149613 (13)28 (25)35#1 on CV, #2 on AFM, #3 on ElDor, #4 on Genie
5 (13) +8Toolinit14208 (5)40 (29)44#1 on Fl2000, #2 on HD3E, #3 on HighSpeed, #6 on DrDude
6 (5) -1FALCO12-QUEBEC11689 (11)26 (26)30#1 on EatPM, #3 on RBioN, #4 on Centaur, #6 on CV
7 (7) 0Space Tractor11566 (7)27 (29)41#3 on Pin*Bot, #5 on SpSh, #5 on FT, #5 on BRose
8 (6) -2TOUGE_KILLER11449 (9)29 (30)38#2 on DrDude, #3 on Firep, #3 on WWind, #4 on CBW
9 (8) -1www.vpforums.org10298 (10)16 (16)16#1 on STTNG, #4 on AFM, #5 on BH, #5 on Genie
10 (9) -1atoppachar10268 (8)23 (23)38#2 on FT, #4 on Taxi, #4 on GoinNuts, #4 on BRose
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
11 (11) 0maestroreese9914 (3)34 (32)43#3 on DrDude, #9 on Genie, #9 on SpSh, #10 on CP
12 (10) -2invitro9243 (3)31 (32)43#4 on FH, #9 on AFM, #10 on MM, #11 on BH
13 (12) -1HUFMUF9007 (7)17 (17)26#1 on HD3E, #1 on TeedOff, #1 on Co1812, #2 on TZ
14 (17) +3dylan_h8425 (4)27 (27)43#3 on Co1812, #4 on DrDude, #7 on TeedOff, #7 on FT
15 (15) 0Howling_Goro7768 (8)11 (11)20#2 on STTNG, #2 on Centaur, #2 on T2, #5 on BoP
16 (20) +4Just this guy7515 (4)20 (17)24#3 on WD, #4 on HighSpeed, #6 on BRose, #9 on HD3E
17 (14) -3pinballchris7463 (3)28 (28)42#6 on ElDor, #7 on Co1812, #7 on CBW, #11 on NGG
18 (16) -2Crusty Booger7303 (4)28 (28)44#5 on TeedOff, #8 on SpSh, #8 on Co1812, #11 on Victory
19 (22) +3phoerber6887 (6)10 (8)10#2 on BK2K, #2 on HighSpeed, #3 on EatPM, #5 on CftBL
20 (18) -2geohoo6802 (4)24 (23)38#6 on WWind, #9 on CC, #11 on FH, #12 on BK2K
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
21 (19) -2TRLBrony6623 (2)25 (25)37#6 on Co1812, #10 on Fl2000, #10 on HighSpeed, #15 on CBW
22 (38) +16ChristofferB6324 (2)23 (19)38#9 on GoinNuts, #9 on WD, #9 on HighSpeed, #10 on Victory
23 (21) -2pinballwiz45b6111 (4)20 (17)36#9 on Victory, #11 on Co1812, #11 on FT, #13 on Pin*Bot
24 (24) 0djchrille5233 (3)13 (13)23#5 on T2, #7 on Victory, #10 on HD3E, #11 on BigShot
25 (23) -2benika75184 (4)11 (12)12#3 on CV, #3 on MB, #7 on CC, #9 on TZ
26 (26) 0Mark_Miwurdz5135 (5)9 (9)13#3 on BoP, #5 on RBioN, #7 on T2, #8 on FH
27 (25) -2vpalmer4962 (4)16 (16)26#7 on SpSh, #7 on Centaur, #11 on Genie, #12 on FT
28 (100) +72Fromduc4710 (0)20 (7)31#14 on SpSh, #14 on CBW, #17 on WWater, #17 on Pin*Bot
29 (27) -2Phreaker474565 (5)6 (7)15#3 on Fl2000, #3 on HH, #5 on Taxi, #6 on BoP
30 (168) +138NeonZwei4374 (1)7 (4)9#1 on BRose, #3 on AFM, #3 on FT, #6 on ToM
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
31 (28) -3PinHead9704354 (4)8 (8)10#1 on WWind, #5 on STTNG, #5 on Co1812, #7 on TZ
32 (29) -3ostrich24104 (4)13 (13)17#2 on CC, #8 on MB, #8 on HD3E, #8 on NGG
33 (5087) +5054Captain_Cockup4042 (0)12 (0)16#6 on FH, #7 on RBioN, #11 on STTNG, #18 on BH
34 (33) -1efbelo3971 (2)10 (10)30#10 on CBW, #11 on MB, #11 on T2, #15 on CentPark
35 (31) -4moldygoat3721 (1)10 (12)26#6 on CP, #12 on WWater, #14 on BoP, #14 on WWind
36 (36) 0Lupo233643 (3)5 (5)6#1 on CentPark, #2 on BK, #5 on Gorgar, #12 on GoinNuts
37 (40) +3Tripple I3630 (0)18 (16)37#16 on WWind, #17 on SpSh, #21 on CC, #21 on BRose
38 (30) -8Jake Alt3633 (3)10 (10)30#3 on BRose, #4 on WD, #7 on BK2K, #22 on CV
39 (32) -7chk3601 (1)12 (14)32#7 on BRose, #12 on Fl2000, #15 on FH, #15 on BK2K
40 (43) +3Nemesis0413581 (1)16 (15)25#8 on BK2K, #11 on WWater, #14 on HighSpeed, #26 on SS
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
41 (87) +46maezun3511 (2)12 (8)26#8 on Pin*Bot, #11 on RBioN, #11 on ElDor, #17 on BRose
42 (35) -7DeeEff3430 (0)14 (14)39#15 on WWind, #17 on Centaur, #21 on TeedOff, #22 on FH
43 (37) -6CheesyBeefy883351 (1)18 (18)34#8 on BigShot, #15 on SpSh, #18 on CP, #18 on GoinNuts
44 (44) 0banane323354 (4)4 (4)4#2 on NGG, #3 on MM, #5 on MB, #10 on SS
45 (34) -11Nightmac213300 (0)18 (19)36#12 on TeedOff, #20 on CV, #24 on HD3E, #26 on CBW
46 (39) -7PieCES3221 (1)17 (18)31#10 on Firep, #12 on BH, #12 on DrDude, #32 on CV
47 (42) -5rockman_x_20023212 (2)12 (12)31#6 on GoinNuts, #6 on HH, #17 on Fl2000, #28 on Firep
48 (45) -3Chopin68683132 (2)12 (13)23#2 on WWind, #10 on Pin*Bot, #15 on HH, #19 on BoP
49 (41) -8ParallaxScroll3120 (0)12 (12)20#17 on MM, #18 on CV, #19 on Gorgar, #24 on BigShot
50 (61) +11Jazza3051 (1)19 (13)40#9 on Firep, #20 on CentPark, #22 on CBW, #28 on TeedOff
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
51 (46) -5MT2980 (0)18 (18)40#14 on TeedOff, #20 on Firep, #23 on WWater, #26 on RBioN
52 (52) 0II-Squid-II2941 (1)8 (8)13#1 on RBioN, #11 on BoP, #15 on CV, #19 on MB
53 (50) -3kovalev19852942 (2)8 (9)18#2 on CV, #8 on Taxi, #19 on RBioN, #26 on Centaur
54 (54) 0ER7772941 (1)15 (11)39#5 on ElDor, #16 on CP, #19 on Genie, #25 on HH
55 (47) -8tuomas2901 (1)10 (11)17#6 on AFM, #22 on SpSh, #24 on BH, #25 on Firep
