Android 1.8.0 and Tournament: Bugs

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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Ok here is the link you guys, I got 4 replies and added you to the entitlement list, again just log out then back in to get it.

A few things to note here, this is our first attempt at a newer (and hopefully in the long run) better main menu and table select. Currently its only implemented in landscape and a few devices have a bug with locking the orientation. I am still tracking these down and will hopefully have a fix out tomorrow. If you are having issues just load the app while holding it in landscape and you can re-rotate it into portrait after you get into the table. There was also something checked in that broke our hall of fame screen accessed via the new table select, I am also tracking that down.

Other than that enjoy! By far my favorite table we have now.

Feel free to PM me if you want into the beta and were a backer and we will get you set up like the others tomorrow.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
The first thing that I noticed was the message on the buy now screen was wrong. It is listing the price of the table alone as $4.99 AND the pro pack as $4.99 as well. Once you get to the Play Market though it does reflect the correct $7.99. Will have to change the wording.

Nik Barbour

Cheeky last minute Android wish list reminder -

Black Knight : is it possible to get upper level camera more closely zoomed in?

General : customisable keyboard input (so controllers can be used without touch mapping apps - sixaxis / game keyboard)

Forum : can the 'official build thread' where the market play apk's can be downloaded be updated again, and after each market release please. (noticed a few posters asking for market builds - and we're creeping upto the 30mb again)

Thanks Ryan!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Beta 1.9.0a on Samsung Galaxy S III running Android version 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean)

BUG : Leaderboards Menu Table Select : In the "Leaderboards" menu on the main screen, you can only select tables by pressing the right arrow. Pressing the left arrow changes the All Time, Weekly and Monthly scores only.

BUG : Invisible Pro Menu Button : There seems to be an invisible button directly to the right of each table in the "My Tables" menu that seems to be for the Pro Menu. I'm not sure what pressing this does for the tables I have purchased the Pro Menu on as it makes a sound like I'm making a selection.

BUG : ST:TNG Pop Bumpers Not Lit : The pop bumpers on Star Trek : The Next Generation do not appear to be lit.

Question : Is the "Table Goals" button under the "Hall of Fame Score" button on the table select screen supposed to fill in a star for each Standard Goal you complete or for each Wizard Goal you complete? Currently, none of the Table Goal stars are filled in for any of the tables.

Comment : I can no longer back out of the app by pressing the "Back" button on my phone. I now have to press the "Home" button to back out of the app. Is it possible for you to implement this feature back into the app?
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Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
Thanks for all the great work, Ryan.

A few quick things: (Nexus 7, v. 4.2.1)

1. After logging out and then logging back in I tried to go back into the "New Tables" menu which caused the app to crash. Reloading changed the "New Tables" button to indicate that there were (None) available as intended. Very minor bug.

2. This probably isn't a bug, but tapping on the section of the menu where "Go Pro" would normally be on a table that doesn't have pro mode implemented causes a popup to appear stating "Pro version not available for this table."

3. After exiting Medieval Madness in portrait the app returned to the menu as intended, but the screen was black. I could still swipe and hear music, but no visual. This happened again after playing Star Trek (also in portrait) for a little while. I tried reproducing this bug while playing in landscape but so far it hasn't happened.

4. Wouldn't it be better to have the app default to "My Tables" when you start it up?

5. When playing Star Trek in view 1 portrait, the probe launch button obscures the right outlane making it difficult to tell if a nudge is prudent. Maybe the angle could be adjusted? Or perhaps have the button only pop up when it can be activated? That would be ideal.

Star Trek looks and plays fantastic. Excellent work.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
If you go into the HOF from main menu you it looks like it is rendering too large and you cannot view any of the scores. There is also no way to back out of it either as it currently stands. If I exit out to my home screen and then go back in the game I am back in the HOF. I have to manually kill it from memory and then start the game again.

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
There is a texture clipping through one of the ramps near the back of the table. It changes depending on the camera angle.






Comparing the Menu layouts between my Nexus 10 and the 7" display on my Galaxy Tab 2 shows some strange things.

The Back button on the main menu screen is tiny on a 7" screen, but of a relative size for the N10; still much smaller than the HOF and Table Goals buttons.

When you exit a table the wrap around tables list is left justified on the 7" screen, and only wraps off the right hand side of the screen until it has been moved before it shows as wrapped around the whole screen.

I get different HOF scores on each device. Neither of which is the HOF score that shows on the Leaderboard

When you start a table, and switch to Portrait view, then exit while still in portrait the table list will automatically change to the next table that was to the right of the one you were on.

The continue/HOF buttons at the end of a game when playing in Portrait perspective, on N10, are still not mapped correctly so that pressing the continue button just flips back and forth between the HOF and the final score menus

Scrolling through, or changing the selected table in the new menu system in not very easy on an N10. The wrap around bar is jittery and doesn't scroll smothly when you drag it. Sometimes it won't move at all. You can't just swipe it, you have to actually press on a table icon and drag it deliberately, very different performance than on the 7" where I can swipe it and watch the icons spin by.

