Request Beta of Pinball Arcade for PC?

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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
There was talk about the kickstarters getting to test the tables they backed for. I'm not going to spend ages looking for the source but it was definitely said. I think it was to make amends for the continuing delay of the Xbox version.


Aug 6, 2013
I have read this thread and some others, and I'm quite amused. You guys donated hundred of dollars, and yet you don't even get access to the beta. And what amazes me is that most of you already own TPA tables on multiple platforms. Will there be any improvement on PC version? Better graphics and lighting than the ps3 version? Or will it be a mere port?

All right, as someone who didn't donate money to the sect, and since I'm not entitled to anything as a mere consumer, here is what I am going to do: I will log off, and if the game isn't available on Steam by the end of August I will log in again to see what is going on here. In the mean time, enjoy refreshing the forum and speculating about the beta release.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Correct me if I'm wrong, but absolutely nothing has been shown of the PC version. No videos, not even a screenshot. So we actually have no idea how it will look. They were talking about wanting to be "on par" with the consoles, but that was about a year ago. They said dynamic lightning wouldn't be in there just yet. So my best hope is something that looks better than Android.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
There was also mention of those who chose PC as a platform in the KS would get the 1st 4 table pack for free as part of their reward. I can't find the Podcast though so if anyone can find that post it here.

I heard this somewhere too because I remember getting excited that I would be getting the core table pack for free.

There was talk about the kickstarters getting to test the tables they backed for. I'm not going to spend ages looking for the source but it was definitely said. I think it was to make amends for the continuing delay of the Xbox version.

I definitely remember this also and it was much earlier than the mention in Newsletter 14.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
There was also mention of those who chose PC as a platform in the KS would get the 1st 4 table pack for free as part of their reward. I can't find the Podcast though so if anyone can find that post it here.

Ok so the quote I was referring to was from the Round 1 interview with Jeff.

Here's the Link and he discusses the steam version starting at 9:45

Partial quote from the interview:
I'm actually surprised we haven't sent that out yet, that's one of the goals we had earlier in the year was to get all the kickstarter PC guys a version of the game that had the 4 launch tables and the table they backed and its still the plan and I cant see why we cant get that to you guys relatively soon

Again no actual mention of the beta but he references KS pc pledgers getting a build with the 4 launch tables and their backed table.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Correct me if I'm wrong, but absolutely nothing has been shown of the PC version. No videos, not even a screenshot. So we actually have no idea how it will look. They were talking about wanting to be "on par" with the consoles, but that was about a year ago. They said dynamic lightning wouldn't be in there just yet. So my best hope is something that looks better than Android.
High-level backers of the Twilight Zone kickstarter had the option to test TZ on PC at the end of last year. So a few people - at most there would have been 15 of us - have seen an early build of the PC version. It looked like the screenshots of the 360 version, but being a beta (more like an alpha, really), it did not have any sort of fancy graphics techniques in use. It was definitely better looking than any of the mobile versions.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I didn't think the core was going to be free. I thought we would have access to our Kickstarter tables and the core tables. That was prior to Steam. Once Steam came about I thought we would have access to the core tables, our Kickstarter tables and then the rest would be demos.
This was all from information coming from them.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
High-level backers of the Twilight Zone kickstarter had the option to test TZ on PC at the end of last year. So a few people - at most there would have been 15 of us - have seen an early build of the PC version. It looked like the screenshots of the 360 version, but being a beta (more like an alpha, really), it did not have any sort of fancy graphics techniques in use. It was definitely better looking than any of the mobile versions.

I was in that group and I was really impressed with the PC build of TZ. Till that point I had only ever played on ios and the difference was huge, the table looked great. People who played the xbox version though probably wouldn't have seen a difference at that time.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I was able to request keys today. I'm not sure how long it takes, I think I read it can take up to 1 business day, but I'm not sure.

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
Beta Testing Tiers for Kickstarter Backers

Those of you who are talking about receiving emails re: beta access, is that just for those of you who backed at $400? I'm still unsure of whether I should get access to anything pre-release or not, given I backed TNG for $50 and T2 for $100 (and selected PC for both as one of the platforms).

Someone mentioned on the other page that they should have beta access because they backed at $100 but I can't recall seeing that in writing anywhere else.

Shaneus, beta access started at $500+ for Twilight Zone and Star Trek Backers.

It starts at $300+ for T2. All tiers below the $300 pledge amount receive the game as soon as the unlock codes are distributed to us from the corresponding companies (PSN, Steam).

Beta testers are the only backers to receive early access to tables.

You can reference the previous Kickstarter pages here:
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Twilight Zone


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just so everyone knows, FarSight is releasing a Beta build to ALL backers that elected the PC version as their platform of choice on The Twilight Zone and/or Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter campaigns that way they can play the table they backed and see how the PC version looks.

So it looks like the idea everyone had about getting the Beta at the $100 level or lower for PC came from this post. Now since that was posted there have been multiple changes in the personnel at farsight who handle the kickstarter related stuff. The original staff was replaced by Rosa and now Mike Lindsey is handling the fulfillment. Is it possible there was some mis-communication along the way, or was this information false form the beginning?

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
I received my questionaire, but I pledged at the beta tier. They are probably handling the beta levels 1st since it should be in beta in a week or 2.

Actually now that I checked it wasn't the KS survey they usually send. It was PM through KS specifically about the beta. Everyone will probably get the survey closer to the end of the month.

You are correct. We are handling Beta first to make sure everyone that is entitled can start at the first available moment on their preferred platform.

Mike Lindsey

FarSight Employee
Jul 23, 2013
Just so everyone knows, FarSight is releasing a Beta build to ALL backers that elected the PC version as their platform of choice on The Twilight Zone and/or Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter campaigns that way they can play the table they backed and see how the PC version looks.

PinWiZ, Can you point me to where this was stated? Want to make sure we get any past promises fulfilled. I was not aware of this. I'm going off the information on the original Kickstarter pages.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
PinWiZ, Can you point me to where this was stated? Want to make sure we get any past promises fulfilled. I was not aware of this. I'm going off the information on the original Kickstarter pages.

That was quoted from the farsight facebook page just after the new year But pinwiz would know for sure.
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