56 (51) -5RIZ420_420_12861 (2)11 (11)16#5 on WWater, #11 on Pin*Bot, #21 on CP, #26 on CC
57 (49) -8Roy Wils2840 (0)11 (11)16#13 on CV, #16 on FH, #19 on HD3E, #27 on AFM
58 (53) -5LordEngi2811 (1)12 (12)27#10 on HH, #13 on CBW, #19 on GoinNuts, #26 on Firep
59 (60) +1OmegaDef2752 (1)8 (7)16#1 on CftBL, #9 on CP, #20 on Genie, #22 on RBioN
60 (48) -12gooche772741 (1)14 (13)29#7 on Genie, #24 on Firep, #29 on ElDor, #29 on FT
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
61 (185) +124Benj3412762652 (1)10 (5)29#5 on CC, #6 on MB, #28 on WWater, #32 on Fl2000
62 (57) -5siemas123452592 (2)6 (7)19#2 on SS, #9 on T2, #14 on HH, #42 on CC
63 (55) -8Caps_Lock4202541 (1)13 (13)26#4 on ElDor, #20 on WWind, #28 on BigShot, #33 on Centaur
64 (62) -2smbaydp2462 (2)12 (9)40#9 on Fl2000, #10 on ElDor, #20 on BigShot, #43 on Taxi
65 (58) -7sneeking2422 (2)9 (10)17#9 on Centaur, #10 on SpSh, #18 on Pin*Bot, #28 on Genie
66 (56) -10Lordbobby2400 (0)9 (10)21#12 on Co1812, #20 on SpSh, #25 on GoinNuts, #26 on Genie
67 (59) -8tiotbellot2400 (0)8 (8)19#11 on TeedOff, #18 on HH, #22 on T2, #23 on WWind
68 (111) +43ppeltola7682321 (1)13 (10)32#9 on NGG, #14 on Victory, #28 on BK2K, #34 on HighSpeed
69 (65) -4wfusdfcfdedeji832260 (1)4 (5)9#11 on AFM, #12 on RBioN, #13 on MB, #18 on HD3E
70 (63) -7kefran222230 (0)8 (8)15#12 on Firep, #14 on Genie, #24 on BoP, #24 on CftBL
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
71 (64) -7Daniel Rone2211 (1)7 (7)10#5 on CV, #14 on BigShot, #30 on ToM, #30 on Firep
72 (70) -2xNiCeGuYx2180 (0)13 (12)31#15 on WD, #19 on Centaur, #20 on BK2K, #24 on GoinNuts
73 (66) -7ALOL9972171 (1)7 (7)17#9 on CV, #18 on RBioN, #23 on EatPM, #28 on Gorgar
74 (69) -5Mark_Miwurdz_US2160 (0)6 (6)7#12 on STTNG, #16 on TeedOff, #17 on T2, #20 on FH
75 (68) -7Actionball2151 (1)5 (6)8#10 on CftBL, #12 on Gorgar, #16 on Taxi, #25 on ToM
76 (71) -5ThePinbugArcade2122 (2)3 (3)4#4 on Firep, #7 on Gorgar, #16 on CentPark, #118 on RBioN
77 (76) -1Nelis Bakker2081 (1)4 (4)5#3 on WWater, #12 on TZ, #20 on BoP, #40 on SS
78 (77) -1pootV32082 (2)3 (3)9#3 on HD3E, #7 on STTNG, #20 on MB, #144 on TZ
79 (74) -5krazysteve19582062 (2)6 (6)22#3 on FH, #5 on CBW, #52 on ElDor, #53 on HighSpeed
80 (67) -13olivierarmy2000 (0)12 (12)14#17 on MB, #18 on CC, #20 on CP, #34 on BRose
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
81 (--) *West_Tiger1912 (--)5 (--)12#2 on Firep, #6 on CentPark, #52 on HighSpeed, #63 on Gorgar
82 (72) -10yoshida758do1900 (0)8 (8)13#20 on WWater, #21 on SS, #22 on CC, #27 on FT
83 (82) -1roma1892 (2)3 (3)3#3 on BH, #3 on Genie, #57 on EatPM
84 (73) -11nikostos441891 (1)13 (13)25#3 on GoinNuts, #21 on Victory, #39 on SpSh, #47 on BoP
85 (81) -4switch3flip1871 (1)8 (8)21#6 on Victory, #21 on FT, #31 on WWind, #37 on CP
86 (80) -6redflame20131872 (2)3 (3)5#4 on BH, #6 on Taxi, #35 on BigShot, #107 on BK
87 (84) -3bobo1862 (2)2 (2)3#2 on BH, #3 on Gorgar, #400 on Firep
88 (1126) +1038Eoner3211850 (0)7 (2)20#16 on Firep, #17 on HH, #20 on HighSpeed, #23 on Pin*Bot
89 (79) -10WIP1831 (1)8 (8)11#10 on MB, #15 on AFM, #24 on CP, #39 on FH
90 (85) -5nuclearkevin1832 (2)3 (3)4#4 on TZ, #9 on STTNG, #29 on T2, #176 on BoP
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
91 (169) +78FalconPain1790 (0)5 (3)19#12 on NGG, #14 on CP, #21 on HD3E, #36 on AFM
92 (643) +551Dizzer20121790 (0)7 (2)16#12 on CC, #26 on CentPark, #26 on Fl2000, #31 on Pin*Bot
93 (83) -10evilryu0071781 (1)4 (4)15#8 on T2, #16 on CV, #19 on WWater, #48 on SS
94 (241) +147baelgor1750 (0)5 (2)9#14 on MM, #18 on MB, #21 on AFM, #24 on CV
95 (75) -20slam231750 (0)15 (14)35#19 on ElDor, #33 on FT, #34 on Victory, #37 on MM
96 (78) -18CentralScrutnizr1732 (2)4 (4)16#8 on FT, #10 on BRose, #24 on Pin*Bot, #100 on T2
97 (90) -7bach211i1722 (2)2 (2)3#1 on GoinNuts, #8 on Fl2000, #114 on BH
98 (93) -5autoteo781690 (0)4 (4)8#11 on HD3E, #16 on TZ, #26 on MB, #31 on SS
99 (97) -2Zoop251690 (0)9 (8)31#14 on Co1812, #28 on CP, #28 on GoinNuts, #39 on Genie
100 (86) -14victorstulemeije1680 (0)15 (17)34#12 on HD3E, #25 on TeedOff, #36 on Victory, #48 on CV
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New member
May 4, 2012
I don't think it's fair to give someone, well, anything for a score that's outside the top 100. Because basically what that does is reward people who just have more tables, vs highly skilled players.
I started out giving 0 pts for scores under #100. There seemed to be a lot of demand to give ranks #101-500 something, so I did... although it is almost zero with the exp formula. I think I completely agree that <#100 should be worth nothing, but a smooth scoring curve seems better. Or maybe I'm just being indecisive.