Can the Forced landscape menu perspective be scaled so it can be shifted to the users preference?

The HUD is still way too large on BS for the N10 display resolution.
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
One other item that I have noticed as well is the application no longer gracefully closes when you want to exit. before when I would be on the main menu and hit my home button it would exit the application, it no longer does this on the new beta. I have to double click on the home button to have the choice to go back to my home screen.



Device/OS: Nexus 10/ Jelly Bean 4.2.1

Bug Description: Selecting missions chooses the one to the right of the one displayed

Steps to reproduce: Activate mission selection, use flippers to choose mission, press "trigger" to select, see the the mission activated isn't the one that was displayed. Pressing the "trigger" is pressing the right flipper at the same time and choosing a different mission. To get the one you want you press left then the "trigger" and it will begin the mission that you actually wanted.

Frequency: 100%


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012

Device/OS: Nexus 10/ Jelly Bean 4.2.1

Bug Description: Selecting missions chooses the one to the right of the one displayed

Steps to reproduce: Activate mission selection, use flippers to choose mission, press "trigger" to select, see the the mission activated isn't the one that was displayed. Pressing the "trigger" is pressing the right flipper at the same time and choosing a different mission. To get the one you want you press left then the "trigger" and it will begin the mission that you actually wanted.

Frequency: 100%

Yes...I get this as well. The right flipper needs to be temporarily diabled until we press the trigger button to choose our mission. Also, before launching a new ball, we need to be able to use the left flipper to choose our reward without the ball plunging into play prematurely. This only works about half the time and needs to be corrected.


New member
May 16, 2012
Yes...I get this as well. The right flipper needs to be temporarily diabled until we press the trigger button to choose our mission. Also, before launching a new ball, we need to be able to use the left flipper to choose our reward without the ball plunging into play prematurely. This only works about half the time and needs to be corrected.

Same here, too. And this goes for Harley Davidson as well, has anyone ever mentioned that before? Apart from that and the launch button obscuring the right outlane for me, too (portrait 3, locked), the table plays great.

New frontend a little jittery here, too. And I have to press the icon I want to chose from the main scroll bar very briefly to get the desired reaction. Back and OK buttons are a little small. Nevertheless already a vast improvement over the old menu.

Glad your neck is better, and as always thank you very much for your great work, Ryan.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
5. When playing Star Trek in view 1 portrait, the probe launch button obscures the right outlane making it difficult to tell if a nudge is prudent. Maybe the angle could be adjusted? Or perhaps have the button only pop up when it can be activated? That would be ideal.

+1 for hiding the physical buttons. I've asked Mike before if it would be possible to implement an option to "hide" the physical buttons on the tables that have them. They would still be active of course, but I for one feel that once I know where the button is, I'd rather hide the actual physical button so that it doesn't cover any portion of the playfield.

Nik Barbour

+1 for hiding the physical buttons. I've asked Mike before if it would be possible to implement an option to "hide" the physical buttons on the tables that have them. They would still be active of course, but I for one feel that once I know where the button is, I'd rather hide the actual physical button so that it doesn't cover any portion of the playfield.

I've asked in the past about transparent or translucent buttons (for BK) but was told that would hurt performance.
The STTNG trigger is particularly obscuring though.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
New frontend a little jittery here, too. And I have to press the icon I want to chose from the main scroll bar very briefly to get the desired reaction. Back and OK buttons are a little small. Nevertheless already a vast improvement over the old menu.

Yes...Ryan, can you please tighten the response of the buttons/icons as I too have to do a quick double tap to get the buttons/icons to respond sometimes. Also, touching and holding the table icons to scroll through them is a bit loose as well.

I've asked in the past about transparent or translucent buttons (for BK) but was told that would hurt performance.
The STTNG trigger is particularly obscuring though.

Hiding the buttons completely while keeping the buttons active should not affect performance, but they're correct, using transparency on images will cause a performance hit to a certain degree.
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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Love the flasher effects, what the icon on the lower right of the screen though?

Plays buttery smooth on my Samsung Galaxy S, only gripe is it doesn't feel like a widebody table.

New UI is really really broken on my phone too, text overflowing from buttons, HOF scores off the screen, no exit button, I'd go on but you can see for yourself what's wrong :)
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Oct 29, 2012
Nice Release !!!

Solid release with very few new bugs... I like the new menu system. I've already purchased ST:NG via Googleplay so I can test the table without restrictions.

However I noticed just one previously unnoticed Menu bug:
ALL Tables

Asus TF700T with stock JB 4.1.1 : Menu Bug

Play the table, when you return to the main "My Tables Menu" you get a blank black screen with no sound. Touch the Android "Home Icon" to return to desktop and touch the "Switch Program Icon" and you return to "My Table menu" abiet one table to the right.

Frequency: aprox 33%

Also: Confirmed that ASUS TF700T is amongst devices that always return to "My Table Menu" one table to the right 100% of the time.


Big Shot still has Top and Bottom of table obscured in Portrait View in all camera modes

Frequency: 100%


Keep up the great work Ryan!

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