Atomic Pinball Collection (APC)


New member
Aug 27, 2014
swipe the main screen lol

in fair ess it needs a better visual indicator

or read the bloody thread!

Yeah i think they are missing out on some sales because it is not super obvious there is a 2nd page with another table.
Currently the leaderboards have 822 players for masks of glory and only 469 players on rob o bot


New member
Jun 4, 2012
teething problems onky really

didnt play any last night be will tonight lol

my inky gripe so far is a shot in close combat now sends the ball fkying down the right outlane, i dont mind that the outlanes greedier but theres almost zero chance withiut nudge

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Had a game finish with the fighter with the blue cap in the ring. When I started a new game he was still in the ring.
Love the theme and presentation of the new table!


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I checked the “rounds“ (rondas del torneo) on the web and they seem correct. They may not relate to a boxing round of 3 minutes.
Yesterday i was missing the ballsaver on the last ball on Mask. It was an EB that instantly drained.


Color Monkey
Nov 21, 2012
After reading through this thread since posting, I have to agree with DA5ID on the two points you address here. The match for an extra ball is a really great feature and is pretty awesome feeling when it hits. it's a really nice touch for a digital game i'm surprised no one else has done yet.

I also preferred the original Betty. I liked that she was your partner in the game. i thought that was a nice feature. especially where most tables have an adversarial character like in Tee'd Off. I think the allure of games like T2 and pinball champ is that the table sort of guides you along. it wants you to succeed.

Also to clarify my previous post i meant rule sheets should be accessible when you pause during a game. i know you have them on the game screen.

in classical lucha libre, all matches were 2 out of 3 falls. perhaps rather than rounds you could do falls or at least rematches. I'd also think it would be cool if the ball drains were considered defeats like count outs or disqualifications. anything you can do to raise the stakes will make the game more fun.

i'd also like a little more back and forth in the matches so that i as a player have something at stake and can be pinned also. Think of Champions Pub.

one of the wrestling moves you have spelled as "centon" it should be "senton" with an S. it is pronounced correctly in the game.

The tequila bar is a little weird on a sports table that could appeal to kids. At the very least i'd consider changing it to tequila arena.

Not sure why there is a wedge of cheese promptly displayed on the playfield of a wrestling game, it's kind of a one of these things is not like the others moment when i see it.

look forward to seeing your progress.

The theme really is more "Nacho Libre" rather than a serious pinball table with a "Lucha Libre" theme. Perhaps the theme is just not your cup of tea. So we think all things Mexican in one way or another fits the brief, also all the rules aren't exactly like in Lucha Libre, it's not like it's an official table.

There is a little back-and-forth going on, perhaps not as obvious. If you miss the lanes/ramps and hit the things on the sides the opponent counter attacks and get more health.

Thanks for your feedback! We read everything and take all feedback into consideration.


Color Monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Yesss.. Great i really like this new table physics are good a bit more flex than the Rob O Bot table, have to say that i like the lightning and deep colours more of the Rob O Bot table, thanks guys, is there a new version of Rob O Bot on its way ?

Yeah it's a little bit lighter, perhaps room for some adjustments.

We have submitted a patch which fix/tweaks various things for both Masks and Rob. Hopefully out in a few days.


Color Monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Got to play a bit more

- like the two new modes - random award and multiball
-think you mentioned the multiball camera will be fixed in the submitted update - the one in masks works well.
- the green safe light on the right outlane sometimes not lit even though the kickback was active
- the two strings of green bonus light don't always match up - unless I missing something and they are adding up (x5 + x4 = x9)
- if the 2 bonus strings are redundant maybe make the one on the right a counter toward multiball
- instructions say extra ball at 50 mil - I was awarded one at the left trap at 10mil -KEEP IT at 10mil. :)

-Orange bonus lights on bottom seem to be glitching - had a 5x bonus and only 2x was lit - counted correctly at end of ball bonus.
- not sure purple tequila bar lights on left are working -sometimes bottom 2 would not be lit - should be blinking (not hit) or solid (hit)?

Thanks for finding the bugs!


Color Monkey
Nov 21, 2012
Just wanted to say thanks for the support and the feedback. I try to reply to everyone, but rest assure everything is read and noted and forwarded to the team for further discussions.

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Yeah it's a little bit lighter, perhaps room for some adjustments.

We have submitted a patch which fix/tweaks various things for both Masks and Rob. Hopefully out in a few days.

Great Anders and thanks for your quick response and the upcoming fix n tweaks update !!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
question on the nature of the new rbot

loving the faster more variable shots but the right outlane does seem exessively greedy and hitting a close cimbat shot tends to feed to the right outlane and without a fun tioning nudge all you can do is watch.

im all fir the difficulty hike but with that bloodt out lane my average score has dropped from 50 million to 10 ...which im actually all for except that theres little to no hope with some balls reguard that outlane heh

im nkt saying dumb it down by any means but the risk vs reward needs alittle tweaking! i rarely feel like anything going right is a safe shot atm

edit sorry forgot my question

was thenhuge increase in difficulty intentional?

if so cool but even somright outlane is nuts
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New member
Jun 4, 2012
edit2 olease dont make it easier by any strech! im liking this new difficulty setting onky thing unfair lretty much is again the right outlane!

sorry adernaline

fun times


New member
Jun 4, 2012
dude it doesnt even go anywhere near the thing feeds directky to the right outlane:/

the reach of the flipper even with oerfect timing rareky has a chance of even deflecting it atm

ah well maybe im just grumbling


New member
Sep 14, 2013
There could be a brief ballsaver on Rob-O-Bot just to make the tables more similar.
The right outlane is really hungry and the kickback shot gets reflected back into the outlane. Often i can't even touch the ball before it drains. At least yesterday I was #10 on the leaderboards and shouldn't complain.:)


New member
Jun 4, 2012
thats lretty much what i was trying to say sorry i get excited

just to clarify my issue

hitting the close combat shot all too often directky feeds the right outlane and since its required for fighting the rbot a 1 in 3 chance of a right outlane drain direct of that ramp seems unfair

also its above the flippers arc at all angles and timing

otherwise im all good!
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New member
Jul 12, 2014
The theme really is more "Nacho Libre" rather than a serious pinball table with a "Lucha Libre" theme. Perhaps the theme is just not your cup of tea. So we think all things Mexican in one way or another fits the brief, also all the rules aren't exactly like in Lucha Libre, it's not like it's an official table. .

I like the theme a lot. :) it's a fun table.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I've been neglecting Robot as Mask is too much fun for me right now. The DMD animation at the start of multiball is top notch.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
There is a little back-and-forth going on, perhaps not as obvious. If you miss the lanes/ramps and hit the things on the sides the opponent counter attacks and get more health.

Had troubles w/ bastardio aka CEO 2x - I could hit all the required ramps to get him to the knock out phase - but if you miss the center KO shot - which as mentioned is not an easy shot as it seemingly should be - it's all over as everything, ramps, posts etc. restore his health - the only shots available are the tequila bar and for some reason the post to the right of the tequila bar. These are pretty much impossible to hit without hitting the aforementioned - everything else.


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I've been neglecting Robot as Mask is too much fun for me right now. The DMD animation at the start of multiball is top notch.

I like the DMDs all around - hats off to the animator. I would like to know how that's made! Software, technique, process.

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