I am always listening to ideas on formulas. vikingerik had the key idea to make a #1 rank worth lots more than two #50 (or #250 ranks). I think I am still considering making the number of scored tables drop off... like have the best 23 (or half) tables count fully, then count the others less, to compensate some for platforms that don't have the full array of tables.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Wow, neck and neck on me and AntonR. But the timing just missed some games I just played tonight, took #1 on Harley and #3 on Whirlwind.

As for the dropoff formula, here's some brainstorming. Make it so that every doubling in rank is equal. So the difference between places 1-2 is equal to the difference between places 2-4, 4-8, 8-16, and so on. In other words, every time you improve yourself past half the players above you, that counts equally. Going from #100 to #50 is the same as going from #80 to #40, or #30 to #15, or #4 to #2, or any other such combination. This feels nicely elegant mathematically.

This also has the advantage of scaling out to however far down the leaderboard you want to go while always working the same way. (It would work best going to a power of 2 like 128 or 512 rather than 100 or 500.)

So suppose you want place #1 to have 100 points and to rank down to place #512. There are 9 doublings in that range, since 2^9 = 512. The closed-form expression is (1-log2(RANK)/9) * 100.

Edit: actually, a power of 2 isn't necessary. You can rank down to any place N with this expression: (1-log(RANK)/log(N)) * 100.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Are you taking glitched/hacked scores into account? For instance, my true rank on Ripleys would be 5th and 8th on Funhouse are just 2 examples.


New member
May 4, 2012
Are you taking glitched/hacked scores into account? For instance, my true rank on Ripleys would be 5th and 8th on Funhouse are just 2 examples.
I am indeed ignoring usernames with a hacked score. I was not doing anything about glitches because I didn't know of them... except for the RBioN one, which I knew about, but hadn't implemented, oops! I am now skipping RBioN scores that match 10,0xx,xxx,xxx or 20,0xx,xxx,xxx. This gives you your #5 rank. The FH issue is a 999,999,999 score that I hadn't skipped; it is skipped now. I've edited the top 100 table (just the May 16 one, not previous ones). This bumps you up to #26 from #27.

