Any Chance Of The 'Enivronment' Textures/Assets Getting Upgraded???


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Whilst the floor (mainly the floor), wall and cab.......and basically the whole environment textures were good enough when TPA was first released on mobile devices 18 months ago, we now have PS4, XBONE and PC platform to attend with and these environmental textures now look horrid on these high res system. Surely it wouldnt be a great deal of work for the artist team to knock up higher res assets for the environment around the actual pinball machine??

Im still wishing/hoping for a whole virtual arcade to walk around in when TPA gets Oculus Rift are going to be implementing OR support aren't you FarSight??


It may look a bit iffy, but I agree with danivempire that it's WAY down on the priority list compared to table fixes or GI lightning for example.


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Jup, there's so much more important things to improve for the tables, this is way down the list.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I'm sure if they upgraded the environment I might notice and I would appreciate it. Actually I kinda liked the space carpet of days past. But I think it should be saved for a time when all the devs wake up some morning at a loss for things to do.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Hmm.. It probably only takes someone from the graphics department, but this might be the same guy who is dealing with DirectX 11 for PC. I just decided I don't need any environment graphics update any time soon. :D
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
I was thinking they could use existing assets like putting the other games next to the one you're playing (A feature to set them up in a virtual room would be great) but then I realized you never see the side art or anything, so the cabinets probably aren't fully modeled out. Have some one drum up some easy floor textures and wall posters (unlockable, even) to decorate with, attaching an image to a plane is literally the easiest thing that can be done in a 3D program, how about some pinball posters guys? And a selection of cheesy glow in the dark arcade carpet patterns. And I haven't played in a while, but you gotta fix that horrendous quarter on the ground texture. Never spotted any quarters on the floor of any arcades I visited, that's for sure! :)

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
I have to agree, you see quite a lot of that floor playing on a HDTV or 16:9 monitor and it would make the game as a whole more feel more polished. I think a dark carpet would contrast with the tables quite well.

Its at times like this when I really wish they would open up some of the development. How about a competition for the community to create new floor textures? Tell us what format they need to be in, or allow us to somehow mod them in ourselves on PC.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
As a portrait/cab player, I don't usually see this. I guess it shows up in the fly-bys it does before you push start, but I'd prefer that to be gone for full cabinet mode anyway to maintain the illusion that my cab is the real one.

So personally I don't care and would put other items as a higher priority (recognizing that different employees work on different things). However...

Its at times like this when I really wish they would open up some of the development. How about a competition for the community to create new floor textures? Tell us what format they need to be in, or allow us to somehow mod them in ourselves on PC.

...that is a great idea for stuff like this. If people want to give Farsight free labor, why not use it? I could see modding being an issue for tables given their license agreements, but for something like this it'd be cool.

Zombie Aladdin

New member
Mar 28, 2014
Other Environments/Lighting?

This is probably a strange request, as I'm sure most don't even give it much of a thought, but I noticed that Pinball Arcade puts all of its tables in a rather dimly lit bar-like environment, with what seems to be a floor made of either hardwood or wooden planks and a single light source resembling a yellowish incandescent lamp with dark, old-looking walls.

Would it be possible to have other environments, preferably brightly-lit ones? I understand a lot of pinball people like the mood pinball creates when played in a dark place, but I most often play pinball on location at bright places: Movie theater foyers, laundromats, bowling alleys, and hole-in-the-wall pizza restaurants, so that's what I'm accustomed to. Something with a checkerboard tile floor or maroon carpet, white walls, and fluorescent lighting, perhaps. This really first came to my attention when I played Data East's Time Machine in a dimly lit arcade. The playfield is black and many inserts were out, so it was difficult to see where anything was or what was going on.

Maybe a garage environment too, for how it must feel to have a personal-use pinball machine, which would have even dimmer lighting. Or a warehouse, with distant lighting of medium intensity. Or outside, where some pinball shows are set, with the brightest lighting. Or even something completely made up and fantastic, like on a rainbow or something. (Black Knight wouldn't really work in such an environment though.)

Has anyone else given any thought about this? Would it be too much work? Would anybody else prefer something else over the bar environment?
Feb 19, 2014
I thought the neon blue carpeting that it used to have looked awesome, reminded me of this amazing arcade I went to once in South Carolina, the whole place was black lit, they had a bar and the carpeting looked just like that.

Now it looks like a generic pool hall or bar with the plain wood floor.

But really it's not important, the focus is on the pinball machine.

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