No jackalopes? Dang...Big Buck Hunter Pro
Finishing touches for beta are being put on Big Buck Hunter Pro now, here's a promo I just put together.
Big Buck Hunter Pro Figurines
And here are the figurines. We used photogrammetry to make them look as life-like as possible.
If I ever get the time I want to redo the figurines if they let me.Figurines look great. Wish you were here when they made the Monster Bash figurines.![]()
Hi Matt, will these be available for Switch? And could you please change so we can buy Stern tables one by one on Switch and not only in packs?
Thanks, looking forward to the new tables.
To be fair though is anyone really excited for these 2 tables?, yeah its great that theres new tables inbound but come on of all the modern Stern tables they could of selected for release after the Williams/Bally license lose surely anything else would have been better.
Maybe their hands were tied on it and they have to release what Stern say?
Matt, have you played The Rolling Stones. I hear Mick Jagger goes across the playfeild, but I here he breaks a lot, to skinny and thin. I have never seen one in the wild.