Thanks a bunch for the feedback, this is very helpful.


New member
May 4, 2012
As for the dropoff formula, here's some brainstorming. Make it so that every doubling in rank is equal.
Thanks for the feedback. This formula would make the difference between #1 and #10 equal to the difference between #10 and #100, though. I require #100 to be worth one point, so #10 would be worth about 50 points, and that's even lower than what happens in the exp formula, where #10 is worth 66 points. (To fix f(1) = 100 and f(100) = 1, I get a formula of f(x) = 100 * (1 - log(x)/log(104.76)), which gives f(10) = 50.5.)

I am unsure that I did that right.

I suppose I should try to be more specific about the values of the desired function f(x). I require f(1) = 100 and f(100) = 1. I think we want f(50) to be worth more than the current exp formula gives, which is 10.2, so maybe f(50) = 20 (I'm guessing). And I want ranks #101-500 to be worth more also, so maybe f(250) = 0.1, and f(500) = 0.01.

Here is a table of various functions. They are:
linear: PTS = 101 - RANK
exp: PTS = 100 * exp(-0.0465 * (RANK - 1))
log: PTS = 100 * (1 - log(RANK)/log(104.76))
power: PTS = 100 * ( (1 - (RANK-1)/499) ^ 20.825)

RANK | linear exp log power desired |
1 | 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 |
2 | 99.000 95.456 85.099 95.909 ? |
4 | 97.000 86.979 70.198 88.199 ? |
8 | 93.000 72.217 55.297 74.513 ? |
10 | 91.000 65.803 50.500 68.453 70.000?? |
20 | 81.000 41.333 35.599 44.556 ? |
50 | 51.000 10.244 15.901 11.620 ? |
100 | 1.000 1.002 1.000 1.000 1.000 |
250 | -149.000 0.001 -18.698 0.000 0.100 |
500 | -399.000 0.000 -33.599 0.000 0.010 |

(I am messing around with the power function.)

Well, I am not sure what to think. Except that it seems that it's required to decide how many points #10 and #50 should be worth.
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I require #100 to be worth one point
Why do you require this? Is there a mathematical basis, or just doing it that way because you have been? All sorts of functions are easier to work out with a baseline of 0 rather than 1. The difference between 0 or 1 point at the bottom of the board won't mean anything for the total rankings and makes it mathematically cleaner.

But anyway, that doesn't really matter. Yeah, what shape to make the curve is a bigger question. I think the log method is naturally emergent from mathematics, while the other non-linear methods are artificially constructed to fit what you/we already decided we wanted the curve to look like. The log method needs no magic-constant besides how deep you want to rank.

Thinking about other methods in the real-world for comparison... NASCAR ranks linearly, one point per race position. Golf ranks on an arbitrary schedule: "major winners get 100 ranking points. The second place golfer gets 60% of this amount, 40% for 3rd, 30% for 4th, 24% for 5th, down to 14% for 10th, 7% for 20th, 3.5% for 40th to 1.5% for 60th." Tennis does about the same as golf with fixed numbers per event rather than percentages.

Hey, how about we use the PAPA ranking method? http://www.ifpapinball.com/ranking-info We can treat each table as a tournament of equal value, skipping that whole complicated section about Tournament Value Adjustment. Then the ranking uses the sum of a linear method through the entire population plus a power method for the top 32 players. Interested in that at all?


New member
Sep 8, 2012
I think you guys are overcomplicating this. Just give out some bonus points for the top few places, maybe up to top 10, then the liner progression for the rest of the top 100, and half a point for whatever honorable mention slots you want to include up to 200 or whatever.

The number one spot should be worth significant bonus points though, then dropping off for second and third and disappearing by either fifth or tenth. Like 200, 150, 125 for the top three spots respectively would make sense. A number one spot should be worth a lot more than something from the teens or worse, that's the key point here.


New member
May 4, 2012
Here is the top 100 using a log function for scoring ranks. To be specific, it uses

POINTS = 100 * (1 - log(RANK)/log(500))

I have not looked at the differences between these rankings and the ones for the exp function, except for my own, and I think that #7 for me is just too high, and the previous month's #4 is really way too high (the #12 from the exp function seems right).

I'm posting this for comparison; I hope to decide on a function soon.

Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
1 (2) +1AntonR307228 (17)45 (44)45#1 on NGG, #1 on SpSh, #1 on Centaur, #1 on ElDor
2 (1) -1vikingerik286327 (29)39 (38)40#1 on MB, #1 on Taxi, #1 on AFM, #1 on T2
3 (8) +5Toolinit20548 (5)40 (29)44#1 on Fl2000, #2 on HD3E, #3 on HighSpeed, #6 on DrDude
4 (3) -1Tarek Oberdieck177019 (18)20 (19)21#1 on BH, #1 on FH, #1 on Genie, #1 on DrDude
5 (9) +4Sir_Moovenstein174313 (13)28 (25)35#1 on CV, #2 on AFM, #3 on ElDor, #4 on Genie
6 (7) +1maestroreese16744 (3)34 (32)43#3 on DrDude, #9 on Genie, #9 on SpSh, #10 on CP
7 (4) -3invitro16243 (3)31 (32)43#4 on FH, #9 on AFM, #10 on MM, #11 on BH
8 (6) -2Space Tractor16246 (7)27 (29)41#3 on Pin*Bot, #5 on SpSh, #5 on FT, #5 on BRose
9 (5) -4TOUGE_KILLER16139 (9)29 (30)38#2 on DrDude, #3 on Firep, #3 on WWind, #4 on CBW
10 (14) +4dylan_h15155 (4)27 (27)43#3 on Co1812, #4 on DrDude, #7 on TeedOff, #7 on FT
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
11 (10) -1FALCO12-QUEBEC14769 (11)26 (26)30#1 on EatPM, #3 on RBioN, #4 on Centaur, #6 on CV
12 (11) -1pinballchris14693 (3)28 (28)42#6 on ElDor, #7 on Co1812, #7 on CBW, #11 on NGG
13 (13) 0Crusty Booger14493 (4)28 (28)44#5 on TeedOff, #8 on SpSh, #8 on Co1812, #11 on Victory
14 (12) -2atoppachar14418 (8)23 (23)38#2 on FT, #4 on Taxi, #4 on GoinNuts, #4 on BRose
15 (15) 0TRLBrony12733 (2)25 (25)37#6 on Co1812, #10 on Fl2000, #10 on HighSpeed, #15 on CBW
16 (16) 0geohoo12272 (4)24 (23)38#6 on WWind, #9 on CC, #11 on FH, #12 on BK2K
17 (21) +4ChristofferB12004 (2)23 (19)38#9 on GoinNuts, #9 on WD, #9 on HighSpeed, #10 on Victory
18 (17) -1HUFMUF11737 (7)17 (17)26#1 on HD3E, #1 on TeedOff, #1 on Co1812, #2 on TZ
19 (19) 0pinballwiz45b11321 (4)20 (17)36#9 on Victory, #11 on Co1812, #11 on FT, #13 on Pin*Bot
20 (23) +3Just this guy10695 (4)20 (17)24#3 on WD, #4 on HighSpeed, #6 on BRose, #9 on HD3E
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
21 (28) +7Jazza10421 (1)19 (13)40#9 on Firep, #20 on CentPark, #22 on CBW, #28 on TeedOff
22 (18) -4www.vpforums.org10318 (10)16 (16)16#1 on STTNG, #4 on AFM, #5 on BH, #5 on Genie
23 (133) +110Fromduc10060 (0)20 (7)31#14 on SpSh, #14 on CBW, #17 on WWater, #17 on Pin*Bot
24 (27) +3Tripple I9830 (0)18 (16)37#16 on WWind, #17 on SpSh, #21 on CC, #21 on BRose
25 (20) -5Nightmac219620 (0)18 (19)36#12 on TeedOff, #20 on CV, #24 on HD3E, #26 on CBW
26 (24) -2MT9540 (0)18 (18)40#14 on TeedOff, #20 on Firep, #23 on WWater, #26 on RBioN
27 (22) -5DeeEff9500 (0)14 (14)39#15 on WWind, #17 on Centaur, #21 on TeedOff, #22 on FH
28 (26) -2CheesyBeefy889221 (1)18 (18)34#8 on BigShot, #15 on SpSh, #18 on CP, #18 on GoinNuts
29 (25) -4PieCES9131 (1)17 (18)31#10 on Firep, #12 on BH, #12 on DrDude, #32 on CV
30 (33) +3ER7778711 (1)15 (11)39#5 on ElDor, #16 on CP, #19 on Genie, #25 on HH
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
31 (29) -2vpalmer8712 (4)16 (16)26#7 on SpSh, #7 on Centaur, #11 on Genie, #12 on FT
32 (30) -2Howling_Goro8638 (8)11 (11)20#2 on STTNG, #2 on Centaur, #2 on T2, #5 on BoP
33 (43) +10smbaydp8632 (2)12 (9)40#9 on Fl2000, #10 on ElDor, #20 on BigShot, #43 on Taxi
34 (32) -2slam238310 (0)15 (14)35#19 on ElDor, #33 on FT, #34 on Victory, #37 on MM
35 (31) -4chk8271 (1)12 (14)32#7 on BRose, #12 on Fl2000, #15 on FH, #15 on BK2K
36 (34) -2victorstulemeije7940 (0)15 (17)34#12 on HD3E, #25 on TeedOff, #36 on Victory, #48 on CV
37 (92) +55maezun7751 (2)12 (8)26#8 on Pin*Bot, #11 on RBioN, #11 on ElDor, #17 on BRose
38 (35) -3rockman_x_20027572 (2)12 (12)31#6 on GoinNuts, #6 on HH, #17 on Fl2000, #28 on Firep
39 (40) +1Nemesis0417501 (1)16 (15)25#8 on BK2K, #11 on WWater, #14 on HighSpeed, #26 on SS
40 (37) -3gooche777491 (1)14 (13)29#7 on Genie, #24 on Firep, #29 on ElDor, #29 on FT
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
41 (53) +12ppeltola7687431 (1)13 (10)32#9 on NGG, #14 on Victory, #28 on BK2K, #34 on HighSpeed
42 (36) -6djchrille7403 (3)13 (13)23#5 on T2, #7 on Victory, #10 on HD3E, #11 on BigShot
43 (50) +7efbelo7241 (2)10 (10)30#10 on CBW, #11 on MB, #11 on T2, #15 on CentPark
44 (38) -6Caps_Lock4207121 (1)13 (13)26#4 on ElDor, #20 on WWind, #28 on BigShot, #33 on Centaur
45 (41) -4moldygoat7091 (1)10 (12)26#6 on CP, #12 on WWater, #14 on BoP, #14 on WWind
46 (39) -7Jake Alt6843 (3)10 (10)30#3 on BRose, #4 on WD, #7 on BK2K, #22 on CV
47 (51) +4Blah6830 (0)10 (11)35#21 on DrDude, #29 on Fl2000, #30 on CC, #41 on WWind
48 (66) +18phoerber6837 (6)10 (8)10#2 on BK2K, #2 on HighSpeed, #3 on EatPM, #5 on CftBL
49 (42) -7tinder6650 (0)9 (10)41#13 on TeedOff, #40 on HD3E, #49 on AFM, #55 on SS
50 (45) -5LordEngi6651 (1)12 (12)27#10 on HH, #13 on CBW, #19 on GoinNuts, #26 on Firep
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
