(An attempt at) The top 40 TPA players from leaderboard scores


FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
The screenshots are made without sign in, it´s the public view. I have no duplicate account and visited the page with IE, Firefox and Chrome - no 42B score...

Haha ok - man was i confused for a bit there - your screenshot has the AFM ball for the TeedOff board, was trying to find a 42 billion score in there :\ Should be good now, not sure why that didn't update earlier.

While you're working on the site, can you please add a sign out button? Now my account is always logged in.

There actually is already one at the very bottom right in the account settings page called "Force Logout" which erases the "Remember Me" setting

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
Haha ok - man was i confused for a bit there - your screenshot has the AFM ball for the TeedOff board, was trying to find a 42 billion score in there :\ Should be good now, not sure why that didn't update earlier.

IE has problems to load and rotate the pictures, no problem with Firefox and Chrome.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
There actually is already one at the very bottom right in the account settings page called "Force Logout" which erases the "Remember Me" setting
Thanks for letting me know, I could never have found that myself.

Account Settings -> scroll down -> small text "Force Logout" that's actually a link.
Who designed that, the same person who designed the TPA menu?
Wouldn't a logout button on the top of the page, like I see all over the internet, make more sense?


New member
May 4, 2012
Fixed that, sorry. This filtering mechanism is largely on a table-by-table basis and on what seems to be 'reasonable' scores. There is no across the board algorithm that we've had any luck with, since scoring systems differ so widely and the top 10 scores can often skyrocket far beyond the rest of the user base. We are however creating better internal tools to make it easier for us to keep the leaderboards themselves clear and in identifying hackers/malicious users. Removing even one score up til now has been something of an ordeal (probably why it isn't tackled very often), but it will be much easier in the near future.

I am not sure if support got back to you invitro, but we are aware of this issue, we know exactly why its occurring and are working on a way to resolve it, but it may be a 1-3 weeks, and then we'll have to go back and clean house.
Thanks very much! Support didn't get back to me, but it's fine. I am in no hurry at all... I just want these rankings to be as accurate as reasonably possible.

I suppose I'd support not trying to filter based on algorithm, as you said.

Leaderboard CSV downloads will be available Monday (4-27), for the time being they will be open to the general public as links in the Leaderboards page. Sorry, no dates on the scores. Also, the filtering system does not run on them so all the false scores will be in there still until they are officially purged from the actual leaderboards, which is probably best for your uses anyway.
Thanks for making this! I've grabbed a couple of the CSV files and skimmed. I like the link to the user detail page, too. I really appreciate your efforts and I'm sure tons of others do too.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
I think an algorithm filter would be fine if it simply checked the possible scores on the table vs actual scores, to prevent scores that end in single digits for example (apart from central park). You'd also have to do some manual checking in addition I suppose.

I don't know if this is at all related but [MENTION=2570]LAW[/MENTION] would it be possible to look into removing the score limiters Farsight has in place on some tables? You currently can't score above 1 trillion in STTNG, which is relatively trivial to do in TPA, and 10 billion in fish tales. Those are probably the two biggest ones. There's also the thing where if you go above a table rollover by a large enough score it won't register as a rollover and will revert the score back to 0. It'd be really swell if these things were fixed at some point, although I guess I can understand why they're not priorities.
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Active member
Jul 21, 2012
VikingErik has gone above 1T (that is a T, yes) on AFM, so that one could be added to the list. Even better would be a fix for some 10 tables on iOS on which it is currently not possible to score a 1000 HOF points because of problems with rollover detection. Some of those tables are ToM, WW, Co1812, DrDude, and Diner. Toolinit made a more thorough post about the tables: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showt...rrectly-on-multiple-tables?highlight=Rollover

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
VikingErik has gone above 1T (that is a T, yes) on AFM, so that one could be added to the list. Even better would be a fix for some 10 tables on iOS on which it is currently not possible to score a 1000 HOF points because of problems with rollover detection. Some of those tables are ToM, WW, Co1812, DrDude, and Diner. Toolinit made a more thorough post about the tables: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showt...rrectly-on-multiple-tables?highlight=Rollover

I can confirm rollover bugs for "Creature from the Black Lagoon", "Fish Tales" and "Teed Off". Additional "The Addams Family" has a bonus bug. I haven´t figured this out exactly. In my best game until today I had at least 4 balls with bonus scores from 8B and above visible in the DMD but not counted from TPA. Looks like a ROM bug. I will check this out someday...
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
When we originally set it up this turned out to be either impossible or impractical, but let me check back into it and see if it REALLY is. Also, yes we've temporarily disabled and will shortly be removing the ability to change the screen name through the website as it has just too much potential for abuse.

