Bug Android Version 1.10.0 Bugs

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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
This thread is for posting bugs for Android version 1.10.0 ONLY (new bugs as well as lingering issues that haven't been fixed). If you want to post general feedback or comments, then please use THIS THREAD instead. Anything posted here that is not a bug will be moved or deleted.

When posting a bug, please use the following format:


Bug Description:

Steps To Reproduce:


Additional Comments:

Please also remember to email any bugs you find to support@pinballarcade.com

Thank you!


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Device/OS: Nexus 10/Jelly Bean

Bug Description: When on the table select menu, the music for the highlighted game won't play. A different rock guitar song plays, but I can't pin (pun not intended) down what table it belongs to.

Steps To Reproduce: At first I thought it was random, but it seems like it plays in place of any table that has an updated version available. Once you download the new table update then the correct music plays when the table is highlighted.

Frequency: Repeatable until fixed above.

Additional Comments: I guess it could be intended, but still kinda weird.


Device/OS: Nexus 10/Jelly Bean

Bug Description: When on the table select menu, the music for the highlighted game won't play. A different rock guitar song plays, but I can't pin (pun not intended) down what table it belongs to.

Steps To Reproduce: At first I thought it was random, but it seems like it plays in place of any table that has an updated version available. Once you download the new table update then the correct music plays when the table is highlighted.

Frequency: Repeatable until fixed above.

Additional Comments: I guess it could be intended, but still kinda weird.

AFAIK that rock music is the music from the Pinball Hall of Fame collection. It serves as a place holder to let you know you have an updated version of the table you selected (?), or that is how it seems.

Perhaps we will get some clarification on this.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It serves as a place holder to let you know you have an updated version of the table you selected.

That is correct. Because the table music is embedded in the table file, the app plays the placeholder music if the table has not been downloaded / updated. The app itself no longer comes with any "packaged" tables.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Doesn't affect gameplay, just merely cosmetic....

Device/OS: Droid Charge / Gingerbread 2.3.6

Bug Description: Table Menu (Both Landscape and Portrait) - Hall of Fame Pts. and Table Goals boxes overlap

Steps To Reproduce: Go to the Table menu

Frequency: Always

Additional Comments: I know it's a crappy complaint, not a big deal, but does not overlap on my N7 or iPad3.


Doesn't affect gameplay, just merely cosmetic....

Device/OS: Droid Charge / Gingerbread 2.3.6

Bug Description: Table Menu (Both Landscape and Portrait) - Hall of Fame Pts. and Table Goals boxes overlap

Steps To Reproduce: Go to the Table menu

Frequency: Always

Additional Comments: I know it's a crappy complaint, not a big deal, but does not overlap on my N7 or iPad3.

I can confirm this on my 2.3.3 gingerbread phone.
The whole table select UI menu also flashes to black every time you change a table in the carousel too.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I see the black screen flash bug as well on the TF300T. Seems to be multi-device.

Michael DiFilippo

New member
Mar 26, 2012
Device/OS: android

Bug Description: Screen flickers when "starting" a new game & menu selection usually contains a black flash

Steps To Reproduce: select a table and press start

Frequency: 100%

Additional Comments:

Please also remember to email any bugs you find to support@pinballarcade.com

Thank you!


Device/OS: Galaxy Tab 2 / OS 4.1.1

Bug Description: Right ramp lock on NGG is dodgy. the ball doesn't go in the hole, to rolls back into where the ramp lifts, if hit too hard it will merely bounce out. IIRC, this is not the same behaviour as on the previous drop of the table.

Steps To Reproduce: hit the gofer on the right, then try and lock the ball, watch to see if it goes in the hole or rolls past into the base of the ramp.

Frequency: 100%, so far

Has anyone else encountered this?


Device/OS: Nexus 10 / 4.2.1

Bug Description: The table lost count of the balls in play during Total Annihilation

Steps To Reproduce: :confused: Play and get awarded Total Annihilation

Frequency: ??

Additional Comments: At one ball the TA mode was still active. When that ball was lost the table went into a full test mode, Martians were dancing, shield up/down, diverters switching, bumpers jumping. Nudging didn't free anything up, as sometimes a ball will stall under the bumper but not fall in the back entrance of the SOL scoop. As usual attendant auto cancelled.

What about adding something like what VP/MAME has where a ball can be manually added/removed to/from the trough? Isn't that essentially what calling the attendant is for? Have some sort of table test mode to run through to check for balls on the the table to add, and a trough opto to check for two or more balls in the plunger lane to remove or something like that.

I have had the attendant save a stalled game only to give me 2 balls to launch, so there needs to be a save on the save. I feel like Xzibit typing that sentence. :cool:
"Yo Dawg, I heard you like saves. So we programmed a save for your save to make that save really save worthy!!"
Pimp your Ball Saver!!


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Devices: Google Nexus 7 (4.2) and HTC Vision/T-Mobile G2 (4.0.4)

Bug Description: Multiple High scores in multiplayer modes only allows you to enter initials for the highest score. Tables wait for additional entries, but interface does not provide the ability to enter them.