51 (44) -7torstenkuchenbae6630 (0)13 (14)30#23 on DrDude, #24 on WWater, #37 on Fl2000, #42 on HH
52 (46) -6ostrich26544 (4)13 (13)17#2 on CC, #8 on MB, #8 on HD3E, #8 on NGG
53 (180) +127Benj3412766542 (1)10 (5)29#5 on CC, #6 on MB, #28 on WWater, #32 on Fl2000
54 (48) -6Chopin68686532 (2)12 (13)23#2 on WWind, #10 on Pin*Bot, #15 on HH, #19 on BoP
55 (52) -3xNiCeGuYx6520 (0)13 (12)31#15 on WD, #19 on Centaur, #20 on BK2K, #24 on GoinNuts
56 (47) -9ParallaxScroll6440 (0)12 (12)20#17 on MM, #18 on CV, #19 on Gorgar, #24 on BigShot
57 (49) -8benika76354 (4)11 (12)12#3 on CV, #3 on MB, #7 on CC, #9 on TZ
58 (56) -2Crazy Newt6350 (0)13 (13)28#29 on HighSpeed, #30 on BRose, #32 on AFM, #42 on Pin*Bot
59 (57) -2Fungi6340 (0)11 (11)29#15 on Firep, #16 on HighSpeed, #50 on SpSh, #50 on CBW
60 (55) -5Zoop256240 (0)9 (8)31#14 on Co1812, #28 on CP, #28 on GoinNuts, #39 on Genie
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
61 (69) +8RagingBull8886231 (1)9 (6)32#2 on WD, #42 on HighSpeed, #69 on WWind, #70 on CentPark
62 (4933) +4871Captain_Cockup6172 (0)12 (0)16#6 on FH, #7 on RBioN, #11 on STTNG, #18 on BH
63 (59) -4Vic Golf Chad6120 (0)8 (10)31#14 on BK2K, #15 on TeedOff, #61 on Pin*Bot, #64 on SS
64 (54) -10nikostos446011 (1)13 (13)25#3 on GoinNuts, #21 on Victory, #39 on SpSh, #47 on BoP
65 (62) -3Mark_Miwurdz5825 (5)9 (9)13#3 on BoP, #5 on RBioN, #7 on T2, #8 on FH
66 (76) +10ryan5801 (1)8 (7)30#8 on Victory, #35 on ElDor, #49 on TeedOff, #52 on Fl2000
67 (60) -7kosacks5780 (0)6 (6)33#25 on FT, #36 on TeedOff, #49 on Gorgar, #63 on Firep
68 (58) -10Lordbobby5730 (0)9 (10)21#12 on Co1812, #20 on SpSh, #25 on GoinNuts, #26 on Genie
69 (68) -1kan5670 (0)10 (10)25#25 on Co1812, #25 on HighSpeed, #30 on Fl2000, #30 on BK2K
70 (99) +29pinbotwms5601 (1)8 (5)28#9 on BRose, #20 on Fl2000, #33 on HighSpeed, #46 on Victory
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
71 (61) -10tuomas5551 (1)10 (11)17#6 on AFM, #22 on SpSh, #24 on BH, #25 on Firep
72 (84) +12mjohns5480 (0)9 (8)26#38 on Co1812, #44 on HighSpeed, #45 on BRose, #51 on FT
73 (63) -10RIZ420_420_15471 (2)11 (11)16#5 on WWater, #11 on Pin*Bot, #21 on CP, #26 on CC
74 (87) +13krazysteve19585452 (2)6 (6)22#3 on FH, #5 on CBW, #52 on ElDor, #53 on HighSpeed
75 (77) +2guitarguru805440 (0)10 (10)22#22 on Gorgar, #26 on HH, #34 on SpSh, #40 on Co1812
76 (64) -12Roy Wils5420 (0)11 (11)16#13 on CV, #16 on FH, #19 on HD3E, #27 on AFM
77 (65) -12Phreaker475425 (5)6 (7)15#3 on Fl2000, #3 on HH, #5 on Taxi, #6 on BoP
78 (72) -6PinHead9705334 (4)8 (8)10#1 on WWind, #5 on STTNG, #5 on Co1812, #7 on TZ
79 (78) -1siemas123455302 (2)6 (7)19#2 on SS, #9 on T2, #14 on HH, #42 on CC
80 (1377) +1297Beatnik-Filmstar5281 (0)9 (0)24#10 on Co1812, #33 on HH, #38 on FT, #41 on FH
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
81 (71) -10LUK5260 (0)8 (8)27#13 on ElDor, #43 on CBW, #68 on Victory, #76 on BRose
82 (70) -12kovalev19855242 (2)8 (9)18#2 on CV, #8 on Taxi, #19 on RBioN, #26 on Centaur
83 (74) -9rehtroboi5220 (0)6 (7)29#17 on Co1812, #48 on Victory, #49 on SpSh, #75 on FT
84 (75) -9RZR5180 (1)10 (10)25#11 on BK2K, #32 on WD, #42 on TZ, #56 on DrDude
85 (79) -6carkid935160 (0)9 (9)24#16 on HH, #50 on GoinNuts, #52 on CP, #55 on WD
86 (67) -19Inspector425160 (0)6 (6)30#30 on ElDor, #32 on GoinNuts, #52 on Genie, #64 on TZ
87 (371) +284NeonZwei5114 (1)7 (4)9#1 on BRose, #3 on AFM, #3 on FT, #6 on ToM
88 (82) -6sneeking5072 (2)9 (10)17#9 on Centaur, #10 on SpSh, #18 on Pin*Bot, #28 on Genie
89 (88) -1Stonehedge165010 (0)7 (8)27#13 on BigShot, #19 on Pin*Bot, #50 on CentPark, #51 on GoinNuts
90 (73) -17PrimeroIncognito4990 (1)10 (10)24#11 on CP, #21 on Genie, #42 on GoinNuts, #58 on HD3E
Rank (previous) ChangeUsernamePoints# of Top 10 Scores (previous)# of Top 100 Scores (previous)# of Top 500 ScoresBest Scores
91 (89) -2switch3flip4981 (1)8 (8)21#6 on Victory, #21 on FT, #31 on WWind, #37 on CP
92 (80) -12olivierarmy4940 (0)12 (12)14#17 on MB, #18 on CC, #20 on CP, #34 on BRose
93 (81) -12nonojin4910 (0)6 (6)27#22 on HD3E, #49 on Taxi, #57 on DrDude, #58 on Co1812
94 (85) -9tiotbellot4900 (0)8 (8)19#11 on TeedOff, #18 on HH, #22 on T2, #23 on WWind
95 (138) +43kay9894850 (0)7 (4)25#41 on BRose, #43 on AFM, #43 on FT, #51 on DrDude
96 (83) -13clawhammer4830 (0)7 (7)28#20 on STTNG, #34 on WWind, #35 on RBioN, #38 on Centaur
97 (103) +6aspiratatator4830 (0)7 (7)28#20 on CBW, #30 on EatPM, #50 on Fl2000, #54 on HighSpeed
98 (110) +129u1d04830 (0)5 (3)29#13 on HH, #21 on BK2K, #26 on HighSpeed, #66 on TZ
99 (102) +3Badasstronaut4790 (0)6 (6)29#33 on GoinNuts, #38 on WWind, #40 on ElDor, #51 on Victory
100 (95) -5nowclickthis4710 (0)6 (5)26#26 on TeedOff, #34 on HH, #45 on Co1812, #64 on HighSpeed