Thanks for the answer! :)

But I don't understand :p. The TPA website account is tied to the registered e-mail (as you log with it), so how can be some abuse with the screen name? If someone wants to use the same screen name than me (what would be the point anyway?), this wouldn't cause any problem (I think).

Because so far, as I can't use my PSN ID as screen name (Ouazegaga -it says it's already registered-), when I click on "My Scores" button, I get this:



I tried to add myself in the personalized leaderboard:


but the result is kind of disappointing as the score is displayed but not the rank...

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FarSight Employee
May 2, 2013
a logout button on the top of the page
We'll move it up

You currently can't score above 1 trillion in STTNG
I shall inquire about this & the HOF rollover, i've seen the 1T rollover mentioned other places too, its likely an emulation issue

If someone wants to use the same screen name than me (what would be the point anyway?), this wouldn't cause any problem (I think)
Invitro & PinWiz's duplicate identities would be a case in point :) Still looking into PSN logins, I'll get back to you on that. Currently the Personalized section takes all the users you have added and ranks them in comparison to each other. As discussed earlier in this thread, we will likely make the actual ranks available as well in addition to the relative ranking.
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
Still looking into PSN logins, I'll get back to you on that. Currently the Personalized section takes all the users you have added and ranks them in comparison to each other. As discussed earlier in this thread, we will likely make the actual ranks available as well in addition to the relative ranking.

Thank you so much!

I'm glad that an FS guy cares at last of PSN players! :p (who become a minority now...)

You rock.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I've noticed all my scores, many that would still be in the top 10, are gone. I've been away from the game for a while. Was there a massive reset button hit in the last few months?

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
I've noticed all my scores, many that would still be in the top 10, are gone. I've been away from the game for a while. Was there a massive reset button hit in the last few months?

Completely different problems for me. Since a few hours someone post scores under my name:

Addams Family Gold Edition 37,343,833,520 - I do not own this table.
Tales of the Arabian Nights 61,997,370,350 - I have never played this one seriously.

On the other side I have kicked myself out of the visible Jackbot #1 in the web leaderboard with a very good 173B score.
Seems to good for the filter system. I have posted a screenshot of this score in the Jackbot thread.

@Farsight: Can you please fix both?
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Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
[MENTION=446]invitro[/MENTION], how often do you recalculate these leaderboards? It would make a bit more sense to start a Wordpress blog and post it there. It deserves a good spot on The Internets! Your leaderboards kinda disappear in this thread.

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
Completely different problems for me. Since a few hours someone post scores under my name:

Addams Family Gold Edition 37,343,833,520 - I do not own this table.
Tales of the Arabian Nights 61,997,370,350 - I have never played this one seriously.

Found one more: Phantom of the Opera 239,156,000. Not my score...

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
And what about those 506M on diner? U were around 260M yesterday i think...

This child who makes this mess starts to be e a bit tiring...

No, the Diner score is older and legit. Anyway the leaderboard needs definitely a more secured interface. Feels like a big "Casino Run" at the moment... :(
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New member
Feb 28, 2014
OK my bad..... damn 500 millions here... did u even let ur last balls go? Coz u had a last EB at 506M, as every rollover give u this 6M EB again...

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
OK my bad..... damn 500 millions here... did u even let ur last balls go? Coz u had a last EB at 506M, as every rollover give u this 6M EB again...

I can´t remember whats happened with the last Diner EB, good question. Both games on Diner and Eartshaker went very well. After a 250M score and the last ball in play I always think the game will end soon, but it won´t.
Seems that the Poto and Totan scores are not assigned to my account and bears the name only. The game leaderboard display no personal scores for this tables, different in Diner and Earthshaker:


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New member
May 4, 2012
@invitro, how often do you recalculate these leaderboards? It would make a bit more sense to start a Wordpress blog and post it there. It deserves a good spot on The Internets! Your leaderboards kinda disappear in this thread.

I run & post every 4 weeks, on a Friday (I was late a day last time). The next is May 15. I have considered your idea a little bit before but am not sure if it be worth the extra effort :). But there have been more between-rankings posts this month, which I'm glad of! I will reconsider your idea but I'm not planning a blog yet. Thanks for the feedback.

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