Steps To Reproduce: Get more that one high score on during multiplayer.

Frequency: Always.

Additional Comments: Happens on PS3 as well, and happened on 1.9, but still no resolution.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
Devices: Google Nexus 7 (4.2) and HTC Vision/T-Mobile G2 (4.0.4)

Bug Description: Multiple High scores in multiplayer modes only allows you to enter initials for the highest score. Tables wait for additional entries, but interface does not provide the ability to enter them.

Steps To Reproduce: Get more that one high score on during multiplayer.

Frequency: Always.

Additional Comments: Happens on PS3 as well, and happened on 1.9, but still no resolution.

Yes, this has been a serious problem for me as well. I have many secondary or tertiary high scores with the initial 'A'. That can also affect the recorded high scores and achievements for high scores. Can't remember what game...I'll write it down next time. Also a problem on PS3.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Device/OS: Asus Pad TF101g / Android 4.0.3

Bug Description: crashes by pressing the Table Setup Bottom

Steps To Reproduce: press "Table Setup" Bottom

Frequency: Always.

The APP crashes just in German language, in English it is.
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Device/OS: Asus Pad TF101g / Android 4.0.3

Bug Description: crashes by pressing the Table Setup Bottom

Steps To Reproduce: press "Table Setup" Bottom

Frequency: Always.

Can I ask if you have your device set to Deutsche? If so will you try it again in English?
There have been a few complaints of the app crashing when devices were set to German as the local language.

I just tested one of my tabs with german localization and I was able to duplicate this.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
The facebook friends tracking still doesn't work for me. Though the mystery box for filling in who-knows-what doesn't intrude anymore, I'm still not seeying any any scores but my own on the friends-list.
At least I don't have to manually logout/login all the time anymore.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Can I ask if you have your device set to Deutsche? If so will you try it again in English?
There have been a few complaints of the app crashing when devices were set to German as the local language.

I just tested one of my tabs with german localization and I was able to duplicate this.

The APP crashes only in German, in English, it is.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Device/OS: Google Nexus 7 (4.2) and HTC Vision/T-Mobile G2 (4.0.4)

Bug Description: Changing viewing angles appears to change the physics of each table (5 noticed).

Steps To Reproduce: Play any of the following: Star Trek: The Next Generation™, Elvira and the Party Monsters™, No Good Gofers™, Tales of the Arabian Nights™, Medieval Madness™. You will notice that certain ball returns (from bumper areas) and especially with Medieval Madness, the ball launch physics, change when the table view angle is changed.

Frequency: Always.

Additional Comments: I notice this the most with Star Trek: TNG. I found that I am very fond of certain viewing angles, but when I use camera angle 3 (I think) the ball returning out of the left of the bumper field causes an immediate loss out of the left outlane. If Return to Duty wasn't lit, I would lose the ball and my play.

Willi Cicci

New member
Dec 25, 2012
1.10.0 Bugs

Nexus 10 - Jelly Bean 4.2.1

Frequently, in Tournament Mode, on the table selection screen, scrolling through the available tables causes TPA to hang and become unresponsive. The user must then press Home to regain control of their device and Force Stop the app to reset it.

The following are either Star Trek specific, or possibly global but were just noticed while playing Star Trek:

Star Trek seems to be one of the only tables that can be nudged before the ball is launched. As a result I found this bug:

Always, before launching a ball, when the player Shake Nudges the table until the first Danger warning appears, the ball launches prematurely and, consequently, is now completely out of sync with whatever pre-launch selection happens to get initiated. (I also noticed that Bride of Pin-Bot can be nudged before launch, but only up until the camera backs away from the close-up on the Skill Shot area at which point nudging becomes disabled. And nothing unusual seems to happen if you do nudge during this window except that you might Tilt the table.)

Frequently, at unpredictable points during gameplay, the game will stutter for a split-second interrupting the flow of the game and could potentially cause the player to miss a shot or worse, lose a ball, and as a result be EXTREMELY upset with FarSight Studios. :D (Thanks for all your hard work, guys.)

Occasionally, there will be no collision detection in the Command Decision pocket, in the backstop of the Neutral Zone, and behind the Mission Start hole allowing the ball to pass right through these objects unimpeded. (I can't remember for sure, but I think I may have had a ball pass through the Alpha Ramp once or twice as well. That whole area seems to be a little unstable.)

Rarely, the Ball Launchers will not shoot on the very first press of the Trigger button. I've noticed this more often in the latter stages of longer games.

And the Alpha Ramp STILL has no texture applied to it. Seriously?
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Nik Barbour

Device/OS: Nexus 7 jb 4.2.1 rooted - stock os

Bug Description: Tournament 23/1 12:30gmt playing Gorgar - every time it tries to post a score, the app hangs then crashes, not posting the score. :mad:

Steps To Reproduce: As above

Frequency: 100%

Additional Comments: Not tried other tournament tables. Out of time.
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