Anyone have any "guilty pleasures" tables you'd like to see?

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
Hmmm, i am starting to get ''guilty'' feelings.

Now, i did not play both machines myself, but ive read alot and ive seen a ton of videos. But still, did not play it, so maybe i am wrong. But here i go.

I like the ac/dc Pro version alot more then the Premium..... Why?

- i do like the pro playfield. The longer i see that ugly mug, the more i like it. It has some old school quality in it. Plus, in a game, i dont think you see it.

- i think the lower playfield ruins the premium gameplay. To me its just a gimmick, boring even. Although, it looks great.

- i dont like the extra ramp from left to right. Its unnessecary and does not look good. Ive read that because of the cannon players even avoid the ramp. That cant be a good thing. I dont like the cannon on both machines, and on the premium it sometimes looks like a cannon frenzy.

SO, dont want to step on anybody toes, but thats how i think before i am gonne play both machines.

I would love to have a pro with the bell, i think thats the perfect AC/DC for me. Ive seen alot machines lately, and i got to say that this one impressed me. The sound, the gameplay, the lights.

But i would go for the Pro. I will get back on this after i played both.

(sadly no money yet to buy NIB, but i am thinking about to buy a NIB in future, off course, will not be a AC/DC.)


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Some table with the "loony tunes" characters in it (can't remember the table name) it wasn't exactly the best table i ever played but any game with Daffy Duck in it can't be too bad :p

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I like Rocky and Bullwinkle.

I like this table too, even though the constantly repeating sound clips can get on your nerves after a while. It seems 10 seconds cannot go by without hearing either either "alley oop", "oh Mr. Peabody", or a handful of other phrases. This could be due to the table being pre-DCS. Despite this, it is still a fun table that does a good job of capturing the spirit of the show.


Feb 29, 2012
Cactus Canyon because, though certainly playable, its unfinished. Incomplete music and software. Nonetheless, it's rare, expensive and many people have never played it. CC is a lot of fun and I'd love to see it in The Pinball Arcade. Shouldn't be too difficult to get I think. No annoying licenses. I hope to see it someday.

Along those same lines but to a lesser extent I'd like to see The Champion Pub too. Another unfinished pin that's a guilty pleasure for me.

These two represent the end of traditional pinball at Bally/Williams in 1998 and were victims of the shifting of resources to develop Pinball 2000. Hope to see them.
How was champion pub unfinished? I played it a lot! I know CC was never released (at least, I never saw one in the UK) but remember enjoying CP.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Could also be Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball, which looks pretty cool (love the carrot flippers), but unfortunately, I've never seen one, and can't even get the VP one to run anymore.

It wasn't space jam, and pretty sure it wasn't this one that I remember though this table does look good :cool:. It's that many year's since I played it. I will have a nosey around and see if I can find pics of it.


New member
May 10, 2012
I like the shadow and demolition man a bunch, people have made fun of my love for those tables because the movies aren't the finest motion pictures. i guess they could be considered guilty pleasures, but i have no guilt!

i like what i like :)

the shadow is an excellent table...very unique stuff there going on

demolition man has tons of cool stuff going on with the ramps to shoot at AND THOSE DUAL WIELDING GUN HANDLES ON THE TOP LOOK SWEET!!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
How was champion pub unfinished? I played it a lot! I know CC was never released (at least, I never saw one in the UK) but remember enjoying CP.

From what I understand, minor software issues that just didn't get addressed due to the wind down of traditional pinball at Bally/Williams. There's a forty three minute video of someone playing it on I remember watching it and seeing a couple things that just didn't make sense in how the machine acted. Just like CC most wouldn't see anything amiss but I asked for them as guilty pleasures simply because they were like "unwanted stepchildren" in the eyes of upper Bally/Williams management. Since so few were made, many people never got to play one. I just want to see them on TPA.


May 23, 2012
Back to the Future

It just happened to be where I worked and even though I generally loathe Data East tables it just grew on me.

I don't think Phantom is a guitly pleasure. Its an unforgiving game but easily the only Data East game I can say that I would want to own. Love the audio, the organ ramp was a neat gimmick at the backglass were are very cool.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
The 90's Gottlieb tables were not as good as Williams offerings, but I love Cactus Jack. It was fun to play with goofy sound effects. I played it at a bowling alley when it came out but would love it for Pinball Arcade.


New member
Apr 21, 2012
The discussions about Strikes 'n Spares reminded me of a non-standard game I played a few times in my childhood: SlugFest. I suppose it would get some of the same types of complaints Strikes 'n Spares is getting, but a bat game would be a nice for a change of pace and could make for a good, different 2-player game.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
The discussions about Strikes 'n Spares reminded me of a non-standard game I played a few times in my childhood: SlugFest. I suppose it would get some of the same types of complaints Strikes 'n Spares is getting, but a bat game would be a nice for a change of pace and could make for a good, different 2-player game.

I love that game, and the older baseball-themed games too.

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