Wait, you can level up the rewind wizard power? I thought only the passive powers could get upgraded. Huh.
I'll sheepishly admit that I went out to 1 ball challenge and levelled up my rewind wizard power to 8 to give me an advantage. It was both easy and tedious.
Speaking of, takes a long time to level those things up on this table. When tournament started, all mine were at base level, as is often the case for me. Usually by the end of the week, most are maxed out. This table, they’re all still around 5 or 6. I used bumper and distance up until the final say as those were yielding best for me. I switched out distance for multi ball knowing I could run the table and start final encounter and that wound up being the very thing that put my score over the top. I only had that up to a level 4.
The final encounter is what got my score up too. I used bumper and multiball.