Battle of the Tables - Quarter Finals


New member
Mar 7, 2013
So we've got just 8 teams left and most of the big guns are still standing, heres the draw for the quarter finals...

Whirlwind v Twilight Zone
Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars
Centaur v Monster Bash
T2 v Theatre of Magic

Voting closes Monday, 11pm uk time, 3pm pacific time. any tied matchups and it stays open for another 2 hour, first new voter in that time decides it. if there isnt a decider in that time the most votes over the past 2 rounds decides it, if its still tied then the least amount of votes against is the clincher


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone - Hate whirlwind so TZ wins by default.
Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars - Who made this match up? THis should have been the final. MM wins as it's a touch better than AFM.
Centaur v Monster Bash - Too easy.
T2 v Theatre of Magic - TOM is such fun!


New member
Mar 7, 2013
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone - although im one of those who favour DMD tables hugely over the earlier ones, id like to see at least one non DMD table in the last 4. that said i cant possibly vote for whirlwind here, its a very good table and all but not in the same class as TZ

Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars - ugh, love them both and i dont want to choose. if youd asked me 2 weeks ago i may have said AFM, if youd asked me 2 weeks before that my answer may have been different again. even now ive just remembered some of my favourite AFM lines and am tempted to change my mind, but no, im definitely sticking with MM. i think.

Centaur v Monster Bash - objectively monster bash is definitely a better table in my eyes, ive had some great games on it in the past and its always been up there as one of my favourites. however im voting for centaur because a) im not loving monster bash these days quite as much as i have done, b) ive probably played more centaur than any other table this past week or so, ive had the odd good game in the past but its totally clicked for me recently and im well into it right now, and c) im guessing centaur is gonna need as much help as possible to avoid a complete battering in this matchup.

T2 v Theatre of Magic - T2 definitely isnt the best table on TPA, but its probably my favourite, more for sentimental reasons than anything else but i do think it has a better flow than TOM, anything you hit on T2 is a good thing to hit whereas on TOM its largely just going for the trunk over and over again


Jan 30, 2013
Twilight Zone - I do love whirlwinds upper flipper and 3-way combo, but TZ has everything and then some.

Medieval Madness - AFM is a very good table, but it's still a weaker version of MM.

Centaur - Even though they have MB at my local arcade, and there's only 5 tables there, I never play MB. I just can't get an inspired feeling for it. This might change in the future and I won't believe I didn't like it. But right now I'd rather play centaur.

Theatre of Magic - T2 is action packed for sure, but ToM has the magic.


Nov 9, 2012
Twilight Zone
Attack from Mars
Monster Bash
Theatre of Magic

I'd be quite content in a four-machine arcade with this list.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone I don't know the proper way to setup a elimination bracket, but it seems like everything against TZ has been unfairly matched.. shoulda been TZ vs. STNNG or MM I would think
Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars
Centaur v Monster Bash
T2 v Theatre of Magic


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone I don't know the proper way to setup a elimination bracket, but it seems like everything against TZ has been unfairly matched.. shoulda been TZ vs.

Thats a good point. Brackets probably should have been setup so say 70's-80's tables went up against each other (so we have a winner at that level), with 90's etc tables doing similar. THis way we have what is voted the best table from that era vs the best from other era's in the semi's.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Whirlwind v Twilight Zone - wow TZ keeps getting mediocre opposition to blast through.

Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars - Yikes. I dislike Medieval and want it out, but it's going to win this one. It's not as good a game because of that awkward required stacking of Trolls into Multiball Madness. (Miss Troll Madness and you're _screwed_ on getting Master of Trolls unless you can complete an entire cycle through Royal.) Besides that, it's just not as flowy with the constant castle kickouts. I'd rather play AFM any day of any week. But AFM is going to lose. Everyone will be reflexively voting for the updated model of the pair.

Centaur v Monster Bash - I still want MB to win the whole thing and it should win this easily. Centaur is fine for its era but can't match a quality modern DMD pin.

T2 v Theatre of Magic - Theatre is going to win easily, but I'm a steadfast T2 lover, and only a bit biased by owning a real one. :) T2 is exactly what it planned to be. TOM always feels like it fell a bit short of its aspirations, lots going on but doesn't quite hang together coherently.


Whirlwind v Twilight Zone - As much as i would've liked to vote for Whirlwind, Twilight Zone just has more to it when you compare these two games. Yes TZ can be a very reductionist game if played to simply get LITZ, but the same can be said about WW, push the multiplier up and complete the cellar awards etc.

Medieval Madness v Attack From Mars - Similar layouts and modes, but I find that the final modes on AFM don't feel so much like wood chopping to get through the final saucers, even repeating multiball, and total annihilation have good replay value. Whereas with MM it really seems like if you don't stack things "properly" then the game has less scoring potential.

Centaur v Monster Bash - Maybe this is a vote to just get an older game to the semis, but both games have their frustrating moments, but getting a 5 ball multiball in Centaur seem much more satisfying than in Monster Bash.

T2 v Theatre of Magic - the battle of ramps and loops goes to the one whose ramps aren't quite so finicky :p


Mar 25, 2013
Twilight Zone
Attack From Mars - The difficult choice for me as they are about equal but still lean towards AFM as my more favorite theme and gameplay.
Centaur - Keep going back and forth on this one. I don't care so much for Monster Bash but then was thinking if I had only 50 cents left to play one game I'd probably choose it over Centaur. But going with Centaur. I don't love it but there's less not to like about it than Monster Bash.
Theatre of Magic

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