New member
May 4, 2012
Why do you require this? Is there a mathematical basis, or just doing it that way because you have been? All sorts of functions are easier to work out with a baseline of 0 rather than 1. The difference between 0 or 1 point at the bottom of the board won't mean anything for the total rankings and makes it mathematically cleaner.
Good question. I did it so I could compare it with the linear function. And I made it 1 rather than 0 to leave room for fractional points for ranks #101-500. I don't know if it was a good thing to do.

But anyway, that doesn't really matter. Yeah, what shape to make the curve is a bigger question. I think the log method is naturally emergent from mathematics, while the other non-linear methods are artificially constructed to fit what you/we already decided we wanted the curve to look like. The log method needs no magic-constant besides how deep you want to rank.

I don't think the log function is any more natural than the exp one. Actually I think it's less natural, since it goes to -infinity as rank goes to infinity, while the exp function goes to zero, which seems more correct.

I think we (people here) agree that a #1 rank should be worth more than two #50 ranks. I think the rest might just be a matter of taste?

Hey, how about we use the PAPA ranking method? http://www.ifpapinball.com/ranking-info We can treat each table as a tournament of equal value, skipping that whole complicated section about Tournament Value Adjustment. Then the ranking uses the sum of a linear method through the entire population plus a power method for the top 32 players. Interested in that at all?
I am interested. I don't understand it from a skim, but will look more later.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
There's been a mistake with my ranking.

I have the following high scores:

BR: 1st
FT: 3rd
AFM: 3rd
ToM: 7th (listed as 6th)
MM: 17th (not tallied)
CV: 35th (not tallied)
Twilight Zone: 50th (tallied)

My total points are being listed at 437, so you missed both my MM and CV scores.

Also, please stick with the original formula.
Last edited:


New member
May 4, 2012
I think you guys are overcomplicating this. Just give out some bonus points for the top few places, maybe up to top 10, then the liner progression for the rest of the top 100, and half a point for whatever honorable mention slots you want to include up to 200 or whatever.

The number one spot should be worth significant bonus points though, then dropping off for second and third and disappearing by either fifth or tenth. Like 200, 150, 125 for the top three spots respectively would make sense. A number one spot should be worth a lot more than something from the teens or worse, that's the key point here.

