Ask Questions of Bobby King and FarSight for July BlahCade Podcast!

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Apr 15, 2014
don't think anyone else asked for it, buuuut... rollout schedule (roughly) for flipper phys. 3 to the other tables?? :) (i've been playing the -hell-outuva red&ted; hate i can't tilt-control the nudge easily with an ipod... but man it's gonna be sooo good on ps3... right?? :) so i just wanted to say my vote for next updated table, 'funhouse':) ... that's my best rl pin, but i find it (and even addam's and other lawler's, whatever weird reason) verrrry tough to play in tpa; maybe could be more fun with 3-0! )

which reminds me... how long do you think now-considered-previous generation consoles, devices will continue being developed?? any possible plans for parallel-developing (i know, hell ;0) of apps that back-support as much as possible, yet bridge any overlap with newer (say, post 2011/2 era) devices and/or consoles?

p.s. r&t so gd fun... ;0 i looked at rl prices online; it wouldn't surprise me at all if they don't start rising up like ripley's did... truly a great way to celebrate the brilliance of pinball! (no, i'm not lawler lol! ;0) it just blows my mind that pinball was so far away from my 'life trajectory' for so long, since the old on-campus student union (and i even lived in chicago for four years in the ninties - if i'd had my mind present, i would've applied to the manufacturers up there back then...) so many great pins i never saw, since probably 1992 to ohhh, just a year or two ago now... SHT i would've been like, 'WHAT?!? a SEQUEL to FUNHOUSE?!? SHOW ME!!' back then!

it's like, so far, one of the missing 'very bestest' of pin fer sure... :) it's 'creature', plus 'monster bash', plus 'junkyard' (gotta give it that! ;) ... r&t is AWESOME!! :)
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New member
Oct 31, 2012
Wondering when challenges are going to finally make it the PS3. I have the same concerns about the future on the PS3.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Can the TPA gaming engine handle unorthodox tables,such as Banzai Run & The Pinball Circus?
Also,any news on tournaments for the Xbox One?

Rudy hates me

New member
Jan 13, 2014
Here's a modern day classic: Is there any danger of them actually implementing the friends leaderboard on PS4?


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Jan 2, 2015
Since he is the one head honcho on doing the table physics tweaking I have a few questions about that:

1. I'm interested in the deeper ideas and working with the physics engine - an indepth article on there site would be nice :)
1.1 How much is "tweaking" or impart a forced projectory on balls hitting stuff like rubber posts and how much is handled purely by the engine?
1.2 What is the shortcomings and strongpoints of there engine?

2. Difficulty levels and possibilities to set Tournament or using the pro stuff (setting up the table in the operator menu) for Head2Head or a Closed Tournament?

3.1 Roadmap for the Flypperphysics 3.X? What tables are going in what order getting updated?
3.2 Next step? Rise time for weak flips and tap-passes?

4 Ball spin has been mentioned and that they have experimented with it in the past but not found a good compromise between accuracy and CPU load:
Will there be a push for this?

Then just throw in any question you can come up with involving tweaking and physics :p What about the table he wasn't satisfied with - Taxi was it?



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May 9, 2015
There are probably 10s of thousands people anticipating the arrival of TPA on the 3DS so I have to ask, when/if will this happen ?


New member
May 10, 2012
-Only a handful of the 90' dmd tables left now without extra license issues. I am wondering if Farsight have mapped out all the 90' tables and whitestar Stern tables with extra license attached to them and found out which of them is possible to go after. I am thinking of stuff like Shadow, Judge Dredd and Congo. Stuff that is not popular enough for a kickstarter but considered great pinball tables non the less.

-Is there a possibility that we could see things like Americas Most Haunted or is it just too much work emulating a new system for a single table? Ben Heck has said that he would have no problem with handing out files for a digital version of that machine and would love to make a deal.

-If Farsight has the rights to do 70' tabels from Gottlieb, Stern, Bally and Williams tables but find them not worth the trouble to recreate, would you consider outsourcing the license of those tables? For many of us there is a huge treasure chest of tables lying around just waiting to be made.

-Or if this is not possible, is there maybe a chance for Farsight to make a new app? Could be called Pinball arcade old classics

-Is Pinball after dark still planned on doing?

-Would also love to hear Bobby's reflections around The Sam system and if it will be on the Farsight agenda at all in the future. I know that the old mobile phones and tables have problems with it, but have you got it to work at all on the pinball arcade, and if so, is the newer mobile systems strong enough to handle it? If so, you could do a separate SAM app for tablets and consoles if you need to have the main app working on the old, old devices.


New member
Oct 29, 2013
I'd quite like to hear more about the Physics 3.0, what's new, how it was made, what the plan is for updating older tables etc


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012

Last night I went through and compiled everyone's questions so far into a document. I then reworded, morphed, and massaged the questions so that we can hope to get the best answers possible. It's quite long as it stands now, and more than enough for Bobby to answer.

With that in mind, I'm shortening the window for getting questions in to the end of today, Thursday, Pacific Coast time. That way I can submit them tomorrow and give Bobby more time to answer.

I found it interesting going through them, how much our questions have changed from when Jeff started doing this 2 years ago. Where it used to be very complaint heavy and "what about this or that?", now it's curiosity of TPA's future. Almost like there's this dread things are starting to wind down just as the game seems to be hitting its stride. Very interested in what the response will be by Bobby.


New member
May 4, 2012
SYT, I would very much like to know something about the impossible shots: can they be fixed, why are they difficult to fix, why they exist in the first place. Here is a list of them (are there more?):

ToM, R orbit, from L flipper trap.
AfM, R ramp, from L flipper trap.
HRC, R orbit, from L flipper trap.
FirePwr, bottom Power standup, from L flipper trap.
Taxi, bottom Pinbot drop target, from L flipper trap.
JY, D-O-G ramp, from running L flipper shot.
DrDude, Gift of Gab, from running L flipper shot.
FH, trap door, 'without relying on the "T" target rebound angle'.
HRC: slot machine lane (when the ramp is all the way down), from R flipper trap (maybe).

I made this list from these posts by @vikingerik:

My attempt at a question: "Are you aware that many (important) shots are literally impossible? Like the R orbit in ToM from a L flipper trap, the R ramp in AfM from a L flipper trap, the R orbit in HRC from a L flipper trap, and the D-O-G ramp in JY from a running L flipper shot? If you're aware of these, do you plan to make them possible? Why haven't you done so already... is it a particularly hard fix? Why do these exist anyway?"

I chose those four shots because they are the ones that I've noticed the most, dozens or hundreds of times. I know they have a massively long bug list; I think this should be near the top of it.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Whoa, now THAT'S a question! With detailed examples too, I'll pose that for sure.
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