Well, I suppose this would work too. I have a hard time feeling certain of much beyond that the fully-linear method is no good. I suppose I am enjoying trying to find the "right" method, and I also feel an obligation to get it right, such that I am ok with it and you folks are ok with it too. Maybe I should make a poll asking for the best method? (Just! Kidding!)

I see an advantage to bonus points in that a player can easily know how much a ranking is worth, possibly/probably more easily than plugging it into an exp or log function.

My current plans are to (1) look at the IFPA method, (2) choose that, the log function, the exp function, or your method, or a combination of those, (3) to finally curtail the number of tables that give points at 23 per player, and (4) write up a full explanation and start a new thread with that, the current rankings, and a history of players' rankings back to February (because history is good). Which I'll do soon, but not right now. Please bear with me hashing this issue to death ;), and I do understand any frustration.
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Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I'm not exactly understanding the formula here or what it's meant to achieve, but I see myself going from 30th to 87th... uhh, behind some guy whose best scores are 50th something on tables.
I think something went wrong with the math. The log method is very heavily weighted to the top of the scale (one #1 is worth two #10) so yeah that doesn't sound right. #30 is worth only 23 points and #50 only 15, so I can't see how that could add up to over 500 total for Inspector42.

I still think the log method is more mathematically natural, because it doesn't have any magic constant to fit some artificial predetermined range. For negative results, just drop them. But yeah it is very top-heavy so we could use something else. The PAPA method does look promising, about exactly what we want, mostly linear plus a power distribution for the top 32 which seems just about right to peg the caliber of where exceptional players start.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Well, I suppose this would work too. I have a hard time feeling certain of much beyond that the fully-linear method is no good. I suppose I am enjoying trying to find the "right" method, and I also feel an obligation to get it right, such that I am ok with it and you folks are ok with it too. Maybe I should make a poll asking for the best method? (Just! Kidding!)

I see an advantage to bonus points in that a player can easily know how much a ranking is worth, possibly/probably more easily than plugging it into an exp or log function.

My current plans are to (1) look at the IFPA method, (2) choose that, the log function, the exp function, or your method, or a combination of those, (3) to finally curtail the number of tables that give points at 23 per player, and (4) write up a full explanation and start a new thread with that, the current rankings, and a history of players' rankings back to February (because history is good). Which I'll do soon, but not right now. Please bear with me hashing this issue to death ;), and I do understand any frustration.

It's your decision and choice how you want to do it.

All I know is, I went from 30th (well 24th once corrected, see above post) to like 87th (probably around 77th once corrected) which is fine however I don't feel it's fair that I'm behind a guy whose "best scores" are in the 30th-60th range. One of his scores listed, Twilight Zone at 64th, is a table I happen to be 52nd on. But I don't even consider that one of my top scores at all. Even my 35th on CV is shakey. How can someone like that be ranked above someone with 4 top 10 scores? Doesn't seem fair to me, seems like it must favor those with a ton of tables, which I thought we were trying to get away from?

I think something went wrong with the math. The log method is very heavily weighted to the top of the scale (one #1 is worth two #10) so yeah that doesn't sound right. #30 is worth only 23 points and #50 only 15, so I can't see how that could add up to over 500 total for Inspector42.

I still think the log method is more mathematically natural, because it doesn't have any magic constant to fit some artificial predetermined range. For negative results, just drop them. But yeah it is very top-heavy so we could use something else. The PAPA method does look promising, about exactly what we want, mostly linear plus a power distribution for the top 32 which seems just about right to peg the caliber of where exceptional players start.

Ok. I figured.

These are my stats ivitro in case you missed them:
BR: 1st
FT: 3rd
AFM: 3rd
ToM: 7th
MM: 17th
CV: 35th
Twilight Zone: 50th
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New member
May 4, 2012
There's been a mistake with my ranking.

I can't find an error. Here are the points the exp formula gives you per table (before hackers are skipped):
BRose: #1 -> 100.0
AFM: #3 -> 91.1
FT: #3 -> 91.1
ToM: #6 -> 79.3
MM: #18 -> 45.4
CV: #35 -> 20.6
TZ: #51 -> 9.8
STTNG: #108 -> 0.7
BoP: #164 -> 0.1
total points: 438.0

(The table says 437 because that is after hackers are skipped, and also the integer in the table is truncated rather than rounded.)

Thanks for your feedback on the formula.


New member
May 4, 2012
I think something went wrong with the math. The log method is very heavily weighted to the top of the scale (one #1 is worth two #10) so yeah that doesn't sound right. #30 is worth only 23 points and #50 only 15, so I can't see how that could add up to over 500 total for Inspector42.
The log method in the table uses POINTS = 100 * (1 - log(RANK)/log(500)), instead of having the log(104.76) from the earlier table. This pegs #500 to 0 points; the other pegs #100 to 1 point. Inspector42 has lots of scores in the #101-500 range, and #154 is worth 19 points with the log(500) version, so that's how he racks up over 500 total.

I used log(500) for the one I posted because I thought (maybe incorrectly) that's the one you preferred. %-) Inspector42 is ranked #286 when using POINTS = max(0, 100 * (1 - log(RANK)/log(104.76))), and #348 with the exp function.


New member
May 4, 2012
How can someone like that be ranked above someone with 4 top 10 scores? Doesn't seem fair to me, seems like it must favor those with a ton of tables, which I thought we were trying to get away from?
I haven't implemented anything to limit the # of tables a player gets points for, yet; I will try to look at that and the IFPA system tonight or this afternoon. :)

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